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Sorry about the slight delay... Had to give my wonderful beta-reader the time she needed to get this done. A special thanks to her. While this will answer a great many questions, it will probably create a dozen more. Just hang in there. I promise I'll get to the answers everyone's looking for. Thanks again for reading and all the wonderful feedback.
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Gawd, SDQ! This is heartbreaking... Please post more, and make it better soon Excellent part, just so very sad... Melisma (  under her Rock)
Do, or do not. There is no try. - Yoda
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Jose (wondering if the kid is Clark's son  )
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hey... What a wonderful part... Hey Jose i'm sure that the kid is Clark's son looking foward for more Meni 
Is it a bird?" "Is it a plane?" "No, it's just a guy in tights and a cape!"
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Obviously whatever she'd once felt for him was merely an infatuation because the child was old enough to have been conceived within weeks of his imprisonment. She hadn't wasted any time putting Clark behind her before she'd moved on Ahhhhhhhhhh...how dumb is he?!? ![[Linked Image]](http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/aktion/action-smiley-060.gif) Does he really think that she would have forgotten him like that and jumped into bed with another man!?! :rolleyes: Hey Jose i'm sure that the kid is Clark's son YES!!! I wanted to cry for Clark too, pushing away all his feelings and thinking that his old life doesn't matter..  !! This was so great, but now I just want MORE, MORE, MORE!! ~Liz
Lois: Can I go? Clark: No. Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go. Clark: Then why do you ask? Lois: I’m trying to be nice.
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Ooh. This is getting *so* interesting! Don't keep us in suspense for *too* long! Jen 
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Clark's never been all that bright about personal things. As mentioned above, there's no way Lois would start sleeping with someone else before his body got cold in the ground. How it never occurs to him that he has a son is baffling. SQD, thank you for not making Lois, Luthor's wife.  And make Clark wise up. Nine years in Purgatory have atrophied his brain. I'm very much looking forward to Part 9. So roughly how many parts will this story end up being?
-- Roger
"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin
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Oh good grief. Hand me that 2x4 over there, will you? No, not that one, I need the one that's glowing kinda green... When reading something like this, It also seemed that man had given her more than his company. He'd given her his son. Lois had a son. Clark had been devastated. Obviously whatever she'd once felt for him was merely an infatuation because the child was old enough to have been conceived within weeks of his imprisonment. She hadn't wasted any time putting Clark behind her before she'd moved on. I'd like to think that this is as lunkheaded as Clark can possibly get in this story, but I have a feeling that it's just going to get worse. ![[Linked Image]](http://images.bravenet.com/brpics/smilie/banghead.gif) Geez. It's true that Clark hasn't always used clearheaded thinking about personal issues, as others have mentioned, but this is ridiculous, even for him... So we can guess that he's probably going to treat Lois badly when he does finally come face to face with her. I don't think this is going to be pretty. I'm trying to get a mental picture of Clark with silver hair, but I'm having problems. So it's all silver-grey now, no black at all? Yeah, that would definitely make him look different. And it's good that his "Superman" instincts haven't resurfaced, because such a drastic change in hair colour would be a bit difficult to hide. And add my thanks to the rest that Lois didn't end up with Lex. As has been said, that would have been difficult to work through (for all of us!). I'm wondering who this "boyfriend" is. Maybe it's Scardino... KathyM
"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Great part I can`t wait to read more As he leaned closer to the looking glass, his fingers stroked his temples and the silvered hair that now graced them. He'd believed at first that the silvery-grey streaks would revert to their original dark shade with the return of his powers, but that hadn't happened Does this mean he has his powers back  What happens when he hears a call for help? I am hoping Clark/Conner realizes he has a son-I hope- and that he and Lois realize that they are still in love sunshine
A friend is somebody that knows everything about you and still likes you
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Clark's never been all that bright about personal things. Maybe he doesn't know that births can come not only earlier but also later than expected. Well, in Monte Cristo, the boy *was* Mercedes's husband's son and there was the duel problem: will Monte Crisrto harm Mercedes's son in order to avenge to his father? I remember one fanfic where the Kryptonian gestation time was six months, so poor Lois thought her child was Lex's when it actually was Clark's.
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Oh Wow Poor Clark, I feel so sorry for him. I hope he's discovered soon. maybe Matha will see right through him. Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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FDK: Pulgatory Part 8 Hi, Wow! Great part.  Lois got money to make Luthor life in living h**l. Lois blinked as her eyes filled with tears. She wrapped her arms around his neck for another hug. To her, this man was her father. He'd taken the position when her real father refused to do so. And Perry had been through so much the last few years. It was his need to see certain injustices righted that had led him to run for mayor. Lois had worked at his side and their city was changing for the better.
Perry had also lost his wife to a tragic car accident right after he took office. His sons had rallied to support their father. The once wayward sons came home again. They had met and bonded with both Lois and Jimmy and all were one big family now, along with spouses and children. As much as such things had once scared Lois to death, finding her place in a loving environment, surrounded by others that loved you in return as much as you did them, was now the only place she wanted to be.  Good for Perry have a big family and a lot of grandchildren. Finally, but with a heavy heart, he resolved that all he was working to accomplish was more important than whatever he'd once felt for Lois Lane. Edward had told him on the way home that she lived at Port Royal with her on again, off again boyfriend. It also seemed that man had given her more than his company. He'd given her his son. Lois had a son. Clark had been devastated. Obviously whatever she'd once felt for him was merely an infatuation because the child was old enough to have been conceived within weeks of his imprisonment. She hadn't wasted any time putting Clark behind her before she'd moved on.
And what did that mean in regards to his parents? They lived at Port Royal as well. He also learned they worked for Lois in one of her many endeavors.  What is this? She lived with her on again, off again boyfriend. Who is he? The child was old enough to have been conceived within weeks of his imprisonment. I dont like what he is thinking of Lois and his parents. More soon, please. MAF PS FDK: Pulgatory Part 8 (Number?)
Maria D. Ferdez. --- Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age. MAF
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I usually don't comment, simply lurk;(I know, I'm bad)but, I just couldn't help saying something about this story. It's fantastic! I'm so hooked I want to scream when there isn't a new section. The characterization and story line is so very unique that I'm waiting with baited breath for the next part. Correct that, I'm salavating! I agree with the others that Clark has taken lunkhead to a whole new level, but I suppose when you're drowing in the need for revenge you don't think clearly to begin with. Please, please continue this quickly. I don't think my blood pressure can take much more. One thing I'd like to point out regarding an earlier comment; I do believe the gray is simply at his temples, not complete coverage, but the other changes would amply allow for a distinctly different appearance. Again, please hurry! Thanks, Catherine
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SQD very good instalment. It was tense, emotional, and very well written. I plan to stay around to see what happens even though I think you've taken Clark too far afield.
It was shown in the series that he could have a stubborn streak, but the single-mindedness of his adopted 'mission' seems to be too all consuming. I look forward to its unraveling.
I agree that Clark is taking lunkheadedness to an all time high here, but the child doesn't have to be his, or even Lois'. My first thought was that it belonged to this 'other man' in her life.
While no one can blame Lois for the want and need of male companionship, I think the on again, off again nature of her relationship tells us that she really isn't over the loss of Clark.
Of course, you've set this up perfectly for Clark to really mess it up even if Lois finds out who he really is.
Tank (who, against his better judgement, is hooked and waiting for more)
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Features Writer
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excellent segment stopquitdont ditto others Please let Clrak wake up soon more soon please merry
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Freelance Reporter
Freelance Reporter
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When are you posting the next part? Is it done? Is it being beta read? Where is it? Sorry to be so rude.
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Beat Reporter
Beat Reporter
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Hey! Ive just had the chance to catch up with this story and I want to say a couple of things, the most important being YOU'RE SOOOOO EVIL!  And Clark, oh surprise, a little lunkhead. A few weeks after he disappeared? Try a few days before... The kid's your son! Looking forward to seeing how you manage to bring them back together (because you'd better!!!!  ) Cris