Hi FoLC!
I'm a Jane Austen fan, she's my favourite not-italian author. Aread everything written by her, from Sense and Sensibility to Lady Susan and Sandition, from Emma to Persuasion, but my favourite is without a doubt Pride and Prejudice.
I read it in Italian and in English, and I saw its transpositions in films, from the old one featuring Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier to the recent with Keira Knightley (not my favourite), but I loved the BBC production starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle; these two actors have done such a good work with it!
Now, I'd like to read some novels which tell us "what's happen" after the end, particularly books that write about Elizabeth and Mr Darcy's married life. But there are so many books and so many authors, I don't know my way through this huge amount of "best sellers"! Did you read some of these? Can you give some advices? What novel can be good, what I have to avoid? I'm not hoping for a great piece of art, just a readable book I can spend few pleasant hours with.
Thank you!