A/N: Chapter Two - In Which Some Light Is Shed On The Title
I just want to thank everyone who's been reading. Long stories were never my strong point, and I'm still feeling a little whelmed at this undertaking. Sorry again for the slow posting rate, and I do still hope y'all are enjoying the ride. 
Part TwoThey touched down in front of a large townhouse in the north part of the city, across from a park. Owen set Lois down and knocked rapidly on the front door. “Jordan! Aggie! Open up!” he shouted. “There's someone you need to see!” He flashed her a grin.
The door opened, and a slightly-graying Jordan stood in front of them. When he saw Lois, his jaw dropped. “Grams!” he shouted, gathering Lois into a tight hug. “I thought I'd never see you again!”
Lois smiled. “Hi, Jordan,” she said when he released her.
“Who is it, Dear?” a woman's voice called from inside the house.
Lois shot Jordan a questioning look.
“It's Owen and Grams!” Jordan shouted back into the house. He turned back to them. “Come in,” he said, then grinned at Lois. “there's someone I need you to meet!”
They followed him into the house, where a woman stood waiting. Like Jordan, she was starting to show signs of age, but she still seemed fairly attractive. She greeted Owen, then turned to Lois. “Who's this?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.
Jordan smiled at her. “Honey, this is my time-traveling great-grandmother.” He turned and put his arm around the woman's shoulders, grinning widely. “Grams, this is Agnes: once the former Mrs. Superman, now the Mrs. *former* Superman!” He pressed a kiss into her hair.
Agnes swatted him good-naturedly, then smiled at Lois. “It's an honor to meet you, Mrs. Kent,” she said, stepping forward to pull Lois into a hug. “Jordy told me about all you did for him; I just can't thank you enough!”
“Just Lois, please,” said Lois, returning the hug. She decided to ignore the 'Mrs. Kent' issue for now. “I didn't really do much,” she continued. “I wasn't even there for very long!”
“You did more than you know,” Agnes said, seriously. She gave Lois one final squeeze, then stepped back, smiling at her and Owen. “Well. Would either of you like something to drink?”
“No, thank you,” said Lois.
Owen froze, his head cocked to the side. “Cathod mewn cymysgydd!” he suddenly shouted.
Jordan gave him a sympathetic look.
“I've got to fly,” Owen told them, apologetically.
“Good luck,” said Jordan, even as the sonic boom of Owen's departure shook the room. He turned to Lois. “Fire on twelfth street,” he explained. “So, Grams, how long are you here for?”
Lois let out an exasperated sigh. “I have no idea,” she said, truthfully. “For all I know, I could be stranded here for a month, or I could vanish in the next five minutes. It was bad enough that I ended up at Charlotte's movie set instead of the 1970's—not that I regret meeting you guys, of course, but it was definitely an unplanned and confusing detour. And then I end up getting pulled here, while I was in the middle of a conversation, with no clue as to where I'm going or why. Once I figure out who's responsible for this, I don't care if it's Wells or Tempus; he is going to *pay*!” By the time she finished, she was breathing heavily. Lois unclenched her fist and tried to relax again.
Agnes turned to Jordan. “Is that where your uncle Hershel got it from?” she asked him.
Jordan nodded. “Yep. My dad, too, to a lesser extent.” He grinned at Lois. “I'm sure you'll figure it out, Grams. If you do end up needing a place to stay”—He shared a brief glance with Agnes, who nodded—“you're welcome to stay with us.”
Lois smiled at him. “Thanks. I notice that you actually have a couch this time,” she teased.
“Even better,” Jordan said with a chuckle, “we have a whole guest-room.”
“You're moving up in the world!” said Lois.
“You'd better believe it,” Jordan replied, once again snaking his arm around Agnes and pulling her in for a kiss. The woman flushed, and Lois couldn't help but grin at them.
“So, what happened after I left?” Lois asked.
“Well, the sky didn't fall on our heads, if that's what you're asking,” said Jordan. “I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a major adjustment period, but over-all, I think we gained more than we lost.”
Lois sighed with relief. “That's good,” she said. “I was afraid that movie might have been a terrible mistake.”
Jordan shook his head. “It was probably the best way to go, really,” he said. “People got to see for themselves that Gramps was Clark Kent first and Superman second. It made things a lot easier for us than just an announcement would have done.”
“And,” Agnes added, slipping her arms around Jordan's waist, “since Jordy never actually admitted to having been Superman, we were mostly able to have some privacy while we rebuilt our relationship.”
“*Mostly*,” Jordan repeated, grimacing slightly.
Lois smiled. “That's wonderful!” She thought for a moment. “So, who's Bobby Clark?”
The two froze, staring at her silently. The mirthful atmosphere vanished.
“Owen mentioned him,” Lois said, beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable. “He said I had to meet him, and that you'd explain...” She trailed off.
Jordan and Agnes wordlessly linked hands and shared a long look. A silent conversation seemed to pass between them. Finally, Agnes squeezed his hand and let go. Jordan nodded and turned back to Lois. “Come on, Grams,” he said softly. “I'll show you Bobby Clark.”
Lois never got tired of flying, although it wasn't the same with her descendants as it was with Clark. A couple of people glanced up as they passed overhead, but for the most part, nobody seemed especially interested in a regular man flying through the air with a woman in his arms. She caught a brief glimpse of Owen's cape as he dealt with a raging inferno on twelfth street, and there was another sonic boom as something—or someone—streaked by in the distance.
“There's been talk about congress wanting to regulate pedestrian air-traffic,” Jordan said, the corner of his mouth quirking, “though they can't seem to agree on how. And, here we are!”
They were near the center of Metropolis, hovering over a large, new building that looked like a hospital. Jordan landed in front of a sign by the entrance and set Lois on her feet.
“So, where are we?” Lois asked him. “Is this a hospital? Are we visiting someone sick?” As she turned to look at her surroundings, her eyes fell on the sign.
Bobby Clark Kent Memorial Hospital
Xenobiology Research And Medicine
She turned and stared at Jordan with a questioning look. He smiled at her, though there was something else in his eyes. “Come on in, Grams,” he said softly, holding out a hand to her. “You should see this.”
To Be Continued...