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Sure... it got out of hand, became longer than intended... You know we don't buy that anymore, don't you? You're Wendy, the great Torturer (is that a word?? xD); if you don't give us endless chapters of pure angst, there is just no waff... Really, YOU COULD give us a break :p Seriously now  . I really like your take on the events of BaTP/HoL. I like how Clark gave himself away in the earlir part, and how Lois lets him now that she has figured it out in this one. And I'm dying to see how Lois manages to convince Clark that her feelings are true, that it's not just love for Superman and his powers that she feels; because right now, with the mood Clark is in, I really thing she's got a tough job. Anyway, another great part. Get righting that LAST part (and it'd better be the last...  unless, that is, you decide to treat us with more than one waffy and angstless part  )
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I knew I shouldn't have started this before it was all posted  But I just caught up, and this is classic Wendy. Painful, but worth it. I want part 4! PJ
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Aw I almost cried at the end of this chapter! I can't wait for four. Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Okay, Wendy, I'm ready for part 4/22 now! You realize that we've seen through your ploy now, don't you, of pretending to write a short story as a cover-up for starting a new epic? Sneaky, sneaky. But we know better.
This is a really wonderful story! Sure, it's based on one of the most written and rewritten scenes in all of L&C, but you always have something new to bring to it. And it feels good to really hash through all of the issues that were simmering underneath Lois's rejection of Clark's love, plea for Superman's, and then finally acceptance of Lex's.
The introspection behind the dialogue is just enough to let us feel like the speech is only the surface of everything that is really passing between them, but without overpowering the dialogue (or making us forget what the last person's line was). An excellent balance.
I, like Lois, am a little unclear on what Superman was trying to show Lois when he took her to Pakistan. But maybe that's at least partly because the idea of how much suffering Clark sees and deals with in his role as Superman and how he recovers from it is a theme so often discussed in fanfiction that it has grown old and seems obvious to me. You are going to include Lois actually getting an article published about Pakistan, right? I will be very disappointed if she doesn't manage to convince the DP of the necessity of such an article--and write it in a way that makes people actually read it, too.
Can't wait for the next part, be it the final or not!
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Hi, Great part. 
Maria D. Ferdez. --- Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age. MAF
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Wendy, you are slowly killing me! You have two stories here that are breaking my heart!!! Okay, so I lie! More from this section!!! : It all seemed to revolve around her claim that she knew him. Ahh, the heart and soul of this story. Look at her go! Instead of whining about his behavior, she's going through it piecemeal, which someone with her investigative skills could get into trouble doing... There was no point kidding herself. He was right. She really didn’t know Superman one bit. Because what he’d told her was momentous, and she’d never had a clue.
He had another life. One where he didn’t wear Spandex or save the world. A life as an... ordinary man.
And she knew him in that life.
And she didn’t love him. Ha! Love this! It's so anticlimactic. There are no widening eyes, no moment of complete epiphany. Just a natural progression of thoughts leading up to the truth, which seems to come with a sigh and acceptance all at once. It's just perfect! Different His shock was visible. He reeled backwards a little, and his face blanched.
He’d really thought she couldn’t have worked it out? God, he really did think she was stupid. He’d practically spelt it out for her, given her the letters one by one. Okay, it had taken her far, far longer to put it together than it should have. But then, who on earth would ever imagine that the guy they worked with daily - used to work with - and their best friend was really Superman?
It was one hell of a leap of logic. No! He doesn't think you're stupid, Lois. CLARK, tell her you don't think she's stupid!!!! “Look, Lois...” He dug his hands deep into his pockets. “If you knew I didn’t want to talk, then why did you come?”
God. This was bad. She’d really destroyed any feelings he had for her, hadn’t she? He hated her. Didn’t want to be anywhere near her.
In the face of his coldness, his bitterness... the way he’d just closed himself off from her... she quailed. Almost gave up and went home. So I didn’t say no. Not then.”
“Not while you still thought Superman might...” The biting anger was back, and suddenly her mind flashed back to that moment in her apartment. Begging, pleading with Superman to love her, and after she’d rejected him only hours earlier... If she could only undo that. Yet she hadn’t known - couldn’t have known!
Then Clark sighed. “This is pointless. Lois, you now know why I couldn’t believe you. Let’s leave it at that. Go home.” He didn’t sound angry now; just very, very weary. Heartbreaking! And Clark's right!!! How can she prove her feelings to him now!?!?  COME BACK HERE, PLEASE!!!! More!!!!! ~NICOLE
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wow, Wendy, you really surprised me this time. I was sure Lois would blow her top after she found out about Superman's secret. After all, we have seen her go ballistic so many times when this secret has been revealed to her, and this time she had more reason than usual to be furious, because Superman had lashed out at her so unmercifully and accused *her* of everything that had gone wrong between them. But this time, Lois was not furious at all. No. She was absolutely none of that which Clark had accused her of being: Shallow. Blind. Uncaring. Stupid. No! This time Lois was mature, clear-sighted, caring and intelligent. Not to mention that she was empathic and unselfish too, as she managed to see the whole situation from Clark's point of view and sympathize with him and his feelings, and with his fear of exposure. I'm so proud of the way Lois behaved in this chapter! And I love being proud of Lois, because I am one Lois and Clark fan who definitely loves Lois! Still, even though I really *am* so proud of Lois here, I still think she blames herself too much for what has happened. What - she should be ashamed of getting engaged to Lex? Oh no, she shouldn't, because believe me, folks, after having been a fan of Lois and Superman for 35+ years, I know there is no way that Lois could even tentatively have accepted Lex's proposal! No. Way. The only Lois who could have accepted a ring from Lex is the Lois clone, so stop nagging the real Lois about this, OK? But, well, I have to admit there *are* a few very bad things that the real Lois could have done, like telling Clark she didn't love him and then asking him to find Superman for her. Lois, you should be ashamed of yourself for doing that to Clark, and Clark, you have a right to be angry. But, hey, Clark! How about you, too, try to be a bit mature and caring and unselfish about this? How about you try to see things from Lois's point of view? How can you be angry at her for not understanding who you are, and then be relieved that she hasn't figured you out after all? He'd had a very narrow escape. It could so easily have been so much worse. Yes, sure, it could have been so much worse if Lois truly had seen through you! Clark, you really are a bit schizophrenic - honestly, you are. You want to be loved for a person you are not - good old plain non-superpowered Clark Kent - and you are pathologically afraid that the woman you love will see you for the man you are! Believe me, Clark, after watching you try to get your act together for 35+ years, your obsessive behaviour really *is* getting to me! So, Clark. I'm hopeful Wendy will make you stop moping in the next chapter. Don't feel so extremely sorry for yourself, hmmm? Can't you see Lois loves you? Can't you see she is sorry for hurting you? Can't you see she will stick by you if you'll just give her a chance, now? Can't you forgive her for being fooled by the pack of lies you kept feeding her? Chin up, Clark! Life is not so bad when Lois loves you. She loves *you*, now. Not the cartoon superhero you insist that you are not. Hey, Clark, you should be proud of yourself! You told her! You showed her! You made her love *you*! Please accept her apology and go to her in Wendy's next chapter, OK? And promise me, too, that you won't tell Wendy how you get me worked up and babbling and agonizing over your lunkheadedness. Well, it just goes to show how much this chapter got to me! Ann
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Oh, no...don't let Lois walk out the door! I'm happy Lois went to Clark's to finish their conversation (the one from Italy  ), but can't accept her decision to give up now. Fight for him, Lois! Start kissing Clark...he'd never be able to resist. One more part, eh? I'm waiting for the WAFFY conclusion!  Susan
You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie.
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Yes, Susan!! You're right!! ![[Linked Image]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/BlownAwayByClay/gifs/smoochie.gif) Lois just needs to lay one on Clark and get it over with!! ![[Linked Image]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/BlownAwayByClay/gifs/smoochie2.gif) He'll never be able to resist!!... I think... Wendy! ![[Linked Image]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/BlownAwayByClay/gifs/EmoticonMegaphone.gif) Get back here and fix this now!! Although I'm hoping you can fix this in seven more parts, you'll probably wrap it up in one. Missy ![[Linked Image]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/BlownAwayByClay/gifs/f616589.gif) (who is trying reverse pychology to get Wendy to post more parts)
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Okay, Wendy, I'm ready for part 4/22 now! You realize that we've seen through your ploy now, don't you, of pretending to write a short story as a cover-up for starting a new epic? Sneaky, sneaky. But we know better. JD
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Oh, Wendy, you truly know how to toy with my emotions. The second half of this chapter in particular carried a punch. I am teary as I write this.
This has been a really excellently executed piece. I love how raw and honest Lois was when she came to Clark, saying the things that needed to be said. They have things left to hash out, but, oh, you two, there's hope for you yet.
As a fan, it hurts me to see them both isolated from one another and hurting, but you write that so well. Props to you for that.
I'm on the edge of my seat awaiting Part 4.
Chris "Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."
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It's so easy to empathise with her here! And she knew him in that life.
And she didn’t love him. *sob* He wouldn’t put it past her to break in. It wouldn’t be the first time. “The one in Italy. The one I only just understood.” Give her a hand, people. She figured it out! she couldn’t bear to have him hate her. Awwww. When you can fly - I mean, who could sweep you off your feet?”
“You’d be surprised, Lois LOVE THIS!!!! And the ending, how heartbreaking. Why must you torture me so? Is it not enough that Lois is dying in one story, but now she has to be miserable here too? Aaagh. If you weren't so good, I'd have to 
Swoosh --->
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WENDY! I knew Lois would get it. Clark dropped too many clues for her not to. And oh how bad she feels. But that talk? And Clark's responses? Horrible! Not the writing, you understand. Just heart-wrenching. Especially that last line. I'm almost crying for Lois here. But, ya know, I'm laughing, too. Because it just keeps growing and growing.  Can't wait to see the end, whenever it comes.
"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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So... you know when most people talk about feedback addictions, they're talking about craving feedback for their own work (which I do, of course), but me... I really have a problem, don't I? There's no cure for this, and it's only getting worse. And, of course, there's the horrid side effect of the added coloUr in my vocabulary. This. Is not. Good. <g> She hadn’t even regained her balance fully before she heard the whoosh of his departure. OMG! He really left! Yes, I know, this is the second time I've read this... but... it still hurts, Wendy.  It's... well, it's the fact that we all know Clark so well, and on the series he'd always threatened to distance himself from her, but never did (though who knows what would have happened if he'd actually had the guts to leave one of those tim... oh, wait... Kaethel knows! <g>). When you get right down to it, no matter how mad Clark was with Lois, you knew he was dying not to be. And you knew he'd always answer the door if she came knocking, even if it would kill him to do so. This time... god... he's so angry, so *hurt* that... he really does not want to see her again... because it. Hurts. That. Bad. But why? What had she done? And what right had he to be angry with her? To speak to her as he had? To accuse her of... Ah ha!!! There's the rub! (I'm assuming this is the right expression... feels right... but...) This... for some reason, I was not expecting this, but it makes perfect sense. You can just about feel her confusion and anger roiling together inside her. Once they’d talked, after Pakistan, he’d been insulting. Offensive. Almost as if he’d intended, wanted, to hurt her. He’d chosen words meant to wound. I love that. "*wanted* to hurt her". I love that she sees that. See, Clark? See this?! She does know you.  Well, sorta... Shallow.
Couldn’t see what was right under her nose. Every word...  ). This... this is why Clark believes that 'Clark is who he is'. Because *Clark* is entitled to have feelings, be angry, passionate, hurt... bend the rules when it comes to breaking and entering... To him, that's what makes him the human he longs to be. That's why Clark is so much more important to him than Superman is... at least when it comes to other people accepting him. (All the poor guy wants is to fit in. The Lois he’d seen today wasn’t a Lois he wanted to know, anyway. She wasn’t the Lois he’d come to know over the past year. Wasn’t the Lois he’d fallen in love with. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH. It was after midnight! Who - ?
Stupid question. There was only one person it could be. I LOVE THAT. And what was it I said last night? I think it was something along the lines of just being able to *feel* his resignation from such deeply rooted hurt. tbc...
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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Though... this was Lois... He wouldn’t put it past her to break in. It wouldn’t be the first time. And look! Remember what I said earlier about him *always* letting her in? It's a really, really great distinction here, showing that he only does it because he feels he has no choice. He strode to the door and pulled it open.
“Hi, Clark.” She started moving forward immediately, taking her welcome for granted. As always. Not for Lois hovering on the doorstep, waiting to be invited in. Ouch!! That resentment... wow. It's... it hurts. Resentment, resignation, despair, and hurt that's just unfathomable... She was still wearing his sweatshirt. It felt... wrong that she was wearing it. Intimate, somehow, when he’d already decided to cut all contact. When she’d already severed what they’d had between them by rejecting him. Okay... this just makes me want to cry. “Well, I was going to bed.” He wouldn’t give her an opening. She could say what she’d come to say, if she wanted, but she’d have to make it brief. He’d had more than enough of heart-to-hearts with Lois Lane for one lifetime. “This is important, Clark.” Now, she was twisting her fingers, playing with her watch-strap. “We didn’t finish our conversation from earlier.” /me scoots the very edge of her seat!!! “The one in Italy. The one I only just understood.” This is one of those knock the wind out of you lines... killer, Wendy. Just killer. Which makes me curious... are the other readers still out there? Or did you off them with this line? Again, so very cruel with the thingy placement. Who did we learn this from, hmm? But it had all come together with that final penny dropping. If Superman had another identity - a life as an ordinary man - and she didn’t love him in that guise, then he had to be someone she knew. Heee! So it did turn out to be enough to buy a clue! God. This was bad. She’d really destroyed any feelings he had for her, hadn’t she? He hated her. Didn’t want to be anywhere near her. /me swallows the lump in her throat. But she couldn’t give up. This was too important. Clark was too important. And, even if he could never bring himself to be her friend again, she couldn’t bear to have him hate her. Awwwwwww!!!! Plus, once he’d had a chance to calm down, to think about things, he’d realise that she knew the truth - and he’d worry. Even if he wouldn’t let her do anything else tonight, at least she could assure him that his secret was safe. That's... sweet. Really unselfish of her, and it shows just how much she cares for Clark. “There’s nothing more to say, Lois.” He leaned against the wall, looking weary. “We said it all back there. It’s over. Go home. Please.”  (Yes, I'm out of words for the moment... too much pain... ;P) She shook her head. “I can’t. Not...” But his expression was closed off. She’d really made him hate her tonight. What could she do in the face of such hostility, such bitterness, from the man who’d once been her best friend? He didn’t want her here. Didn’t want to talk to her. The fact that she wanted to talk to him... well, did she really have any right to override his wishes like that? This. Kills. Me. ... my eyes are watering up for real now... He’d let her talk to him in a day or two - unless she’d really managed to turn every feeling he’d ever had for her into hate, of course. Then... well, she didn’t know what would happen then. Awwwww!!!! “All right. If you insist. But there’s just a couple of things I have to say. If you still want me to go after... then I will.” I really, really want to cry... His sigh accepted the inevitability of her intent. “Go on, then.” Get on with it. Don’t waste any more of his time; what he wasn’t saying came across louder than words. *gasp* Ouch... ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!! Ack! “Right. The first thing is... I’m not going to marry Lex. I’ll tell him tomorrow.” I'm scared to scroll down... see how you've scarred me, Wendy? I'm holding my breath here because I'm scared of what Clark's going to say... he may stay silent after the first few things she has to say... but it's going to get caustic... tbc... in the next post, I hope!!
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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“And that concerns me how?” He sounded bored, completely uninterested. But she’d seen the flicker of relief on his face. OH GOD!! AWWAAACK! That should be illegal... putting those two emotions side by side. OMG. You kill me, crush my heart... and then... a flicker, barely a flash, of hope that just took all the searing pain in my gut and twisted it, made me catch my breath, and... I'm all choked up now. (And, sadly, this is not me being melodramatic... descriptive, I like to say  ). “You told me he’s dirty. I know I never listened before - and I didn’t even want to listen tonight, and I should have. Well, I’m listening now. If you tell me he is, then I believe you.” She shrugged faintly. “Anyway, I don’t love him. Never did.” (Did I mention that it feels like someone has a hold of my stomach?  ) “So why were you even thinking of it?” Emotion from him, at last; his tone was actually incredulous. And he was looking at her, instead of at some point on the wall beyond her. This... is the million dollar question... I'm scared to look... for Clark's sake... it might... hurt. And... everything after the question... I love every word. I'll just say that. “It matters.” The tone was curt. But the words... weren’t. But now he was looking at the wall again. Eeek! EeeeeeeeeK!!!!!!!!! I can't think of anything other than EEK! Check back with me later. Seriously. Hands wrapped in the hem of the sweatshirt she was wearing - his sweatshirt - she stared at the floor. Saw the knots in the wood, the lines of the grain, without really taking it all in. “I... He proposed, Clark, and it was like something out of a fairy-tale. He’d taken me to Paris. In his private plane. I... I'm butchering and cutting you paragraph here because... well... crap, that hit home. And now I get it. I really get it. Finally. The rationalization may not work for everyone as far as the eternal question in the fandom goes... but this works for me. I can believe that Lois, hard-bitten as she is, as much as she protests that she isn't the type to marry or need a man (and this is taking Clark out of the equation for obvious reasons), that deep down everyone dreams of that. And when Lois is not only the type that doesn't *want* to get married, she probably thinks she never will. Because she believes that she doesn't deserve it, doesn't think that anyone *will* ever want her. So when her world is in complete upheaval... and someone asks. Shows interest. Says he's in love with her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her... She's vulnerable and lonely as all hell. Why wouldn't she think about it... and perhaps even say yes because she doesn't think anyone will ever want her? (As for almost really going through with it on the show... it's hard to go back on your word and admit you're wrong, especially when you're Lois... and your best friend has abandoned you.  ) have you ever been swept off your feet?” She didn’t give him time to answer. “Stupid question. When you can fly - I mean, who could sweep you off your feet?” And, finally, to the rest of this paragraph  , I can't really say why, but I love that. “You’d be surprised, Lois.” OMG!!!!!!!! That's why I love it. OMGOMG! I... I'm speechless. The words were muttered; had she even heard him correctly? But his whole posture didn’t invite questions; positively repelled them, in fact. Awwwww Now... where's part 4? Sara
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.
Waking a Miracle by Aria
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Send Clark after her! Don't let her leave. This is so sad. Please hurry with this one! 
I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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I, as most of the above, hope there is only one more part... And Sara... subtle nagging to Kaethel Jose 
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Wendy WOW! This is superbly written. Tricia 