Ooh, another DW fan! Have you found
the Teaspoon ? That's the main DW fic archive. It can seem difficult to navigate at first - over 20,000 stories! - but you can browse by Doctor, search by Doctor, character, specific genre, rating etc under the advanced search.
Another good way of navigating - because, like most fic archives (and especially those, unlike the L&C archive, where there's no editing service) there's dross among the gems - is to find the pages of authors you like and look up their favourite author and favourite story pages. For example, my author page is
here and you can click on the links for my favourite authors and stories. Find other authors you like and do the same.
Have I seen you on LiveJournal, Brenda? If I have, I don't recall or haven't recognised your LJ nick. Feel free to friend me (if you haven't already) and either reply here or PM me on LJ to let me know it's you, and I'll friend back.
Oh, and one other pimp: I'm part of the reviewing team for a community set up specifically to review nominated stories in these awards. Anyone who's interested, do hop over to
Children of Time Nominees Reviews - at the moment, you'll see reviews of some of the nominated stories in Round One, and we'll be starting to post reviews of Round Two nominees in a few days. It's another great way of finding stories you might enjoy