Erin, part 30 is absolutely amazing!
"I know! I could go to work with you! I'd love to see Perry and Jimmy again, and I could help you on whatever stories you have going!"
Clark chuckled. "Lois, I don't think Corporate has approved a 'Bring a Girlfriend to Work' week."
Hurry home, would you?"
Clark felt himself pause at her words. A warm feeling started in his heart and spread out from there. He'd been so lonely for so long. He'd traveled the world over in search of something...something that would make his life feel worthwhile.
And now, standing there in his apartment, was the woman he loved, telling him to hurry home. No words had ever sounded more beautiful to his ears.
This part turned me into a giant puddle of WaFFY of goo!!!
A sudden longing burned through her. This was definitely something she could get used to--sitting at a desk across from Clark, watching him work, and knowing he was there to bounce ideas off of or collaborate with on the next big story. It felt comforting, somehow. Right.
Yes what are you going to do to make that happen?!?!
Or he could lose one. If Clark decided to move to San Francisco, the talented team might be taken advantage of by the Chronicle.
Perry frowned. He couldn't let that happen. Aside from losing an obviously incredible team, he had grown very fond of Clark. He'd come to love him almost as a son. He'd much rather keep Clark around and gain a daughter.
He sighed when he realized he likely didn't have any say in the matter. But the least he could do was try to tip the scales in his favor, to make Lois's experience here mean enough to her that she might consider the possibility down the road.
Yay Perry! He's here to help our noble cause of keeping these two happy and together!!!
Alrighty! Thats all for now... I could keep going all night, but I'll leave some quotes for other people too!