Alcyone - thanks for confirming what I have suspected for some time now. For the past year, since I read some reply from Sue S (I don't remember the exact message), and she mentioned that she had also written fanfiction for the X-Files, I had a feeling that she might be Suzanne Schramm.
I have to admit that in addition to being one of my favorite authors on these boards, she is also one of my favorite X-Files authors. I have had copies of her stories on my computers for almost 10 years. I just keep transferring them from one computer to another as I replace them. In fact, I still have the link to her old website. I know it doesn't exist any longer, but I have never deleted it as a favorite. It serves as a reminder when I feel like re-reading old stories.
God knows I have read all of Sue's stories multiple times! (No pressure, but if Sue wanted to post a new story anytime soon, I would be happy to read that instead of the old ones

Since I am still an avid reader of X-Files fanfiction, I would have to recommend that you check out
Ephemeral - The X-Files Fanfic Auto-Archive . New stories are still being posted here and links are available to the different Gossamer Archives.
I have other links to some of my favorite authors if anyone is interested.