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Holy freakin' Cow! I'm first! That was hilarious! I have to admit, that my muse was actually inspired by CC's. So there James
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Top Banana
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Yay, Wendy! Hilarious! And so appropriate. I know that my muse has gone missing for so long I'm starting to think she's emigrated for good. But perhaps it is more the case that she's wandered down south. CC looks so cute and innocent, she *must* be hiding something! What a fun read. Thanks for sharing. Lynn
You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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That was so funny! I admit, I haven't read CC's latest story yet, but I have heard that it is amazing. It was fun matching a muse to an author. Just one small thing -- -- isn't it Michael Rosenbaum (or it might be Rosenblum).
Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)
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This is hilarious, Wendy -- and thanks for slipping me in there. The bit about the H, I, J, and half-formed K's cracked me up. Along with everything else about the whole thing, really  Too funny. So... if CC's muse is gone for a few months, the rest of the muses won't have any good excuses for not inspiring hundreds of pages of waffy, angsty, tragic and comic fanfic! Yay! PJ who adores ellipses *and* semi-colons but is not on speaking terms with commas
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Aaah! So *that's* where my Muse was!! That explains it. ROTFL, Wendy!  That was hilarious and brilliant; I loved every line.  Very witty and funny. Hurrah for semi-colons and ellipses! I love both so there. K;a...e;t...h;e...l 
- I'm your partner. I'm your friend. - Is that what we are? - Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.
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“Are you CC Aiken?” one, speaking in an unfamiliar accent, but which could have been Scottish or perhaps Irish, demanded. “Oh! Well, I’m sure pleased to meet y’all...”
“Can’t say we return the compliment,” the first Muse growled. What???? Poor CC “We wanted to speak to you,” the second said quickly. A western accent, maybe? Utah? Montana? Idaho? “We have some questions to put to you.”  western accent...let me guess... “In Kansas, of course. Smallville, to be exact.”
“Smallville?” CC looked around her. Hoping desperately for a glimpse of... oh, she didn’t know. Maybe Tom Welling? Better still, Michael Rosenstein. Heck, she’d settle for the real Clark Kent. “But they grow wheat in Kansas, not corn. And it’s in the middle of the prairies - there are no mountains...”
“Yeah, and Metropolis isn’t even in the same state as Smallville. But that doesn’t stop *some* writers, does it?” Irish/Scottish Muse grinned sardonically as she spoke. LOL, CC want to see Tom Welling, hahaha,poor CC, she is confused now. “As to how you got here,” the second Muse explained, “That’s simple. Through the window, of course.”
“Window?” CC looked around. “What window?”
“There’s always a window. When you need one, that is.”
“Uh... okay.” Shaking her head, CC decided to focus on the most pressing issue. “You said something about some questions...?” Nooooo, CC please don´t ask.... “Oh, stop pussyfooting around!” a third Muse demanded, appearing as if from nowhere. Shorter than the rest - that made CC feel a *lot* better. In fact, almost as short as she was, which was why the Muse had been invisible up to now. But skinny - slimmer than anyone had a right to be. Her robe was adorned with letters of the alphabet, though, strangely, CC could only pick out H, I and J, with some half-formed Ks. The Muse had just a faint hint of a Southern drawl, which *should* mean there was some affinity between them. “Let’s get on with it. We all know what we’re here for. Just lay out the charges. Unvarnished, unbuttoned, undone, uncaged, unspooled, unleashed... whatever.”
Obviously not. No affinity there. None whatsoever. “Um... charges?” I told you ... “Charges.” The second Muse sighed. “Let the world find out that CC Aiken is hereby charged with the unauthorised abduction and neutralisation of fanfic writers’ muses. While pretending that said muses were merely being taken to a better place, in fact the perpetrator of this massive theft had no intention of sending them back again.” Dear Lord “But... but I never...”
“Quiet!” Scottish/Irish Muse ordered.
CC cowered. The expression on that woman’s face made her feel like something the cat had dragged in. Don´t talk to her like that!°!!!! Poor CC “A second charge relates to the hijacking of reader comments. The evidence is clear - while other writers’ comment folders languished with as few as half a dozen posts or less, Ms Aiken was amassing posts in excess of thirty or even forty.” Wendy: You evil, I laughed until I almost died, dear lord, you are a genious. Karla
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Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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You'd think the least those Muses could do while they're languishing down there in Kansas is write something! Maybe it's the hot sultry weather - does it slow them down? That might explain why my story only gains a word a day... Yvonne
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“But... but... I’m a mom!” CC protested, by now spluttering, almost gibbering at the effort of having had to listen to these trumped-up charges for hours, without so much as even a glass of iced tea. “Three little ones depend on me for peanut butter sandwiches! I teach Sunday School! And help nuns cross the street!” Hmpph. <snort> Nuns, indeed. A likely story! Maybe it's the hot sultry weather - does it slow them down? A ha. Erm, yep. That's why I've never been able to write a story longer than six pages. Humidity distracts me. Mmhmm. Absolutely hilarious! I just loved picking out all the different story references. JD
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Woohoo! Jen noticed the story references!! Just dropping in to give credit where it's due, incidentally. I showed this story to CC and to a few others who appear in cameo form, and CC sent it back to me with utterly hilarious BR comments. One of those comments read as follows: “A second charge relates to the hijacking of reader comments. The evidence is clear - while other writers’ comment folders languished with as few as half a dozen posts or less, Ms Aiken was amassing posts in excess of thirty or even forty.”
Yeah, but... Ok. I have no argument for that. Is it too soon to throw myself on the mercy of the court? I’m a Mom! Three little ones depend on me for peanut butter sandwiches! I teach Sunday School! And help nuns cross the street! so, of course, I just had to add it inl along with a few other gems. Thanks so much, CC, for being such a good sport about this and giving me lots of wonderful entertainment. Wendy PS: I'll explain all the cameos later - let you have fun guessing them first.
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Top Banana
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Oh this was too good! Poor, sweet CC! HA! Wendy you are just sooo good! ~Liz
Lois: Can I go? Clark: No. Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go. Clark: Then why do you ask? Lois: I’m trying to be nice.
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Oh, that's a scream that CC actually made the comment to you, Wendy! Thanks for posting that bit!
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Well. I'm humbly grateful. Completely innocent of all charges... but humbly grateful, just the same. First, because I've never had even a tiny cameo in any of those fics-with-cameos. So, to star in one, I mean, that's just... I can't think what, but thank you! I'm humbled, grateful, etc, etc. You get the picture. Second, if I had any sort of teeny, tiny nits with this, it might be on the repeated 'short' references. Actually, I'm not really short. The problem is all of you are weirdly tall. I don't want to point fingers, name names, hurt feelings, but still... What did your Mamas feed you growing up?? (and up and up) Last, I had the pleasure of finding this is my inbox this morning. Loved it. Decided to take it on the chin, and as a big, fat compliment of which I am undeserving. (But for which I truly am humbly grateful. No. Really. I am.) And I might could point out the irony. That the premise- Wendy is museless- is soundly trounced by the execution of a really funny, clever, well written little fic. I might could point that out, but I won't. Not if Wendy is willing to work in this one last suggestion I had for her. She overlooked it in the final draft, but that was probably accidental. Here: “But anyway,” she insisted, “This is ridiculous! I’ve never intimidated anyone in my life! I mean, holy cow, *look* at me! Do I *look* intimidating? Here might be a nice place to insert descriptive phrases about my looks- ‘unearthly beauty’ ‘dark brown tresses of pure silk’ ‘smile to rival the sun’ ‘freckles like cinnamon sprinkles over... erm... my face.’ Wait! Let Labrat write this part. She does descriptive out the yin-yang! I mean, if I looked like Yvonne, who’s the tallest FoLC I’ve met, or Wendy, who looks totally professorial in that navy blazer...” One quick little edit, Wendy. Just think it over. You don't have to 'yes' right away. And thank you for the lovely and loving, entirely tongue-in-cheek tribute. Did I mention? I'm humbly grateful. CC
You mean we're supposed to have lives?
Oh crap!
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"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Seems like I really need to catch up on CC's latest story... and all the others, that is!!! Wendy, that was... inspired. See ya, AnnaBtG. (wondering who the South African Muse is)
What we've got here is failure to communicate...
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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 - my muse got a part! (So that's where she's been!) Mere (ex-South African)
A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge
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Too cute for words. But do not throw C.C.'s muse in the slammer!  I want more! Artemis BTW, I think we need a rat emoticon!
History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
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What's a muse?
Here, all this time, I thought it was guilt that kept us all writing.
"...petite, dark-haired..." I didn't know that CC looked like Lois Lane.
Tank (who thought that Wendy had a broken elbow)
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It's amazing what you can do with your left hand, Tank... even if you're right-handed! Wendy 
Just a fly-by! *waves*
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Wendy you are quite a nut! Very cute! Cc don't stop writing! Don't listen to those darn jealous muses! Laura
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Caroline's "Stardust"