Hi Kitty.
Well my husband is my best friend and is a better person than I am. He is an extreme gentleman, very intelligent, has a dark morbid sense of humor I love and aspires to be a better person. I look up to him and he makes me want to be a better person.
So anyone want to barf yet?
I met him in 1998 and I worked with him for several years. We got complimented on what a great team we were. I guess he was my supervisor too. We started dating 6 months after we met and got married in 2002(?) I put a ? b/c I can never remember. He remembers all the dates. I can remember what he wore on our first date, but his memory is way better than mine. I’m a clutter freak b/c I need items to jog my memory. I have 99.5% of everything he has given me just to jog my feeble memory.
Of course now we are through the honeymoon phase and I notice that we were so stuck at the hip for so long that we are getting boring! For example, we are bored tonight - AGAIN. He was the first person that I felt completely comfortable with and intellectually challenged (key is I wasn’t afraid to state my opinion) that I gradually stopped hanging out with my friends. He was so positive that it was a blast of fresh air.
We have never fought, but I notice the odd snap...but on my behalf

I have a tendency not to hear him when he talks. I always joke that I am the guy of the relationship.
We are both in a rut - physically at the moment - and my biggest pet peeve is that we cannot motivate each other to workout and so on. I used to very physically active and so was he (oh I loved his muscles!) and it gets me soooooo upset that we keep falling off the trail of becoming physically fit. THAT HAS TO BE MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE ABOUT HIM/US!!!
His positives are too many to mention. I think he is a better person than I am.
I am his first girlfriend (he is 31 now so you do the math) and he was my first serious BF (I am now 28). I had a couple guys like me, but he was the first one that I decided to go for. (reason: overbearing mum and step-dad). He isn't religious or anything or 'weird' if your wondering why he was so old for his first GF, but he always thought that if you have one, she should be your first priority. To him at the moment it was school, reading and jogging. But our co-workers made him ask me out. I still have that e-mail. He asked me out in the 'p.s' section.
I never had a great male role model, but all my friends were guys growing up. I never had the urge to get married. In fact, when it was brought up I frowned upon it....mind you I was totally a closet 'chick flick' gal. His family on the other hand is a freaky happy family. i love going there. It's soooo weird for me still. He Mum still bakes and is into folky art.
-handsome (yes he has his ugly days)
-he's my slave boy
-has hobbies
-will make me $
-has a great family
-he has the same interests as me and a few more ones I don't have. that's good b/c I can learn soemthing new.
-will be a great dad one day if it happens
-makes me want to do better
-he puts the toilet seat down (both parts - I'm more likely to leave the upper lid up)
-He isn't a bar hopper
-He's a great clothes shopper now
-he’s willing to try anything to make me happy…… hehe
- I like he's 6ft2" and (had) muscles...hehe. He wants them back...mind you I want mine back too!!
-he has better hair than mine
-won’t go bald (but bald can be good!…hmmm bikerish)
-he can look tough instantly and yet very smart in a business suit
-He never puts me down, hurts me or makes me feel like dog dodo. If I ever felt 'put down' it was my own doing. He will then help bring me up to a happier place. He stuck by my side and helped me when I was down for a long time. He knows me better than myself and part of me misses the mystery, but the pros that come out of that...makes it worth it.
-He likes my quirks
-I find I'm getting shy in front of him now
-can be lazy, just like me
-hmmm there is one con, but I'm not going to mention it...nfic anyone? HA! Ok I see some pple running away.
-the whole work out thing
-when he has muscles and the grr thing going on, girls look at him. Hmmm, maybe I need to get back into my taekwondo.....I was pretty good with my bow....
-I'm shy and now we don’t go out much he's getting shyer too. Nothing to do on the weekend!
-Doesn't like to go to the mall as much as I do now
-it’s getting harder to find stuff to challenge him with
-because I stuck with him for so long (and him w/ myself) we find it weird going out on our own
-I'm shy if he ever read any of the fic I read!
I’ve babbled enough *blush*
I know this part is just supposed to show the positives, but I put the cons because I find it exciting that there is something to work on. For me, I need a little adversity in a relationship to make it good part ... good. I grew up with a lot of emotion and rough spots, so in a warped way I need it. But I could do without the spare tire I've been carrying around!!!!!
Also, I couldn't say any of the negatives you had listed were ones I could pick. I wouldn't want to be with anyone that has any of those qualities. I'll put up with adversity but not any of the bad things. If I did, I'd be my mother. I actually remembered thinking I wanted someone who put down the lid b/c in a werid way it reminded me of my step-dad and I disliked almost everything he did. I wanted no reminders.
Ugh. I'm going to go barf now this is just to happy - kittens, bunnies, babies and flowers type of goodie goodie cute.