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Features Writer
Features Writer
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I was thinking about the board on my way to work today. (40 miles = lots of think time, which can be a dangerous thing if I start thinking about nfic. If you ever hear about a 20-car pile-up in Seattle, visual images of Clark in the shower may be the cause.) OK, back to the point. I was thinking about how this board is such a mood-lifter, and how I have made some really great friends here. <sniffs>
So I thought I'd share the love, and see who else is feeling it. (And I decided to have everyone show the love to three people so it's not too hard to narrow it down.)
So I ask you to fill in the blanks:
I love this board because ...
I want to give a shout-out to ... 1. 2. 3.
My answers:
I love this board because ... I'm extremely hard on myself, and I constantly second-guess my work, up until the moment I hit post on a story, and sometimes afterward, too. It really is a wonderful feeling to see people read and compliment your work, whether it's a one-sentence feedback or one that could fill a page. As an author, I think we have the greatest readers in this fandom. It's an amazing pick-me-up on the worst of days.
I want to give a shout-out to ... 1. SheilaH, for being an amazing fic mentor. She doesn't even write nfic these days, but she set the bar high, and I often look to her writing style and stories for inspiration.
2. JenniDebb, for going against the grain and writing fic that is awesome and different. "My Wife the Boss" takes risks -- and pays off.
3. GuineaPants, for diving headfirst into the L&C universe. It can be daunting task for a newbie to come into such an established fandom, and she brings a great, fresh outlook.
Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"
Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."
"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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What an awesome thread Twin! I love this board because ... I have found a group of people who get as obsessed with things as I do. Hee hee. And because it really is a community of friends, even though so many of us have never met in person. At LAFF, I was so impressed how we all just meshed so well. My non-LnC friends who saw my pics from LAFF were commenting on how it seemed like we had known each other forever. I want to give a shout-out to ... 1. Ann - Because I love how she's so involved in every section of these boards. I love the visuals she posts with most of her posts. And even though we don't agree on many things, I always really enjoy discussing various topics with her. 2. Teej - Because I feel like she's my kindred spirit. We have the same religious beliefs, political beliefs, and a similar sense of humor. She also reached out to me on the boards at a time when I was really needing it. Plus, Concubines! Nuff' said. 3. Jenn - Yes, I am going to say my twin. Not because I feel like I should cause she's my twin or because she started the thread. But because she's been a really fun friend and I've enjoyed getting to know her in RL so much. I'm also such an introvert and she helped bring me out of my shell and get to know other awesome people on these boards. I love you twin. 
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
-George Bernard Shaw
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Okay here is my atempt to help spread the morale...
I love this board because ...It is so great to be able to talk to others who like the same things that I do. Also putting something from my mind to here and the feedback on it usually makes me positivally giddy. I love it here!
I want to give a shout-out to ... 1. Jenn, for being a totally rockin' beta and rockin' author! 2. Jessi, for I did not actually dive into this fandom...but rather was pushed in...then upon the realization that I loved it began to swim in it with enthusiasm...wait...I digress...Thank you Jessi for introducing me to this awesome fandom, these awesome people...and for being truly awesome herself. 3. Lara, cause as an author she roxers the boxers....and she rocks just as hard as a beta...and rocks harder as a friend.
Really all three of them are great and I love them all *HUGS* and many others.
"Madness is like gravity...it just takes a little push." ~The Joker
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Joined: Dec 2006
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Jenn, you stole my thunder, lol! I sent Lara and Michael emails yesterday saying that I was planning on posting a folc appreciation thread today. I am happy to see that you thought so, too. :)I love your Clark comment, btw. So I ask you to fill in the blanks: I love this board because ...The folcs on it so so friendly and genuine, as well as a group, a rare quality in an mb. I love how we inspire one another to write fics and help with the creating/editing of them. It's also a place to share some Clark dreamin' I want to give a shout-out to ... 1. Michael, for being a wonderful beta and online friend, and for his two current amazing stories! I still am in awe at how he manages to write a good 10 pages per part! 2.LabRat, for all she does on a dialy basis and for always being so friendly and quick in replying to a help email question. Thank you to all the other message board crew. 3.Rather than simply picking one final person, here's a hug and kudos to everyone on here. Mona
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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I love this board because of threads like this. No seriously, I love how much everyone cares for each other and how they want to give each other a little boost. I love that people can post up prayer requests or disappointments and achievements and everyone comes out of the woodwork to support you. Plus there are so many talented people in one place it is hard to resist coming by to visit you all.
I want to give a shout-out to ...
1. ML Thompson. Seriously, I love everything you write and the reason is because it is always so different than anything I've read before. I'm so glad you are still around and belting out great stories for us. I love how fresh all your ideas are and I can't wait to see more from you. (I promise to come in and give some FDK on your new one soon!)
2. Lara... well for being Lara. It's been nice to have someone to geek out with and who let me force anime on her. Plus the fact that she is constantly doing beta for so many people on this board! She is a hard worker behind the scenes of so many fics that grace our boards (really check the authors notes!).
3. TOC. I know some people get frustrated with you sometimes but I greatly admire someone who sticks by their opinions so strongly. If it weren't for people like you nothing in the world would change and none of us would ever question our own opinions. I know I've thought more seriously about my own opinions while perusing one of your threads. I may not agree with what you say all the time but at least you have helped me think about what I do believe and to me that is worth it's weight in gold.
Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH! Lois: Ork!
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I love this board because through the fandom I have met some of my best friends, and because I love watching everyone's music videos. I think the music videos may have been one of the big things that brought me to the boards in the first place. I want to give a shout-out to ... 1. Jenn AND Kate because, seriously, what would I do without them? They keep me sane and are always there for me. 2. Lara - perhaps the AWESOMEST vidder out there,  a fun person, and a good friend. Plus, all the squeeing makes me feel like my crazy obsessions are totally normal. 3. Stephanie because she has been such a huge encouragement to me lately in so many ways.
- Lauren
There's a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive, wormhole refractors. You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold. ~10th Doctor
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I'll split mine into two parts:
I love this board because... as an avid reader, I'm never at a loss for something new and wonderful to sink my teeth into!
I want to give a shout-out to: YOU ALL. For the many people who keep this place running, for people like Jenn who start threads like these and the recent polls to chill in, and for everyone here. I've yet to settle down somewhere for a while, and no matter where I move, I know that you guys always have my back and I always have friends here. And know that you can always expect the same from me.
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Joined: Dec 2003
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I love this board because of the positive atmosphere of the people who post here. I enjoy the quality of writing on display in the fic here and the respectful, intelligent debate that covers a wide range of topics.
I want to give a shout-out to:
1. alcyone - for being such a spot-on beta reader. My writing is worthy of being posted only after I have addressed her constructive criticism.
2. Sue S. - for reaching out to me at LAFF and inviting me to lunch. I had so much fun that day and it was all because she took the time to talk to me and introduce me to a vibrant group of hysterical FOLCs.
3. jojo_da_crow - for suggesting the ramen place, resulting in the most fun I've ever had standing in a parking lot. I loved laughing with everyone at dinner that night and hope to get the chance to do it again.
You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I love this board because it is full of imagination and expression with the common link of Lois and Clark... I love the friendships I have made, and the interesting people who write (both good and bad fics).. and I love a lot of the fics... it's very inspiring as a reader to see a fandom with such amazing writers. I want to give a shout out to: EditorJax - You are THE BEST nfic writer on these boards at the moment. I jump in delight every time I see you post something (gfic and nfic) because your stories are so true to character, and yet so emotionally powerful.. beautiful... I hope more of the world see's your power with words one day. JenniDebb - Your ear to lean on, your friendship, guidance and support. And you write a great gfic story even if your Clark can't fly. LaraMoon - Long live the BAT! I love your fics, and I always sit there reading, wondering when a bat will make it's appearance... Thank you for the huge smiles your writing always brings. 
"He's my best friend, best of all best friends Do you have a best friend too It tickles in my tummy He's so Yummy Yummy Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box
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Joined: Mar 2006
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I love this board because ... For all the same reasons that everyone above me has listed. It's an amazing place to hang out and it's populated by some of the most generous, supportive, intelligent and laugh-out-loud funny people it's ever been my pleasure to encounter. I want to give a shout-out to ...1. The board admins. I can't even begin to comprehend how much time and effort you've all put into creating and maintaining this site. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates just how singular this place is. A large measure of the credit for that accomplishment is due to the example and enthusiasm of our admins. 2. Anyone who has ever left me feedback, whether public or private. For over two years now, I have laughed at your wit and blushed at your compliments and been given food for thought by your insights and it has been a thrilling ride. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who made that possible. 3. Deborah Joy Levine. Without her, I wouldn't be here. It was her vision for the characters that I fell in love with and can't get out of my head all these years later. 
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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Joined: Jul 2006
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/sends hugs to everyone. You guys got me all sniffly reading this thread. I love this board because ... people here are just awesome - welcoming, encouraging, enthusiastic, friendly... you name it. (And hey, y'all even put up with all my annoying Bat-related obsessions, so you ought to be commanded for that!) I've made several friends here, some of whom I'm closer to than people I know in "real life" and that's a very precious thing. This is a wonderful community and I'm very happy to be able to say that I'm a part of it. I want to give a shout-out to ...(first off, limiting to three makes it HAAAARD!) 1. MrsMosley (Lisa) - for being the sweet, wonderful and generous person that she is; because she's the one who got me onto LiveJournal, and because of this "little" idea she had one day that's had a huge, positive impact on myself and several other girls. *hugs you tight* You rock, girl! 2. Eva - for sharing some of my obsessions (*giggles*) and always leaving such fun and detailed feedback, even on video clips. It's always nice to know when people react to something the way you hoped they would.  Thank you! 3. Jojo - for being such a positive and encouraging person, because she always knows just what to say to make people feel better (or at least *me* - hehe!) and for pointing me in the direction of a few LJ communities where I could post all that "other stuff" I write - cause yeah, that's probably silly, but it's made a huge, huge difference in my life, and I'm a much happier bat now. ...and now, because I don't know how to follow directions :cough: and 'cause these aren't specific people, but rather a group of, I'd like to give a big shout-out to anyone and everyone who's participated in all those ficathons and vidathons that I've (sorta-kinda) organized. You guys rock for signing up and coming up with some really awesome stuff - on a deadline!  I thank you for it, from the bottom of my heart.
Superman: Why is it that good villains never die? Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains? => Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
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Beat Reporter
Beat Reporter
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OK, I feel like I am going to repeat everyone else right now, but here goes. I love this board because I have met the most awesome friends here in real life and online. I found this website randomly one day after I had rented S1 at the library and fell in love (and that's not even the best season).  The fic is some of the best fic I have ever read and I love the feedback that everyone gives. The music videos are also AWESOME. I want to give a shout out to... Lauren, because she keeps me sane during the workday and at home. She has the greatest videos and she is one of my new best friends. Jenn, because she has gotten me through some tough times and she writes the best nfic ever! She is the funnest person I have ever shopped with. She is also one of my new best friends. and because there is a limit of 3, Jojo for suggesting the ramen place. I have never had that much fun in a parking lot and the ramen was worth wait  , Stephanie, because we love the same shows and hot actors, Anna, for making me watch Angel and Sue and Lara who were a blast to hang out with in LA. I have so many new friends it's hard name everyone.
Come on Lois you havent said a word since 1866!
Thanks for the avatar, Hana.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Haha, you people don't love me. You just love my ramen.  (JOKING) No seriously, thanks for the love guys. I'm glad we got to meet at LAFF and that you guys are posting more on the boards again. New life to the boards! Wooo!
Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH! Lois: Ork!
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Features Writer
Features Writer
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Awww, I feel so loved right now. I got kinda sniffly. I hope you guys didn't just give me a shout-out because I paid you to. It's threads like these that really show the sense of community this fandom continues to foster almost 15 years since the show debuted. And Jojo, if we admit that we do just love you for your ramen, does that make us bad people? 
Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"
Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."
"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Awww... Jo Jo, the ramen was good but not as awesome as you. And I got all sniffly too. I love all you guys!!
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
-George Bernard Shaw
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I love these boards because this is where I get to read about the two people who became an obsession with me when I was a kid: Superman and Lois Lane. And no "Superman production" has ever done a better job at telling the story about Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane the way I want it to be told than the LnC TV show. But here, on these boards, the story about Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane has been refined even further. I personally think that many of the stories here are better than any of the episodes I've seen. And it's great to be able to give feedback when I've read a story, and also, it's such a treat to read other people's feedback and that way learn more about the story myself! Really, there have been so many times when I've thought to myself, Wow, that's so true, it's wonderful that there are so many people on these boards who offer so many great insights! And like so many people have said already, there is such a warm and positive feeling on these boards. You people rock! I want to give a shout-out to... only three people? Well, that's impossible really, but if those are the rules, I'll have to mention only three. The first one has to be... ...CC Aiken, because she was the one who wrote When The World Finds Out. I posted my very first feedback after I had read that lovely story, and after that there was no going back. There is something about CC's way of writing Lois and Clark that I finds totally irresistible - I guess she may be the one who has come closest to portraying Lois and Clark so that they are just what I want these two people to be. The second person has to be... ...Sue S, for various reasons. She is undoubtedly one of the best writers these boards have ever seen, and no one has ever kept so many readers mesmerized as Sue did with Faustian Bargain. Also, Sue has always kept an eye on me and checked out how I'm doing. Thanks, Sue! The third person has to be... ...no, I can't pick just one person. So like Sue, I'm going to thanks the board admins for keeping these boards running! But really, all of you who keep this great place going, those who write fics and those who post FDK and those who encourage others and those who offer constructive criticism and those who fight for their ideas and opinions - you rock!!! Thank you all!!! Ann