The roll-eyes smilie is no longer available

and several others have changed their appearance. Many of us who use smilies in excess

(blush - also different) remember the word markers for smilies from the old boards and just use those.

(big grin - with a colon and big D) and

(laugh) seem to be exactly the same though -- which appears to me as if someone is sticking their tongue out at you. (although, you can get a different 'big grin' if you go through the full screen smilie menu). (eek)

now looks as if he's gritting his teeth. I do like the new

to the old one (he seems happier).
These are the other new smilies:


(shockED, although the old wide-eyed 'shock' - present tense - is still available)


(grin, spelled out)

(cry, although it looks like yawning to me)



(tired, okay, I guess 'cry' has bushier eyebrows)

(Ooooh! Whistle! I hadn't noticed this one until now.

These are the new different ones:


The others seem to be the same as from before, although, I think other smilies might be missing besides :rolleyes: (but if they are, I hardly used them and probably won't miss them).
Now, you know more than you ever wanted to know about the new boards smilies.