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#262065 03/25/15 07:29 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Okay, maybe the A-Plot wasn't completely finished. wink

I know this B-Plot development is probably a good 100 parts late in coming, but comments and tomatoes alike are appreciated. Although, my muse prefers chocolate.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I could go for a healthy portion of waffy b-plot any day smile

I'll just go ahead and assume Jimmy went and ordered his new leather jacket.

"We're both barefoot, both flushed, and we both look guilty as hell. Clark has finger-combed his hair but I'm positive mine looks like I was just f… fished out of the river."

<3 this fic!
'The Next Step' By Sue S.

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LolaDane: Hi, Lola! Thanks for de-lurking to comment on my Waff-fest. wink

I could go for a healthy portion of waffy b-plot any day smile
Yeah, my muse suggested a different direction for this section of the story... for now. evil

I'll just go ahead and assume Jimmy went and ordered his new leather jacket.
Who? Oh, right, there are other characters in this story, besides Lois and Clark. Um... yeah, sure. Sounds good to me. I hope he didn't bump into any guys setting up speakers around town. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Due to being sick this week, I'll not be able to post as usual tomorrow. I apologize. I should (cross my fingers) be well enough to post again on next Wednesday, April 8th. I apologize for the delay and wanted to keep you informed.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Oh dear! It really is alternating bad luck with getting sick, isn’t it?
[Linked Image]
/carefully hides lots of FDK in the bushes/

Part 200
Happy Bicentennial!
[Linked Image]

As she approached his desk, she saw his jaw stiffen and his gaze develop this far-away look to it.
Getting horny again?
CLARK: There’s a fire at the Miranda’s Secrets’ fashion show uptown. I mean, there’s an emergency!
JIMBO: Do you think Superman will need a photographer?

He gave her a meaningful look tinged with an apology.
From chocolate-brown eyes?

Why did the world need Superman whenever she wanted to rake Clark over the coals?
WORLD: Still paying off that Nightfall debt.

playfully slapping his behind with her notepad to remind him to hurry as he passed her. “Next time, I want to see some action behind those words, Chuck!”
Awww, she wants him to take in the storage closet! clap

He shot her a parting grin from the steps leading to the elevators, before turning toward the stairwell.
Can’t be too bad then.

As she sat down in her chair, she noticed that Eduardo Friaz and Preciosa Valdez who had been talking when she left Perry’s office were now both staring at her with dropped jaws.
shock Did she just come out to the newsroom?

She ignored them as if nothing extraordinary happened and picked up the slimy rag… tabloid newspaper she had been reading before her meeting with Perry.
The MetStar, to get her up to speed on the current standard of reporting in Metropolis? You know, maximum word length. No more than five words in a sentence. Big letters. Lots of pictures. A Page-3 girl…

Alas, Lois had to deal with dragons that were more important.
Just 8 more days till we can all deal with dragons again! hyper

She froze and lifted her gaze from the next paper in the pile.

Clark had left on his emergency less than five minutes before.
Oh look! She’s going bonkers again from not getting any loving for going on what, 5 soul years now?

Only that time, he had been in the hospital with amnesia. Clark had sworn to her that he wasn’t telepathic. She took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly.
So, he lies to her even about his sleeping behavior?

The letters from Dr. Carlin’s article seemed to float off the page and arrange themselves before her eyes, ‘Hate Superman.’
Just like they do in some TV shows, huh?

pulled out a box of already sharpened pencils and plopped them into her Superman mug,
Is that symbolic, her putting sharpened objects into Superman?

May 26. ‘Superman Kills.’ Superman kills? What kind of crap is that?
Yes, actually, I do wonder how many insects and birds get splattered against the Man of Steels scalp when he flies around town.

“Superman most certainly does not kill,” she murmured aloud to herself.
Or Lex would be dead. Well, more Lexes would be dead.

Lois flipped over the newspaper to the cover story. Superman had only been able to save three miners after an explosion damaged a mine in the Carolinas. Twenty-six other miners had died.
Oh, look! He killed 26 miners.

Being the first to report news wasn’t the only important thing in this business. Making sure it was presented in an accurate and non-sensationalist manner separated the real journalist from the tabloid ones.
It also separates a successful print medium from a failing newspaper only used for wrapping fish.

The day Luthor had proposed: April Fool’s Day. How could she have forgotten that?
Funny thing, that, actually. Part 201 would originally have been scheduled to air on April 1st, too.

This would be much easier if she could spread out.
Just like boinking Superman!

“Take up smoking this summer?” Jimbo asked, waving a hand in front of his face.
Only chimneys.

Glancing around, he didn’t see his favorite journalist as he paused in front of her desk.
Cat? Did he forget she’s now in Houston?

It was ten years ago and it only says that Mr. and Mrs. Luthor were recently married while on a cruise in the Caribbean.
That’s actually a really helpful announcement, stating the bride’s new last name in a wedding announcement. Say, what if Ari’s last name was Luthor even before she got married and she only took her mother’s maiden name after the divorce. She could be Lex’s sister or daughter! evil Hmm…probably sister; she’s too old to be his daughter.
LEX: Plus, I usually go with Lois as my daughter/paramour/2nd wife.

“I wonder why they ever divorced,” Clark said wryly,
She didn’t like sex.

There in the middle of her otherwise empty desk was a sticky-note with two words on it. Conference Room.
Oh, look. She *can* leave meaningful notes. Only why bother? Can’t he hone in on her heartbeat like a sidewinder missile does on the exhaust heat of a jet plane?

He pointed out the note to Jimbo and the two men headed for the room.
Oh, it’s been for Jimmy. Duh!

Lois glanced up, her fingers so black with newsprint she hadn’t noticed that she had streaks across her nose where she had rubbed it. She held out her hand. “Gimme!”
rotflol Our little raccoon is in the zone, huh?

After about five articles, he stepped back getting a headache from the doctor’s advice. “Lois?”
“Don’t lie to your girlfriend.”
“Make sweet lovin’ to your girlfriend.”
“Buy your girlfriend chocolates.”
“Don’t date coeds while you have a girlfriend.”
“Concubines are a legitimate pressure release.”

“What?” Clark sputtered. How had she figured that out in the two hours he had been gone?
Because she’s smart. And from what I have seen of the way she goes through fiancées and boyfriends, fast, too.
LOIS: Hey!
ER: Paul. Claude. Mitchell. Superman. Clark. Clark. Lex. Clark. And that’s just this time around.

“Lois, you can’t just barge into my office… Do you know how much hot water I’m in over your accusations from this morning? The lawyers upstairs are saying we have to honor her contract,” Clark heard Perry berate her.
What if a flowerpot or gargoyle fell onto her head from the 5th floor?

“Saints alive! Lois, what is all of this?”

Don’t they have acrostics on Kr… in Kansas?”
No, the editor of the Smallville Postillion was glad if his reporters were able to string together last night’s beer advertisement, let alone write a one-paragraph summary of the high school football game.
CLOE: Hey!

She pointed to a newspaper at one end of the table and read off her notepad. “‘Superman Lies.’”
So, the good Doc is saying the truth. Why is Lois so upset about that?
LOIS: It’s not like I picked that one on purpose for my demonstration. [Linked Image]

‘Luthor to Marry Slut.’
Huh, I’m thinking Lex didn’t know about that one.

‘Lois Lane Whore.’
Now that’s not a very nice thing to say about a woman who has had romantic entanglements with just 6 men over the past 6 years.

He couldn’t believe the screaming, yelling, and flinging of insults by the people of Metropolis might finally be ending.
TEMPUS: [Linked Image]

“Probably best that we’re not publishing Dr. Carlin’s column anymore,” Jimbo said. “It seems as if only twenty percent of Metropolitans were reading it.”

Two hours. Psychic ability or not, Lois was an amazing woman.
Why she claims to be the best reporter in town. Also, he’s probably so intimidated by her, he won’t even think about sweet lovin’ her later that week, huh?

“I’m not a slut or a whore,” she went on soothingly.

Clark cupped her chin in his hand. “I never thought that you were.”

“Liar,” she murmured as he tilted his lips towards hers.

“Guys… um…” Jimbo interrupted, taping his watch. “Could you do that on the newsroom floor? I have eleven thirty this morning for the pool and it’s coming up on that now.”
Huh? A bet? A bet on when they would come out?

Clark turned towards Jimbo. “Pool?”

“Yeah, CK, after you kissed her cheek and Lois slapped your butt this morning, the whole newsroom hasn’t been talking about anything else,” Jimbo explained.

“Well…” Lois said, rising up to her feet and resting against the table. “I could use a lift to my desk.”

Clark chuckled. “I’m not carrying you.”

“But my feet!” Lois chided with a pout.
clap They’re adorable!

“I could hurt my back,” Clark retorted innocently.
Did he just call her fatter than Nightfall?

“Perhaps that will teach Olsen not to interrupt people’s intimate moments,” Clark murmured.
Right. He might just start doing it to mess with them now.

“Doubtful,” Lois replied. “If he stopped doing that we would have to check to see if someone replaced him with a clone.”
clap And get birth control, huh?

“Never,” he said with a nod. Just because he had the medical examiner check to make sure that the body had never broken or fractured its ankle, didn’t mean he had doubts.

Lois crossed her arms. “That still doesn’t tell me who she is. There are a lot of blondes in Metropolis.”

“Didn’t you read Cat’s article?”
Did ‘blonde’ go out of style since it came out that Lex preferred blondes?

Clark nodded. “Shards of glass in his food, actually…
It’s funny just how many ways you can die from silicon. Glass shards. Drowing in quick sand. Microchips controlling a Terminator that will shoot you.

He hoped the downtick in Lois’s expression meant she wouldn’t discount Luthor as a threat any longer.
Couldn’t she ask Big Louie to arrange with some guys he knows for Lex to have an ‘accident’ in the courtyard where he kinda, sorta stabs himself with a shiv in the neck. Multiple times.

“The week before your wedding,” he said with a nod.

She gritted her teeth. “It wasn’t a wedding!”
Still too early to joke about it?
LOIS: Oh, I can choke him about it.

“What do you want me to call it?” he said before he could stop himself.

“The worst day of my life!” she screamed.
What about the day when Zara shows up and takes Kal-El home to Krypton? What about the day when B39 finally gets a hold of some Kryptonite bullets and plants one or two in Superman’s head? What about Lex getting released from prison on his own recognizance and kidnaps Lois into a lonely corner in the Swiss Alps — without stopping for chocolates on the way up? What about the day Cat wins the Kerth Award for Investigative Journalism for her piece on Lex’s downfall?

He wondered what she might do to get him to hand it over.
They’re still in public, so nothing *too* forward.

but Clark still managed to keep the folder out of her grasp. As gravity overtook Lois, her chest brushed against Clark’s face and she grabbed him around his neck to stop herself.
shock So, that’s how she does it.

“What’s the magic word?” he whispered, his voice rough.

“Gimme,” she replied breathlessly.

Unable to resist, he lowered his mouth to hers.

Somewhere in the background, he could have sworn he heard Jimbo cheering.
rotflol Awwwwwwww

“Lois! Clark! What does this look like? The back row of Lover’s Lane?” barked Perry,
Lover’s Lane! [Linked Image]

causing them to jump apart as if they were two teenagers being interrupted by a porch light.
And according to Ari, a red one at that.

It was now official.

They were an item.
And just in time for part 200! hyper

Clark felt like making loop-de-loops.
Until someone explains to him that Lois will now expect things to progress to a more…physical nature.

wave Michael

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Darth Michael: Thanks for reading and commenting. smile

Oh dear! It really is alternating bad luck with getting sick, isn’t it?
It would be nice to be pain free for awhile. /Yes, 2016, I'm eyeing you!/

/carefully hides lots of FDK in the bushes/
hyper We had to delay Easter due to my daughter coming down with the flu Saturday night.

Happy Bicentennial!
Thank you. I couldn't have been so long-winded without your encouragement.

Getting horny again?
No, the other thing.

CLARK: There’s a fire at the Miranda’s Secrets’ fashion show uptown. I mean, there’s an emergency!
JIMBO: Do you think Superman will need a photographer?
SUPERMAN: Always. Just make sure you don't take any photos of me rescuing fashion models.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 200
Why did the world need Superman whenever she wanted to rake Clark over the coals?
WORLD: Still paying off that Nightfall debt.
[Linked Image]

Awww, she wants him to take in the storage closet!
lol Um... sure... you could translate it to mean that.

Can’t be too bad then.
There's no smiling during an emergency then? Noted. wink

Did she just come out to the newsroom?
As a nice person? Or do you mean Clark did?

The MetStar, to get her up to speed on the current standard of reporting in Metropolis? You know, maximum word length. No more than five words in a sentence. Big letters. Lots of pictures. A Page-3 girl…
LOIS: The torture! Why am I being punished? [Linked Image] Clark!
CLARK: No, *Luthor*. He's the one you want to blame. Not me.

Just 8 more days till we can all deal with dragons again!
Actually, next part posts today. Dragons?... Wait, you weren't talking about my story were you? [Linked Image] It's GoT season again, isn't it?

Oh look! She’s going bonkers again from not getting any loving for going on what, 5 soul years now?
LOIS: No, let's go with 5 soul years.

So, he lies to her even about his sleeping behavior?
Is it a lie, if he doesn't know it's a lie?

Just like they do in some TV shows, huh?
Yeah. Coincidence, huh? [Linked Image]

Is that symbolic, her putting sharpened objects into Superman?
lol Um... No?

Yes, actually, I do wonder how many insects and birds get splattered against the Man of Steels scalp when he flies around town.
CLARK: Superman says he pleads the 5th.

Or Lex would be dead. Well, more Lexes would be dead.
LEX: Lex-C doesn't count as a real Lex.

Oh, look! He killed 26 miners.
LEX: I told you all that he was a menace, but did you listen?

It also separates a successful print medium from a failing newspaper only used for wrapping fish.
They predicted that outcome 20 years ago, didn't they?

Funny thing, that, actually. Part 201 would originally have been scheduled to air on April 1st, too.
That wasn't lost on me. Not posting last week had nothing to do with that date, though.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 200
“Take up smoking this summer?” Jimbo asked, waving a hand in front of his face.
Only chimneys.
And forests.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 200
Glancing around, he didn’t see his favorite journalist as he paused in front of her desk.
Cat? Did he forget she’s now in Houston?
LOIS: That's not funny.

That’s actually a really helpful announcement, stating the bride’s new last name in a wedding announcement. Say, what if Ari’s last name was Luthor even before she got married and she only took her mother’s maiden name after the divorce. She could be Lex’s sister or daughter! evil Hmm…probably sister; she’s too old to be his daughter.
LEX: Plus, I usually go with Lois as my daughter/paramour/2nd wife.
Disturbing. Yes, one wonders why it was even printed.
LEX: Clearly, who she was before she married me is irrelevant.

Oh, look. She *can* leave meaningful notes. Only why bother? Can’t he hone in on her heartbeat like a sidewinder missile does on the exhaust heat of a jet plane?
So, Lois can't be polite? Or learn things?

Oh, it’s been for Jimmy. Duh!
[Linked Image]

Our little raccoon is in the zone, huh?
Is that a bad thing?

“Don’t lie to your girlfriend.”
“Make sweet lovin’ to your girlfriend.”
“Buy your girlfriend chocolates.”
“Don’t date coeds while you have a girlfriend.”
“Concubines are a legitimate pressure release.”
No wonder Clark got a headache.

Because she’s smart. And from what I have seen of the way she goes through fiancées and boyfriends, fast, too.
LOIS: Hey!
ER: Paul. Claude. Mitchell. Superman. Clark. Clark. Lex. Clark. And that’s just this time around.
CAT: You mean *I'm* the good girl in this story? lol

What if a flowerpot or gargoyle fell onto her head from the 5th floor?
It's always good to have a Plan B.
CLARK: That's not a Plan B.
LOIS: No, it's Plan C, as in "don't tell Clark!"

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by WC 200
“Saints alive! Lois, what is all of this?”
Well, she HAS been out of the office for a while.

No, the editor of the Smallville Postillion was glad if his reporters were able to string together last night’s beer advertisement, let alone write a one-paragraph summary of the high school football game.
CLOE: Hey!
Did Cloe ever work for the local Smallville paper? I thought she went straight from the High School paper to Metropolis.

So, the good Doc is saying the truth. Why is Lois so upset about that?
ARI: Of course my articles are truthful!
Lois doesn't want everyone to pick up on the fact that Superman lies. They might tie him to Clark that way.
CLARK: Very funny.

LOIS: It’s not like I picked that one on purpose for my demonstration. /whistles innocently/

Huh, I’m thinking Lex didn’t know about that one.
What? Lex knows how stinky the Met Star is. Do you think HE reads that paper?

Now that’s not a very nice thing to say about a woman who has had romantic entanglements with just 6 men over the past 6 years.
Well, in comparison to the author of that acrostic...

TEMPUS: /on to Plan B/
Except that Tempus has been wiped out of existence. Hmmm. Maybe it's time for a refresher course.

Why she claims to be the best reporter in town. Also, he’s probably so intimidated by her, he won’t even think about sweet lovin’ her later that week, huh?
Yes, apparently all smart women have that problem. It's why so many of them fake being dumb.

“Liar,” she murmured as he tilted his lips towards hers.
ER: /Can't believe Lois b*tch slapped Clark like that/
LOIS: Well, he *did* think I really wanted to marry Luthor at one point.

Huh? A bet? A bet on when they would come out?
Kiss on the newsroom floor. Oh... you meant as a couple, not out of the conference room.

They’re adorable!
/shrugs demurely/ I try.

Did he just call her fatter than Nightfall?
No, he's playing his "I'm only human" card. Anyway, he didn't say that he WOULD hurt his back, only that he COULD. Also, she was the one who brought up that CK couldn't been seen carrying her around town as if he were SM.

Right. He might just start doing it to mess with them now.
JIMBO: [Linked Image]

And get birth control, huh?
huh Because someone cloned Jimbo?

Did ‘blonde’ go out of style since it came out that Lex preferred blondes?
No, but there's only one who's been called THE blonde, since Lois went into space.
LOIS: I'm NOT blonde!

It’s funny just how many ways you can die from silicon. Glass shards. Drowning in quick sand. Microchips controlling a Terminator that will shoot you.
Yes, but still entertaining.

Couldn’t she ask Big Louie to arrange with some guys he knows for Lex to have an ‘accident’ in the courtyard where he kinda, sorta stabs himself with a shiv in the neck. Multiple times.
Big Louie isn't bigger than THE Boss.

Still too early to joke about it?
LOIS: Oh, I can choke him about it.

What about the day when Zara shows up and takes Kal-El home to Krypton? What about the day when B39 finally gets a hold of some Kryptonite bullets and plants one or two in Superman’s head? What about Lex getting released from prison on his own recognizance and kidnaps Lois into a lonely corner in the Swiss Alps — without stopping for chocolates on the way up? What about the day Cat wins the Kerth Award for Investigative Journalism for her piece on Lex’s downfall?
None of those things have happened... yet.

They’re still in public, so nothing *too* forward.
She's kicked Ralph in the crotch in the bullpen, but maybe she'll flash Clark to distract him.

So, that’s how she does it.
LOIS: That was purely an accident!
CLARK: Sure. Pure. Let's call it that, shall we?

Hey, Jimbo is their best bud! They had to work it so he'd win the pool.

Lover’s Lane! /ER gets naughty thoughts/
LOIS: Oh, no! Not that old nickname again.

And according to Ari, a red one at that.
LOIS: I swear Lucy installed that one! Wait. /grrrrr/ LUCY!

And just in time for part 200!
Yep. Only 100 parts late. :ducking:

Until someone explains to him that Lois will now expect things to progress to a more…physical nature.
CLARK: Now, Michael. That's not nice. Lois is a very nice girl. You heard Cat. Lois hasn't had sex in YEARS. Why would she want to break that streak?
LOIS: [Linked Image]
CAT:[Linked Image] I knew I shouldn't have moved.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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It would be nice to be pain free for awhile. /Yes, 2016, I'm eyeing you!/
[Linked Image]

Thank you. I couldn't have been so long-winded without your encouragement.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

SUPERMAN: Always. Just make sure you don't take any photos of me rescuing fashion models.
LOIS: Indeed. I did not see them wearing any…fashion on those photographs.

There's no smiling during an emergency then? Noted.
I just figured. With death and mayhem abounding, it would be highly inappropriate to be in a chipper mood if you’re a superhero wearing tights.
BATMAN: What else would one wear? And I’m never chipper.
TONY STARK: [Linked Image] I don’t wear tights. And I’m always chipper.

ER: Did she just come out to the newsroom?
EW: As a nice person? Or do you mean Clark did?
As a couple.
JIMBO: razz

EW: Actually, next part posts today. Dragons?... Wait, you weren't talking about my story were you? <behaves like Lois does when she sees Clark with a blonde> It's GoT season again, isn't it?
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] Also, dragons are so cute while they’re still smaller than a fully grown T-Rex.

Is it a lie, if he doesn't know it's a lie?
LOIS: Yes.

CLARK: Superman says he pleads the 5th.
Why do I suddenly see a hair shampoo commercial featuring Barry?

They predicted that outcome 20 years ago, didn't they?

STORY: Glancing around, he didn’t see his favorite journalist as he paused in front of her desk.
ER: Cat? Did he forget she’s now in Houston?
EW: /agrees with that assessment/
LOIS: /does not agree/
Oh but it is.

LEX: Plus, I usually go with Lois as my daughter/paramour/2nd wife.
EW: Disturbing.
It’s one of the alt-world fics out there.

LEX: Clearly, who she was before she married me is irrelevant.
I think I know why so many of his relationships crash and burn.

So, Lois can't be polite? Or learn things?
/sends some new skates to Mr. DeVil/

ER: Oh, it’s been for Jimmy. Duh!
EW: /see? Lois hasn’t learned things/
/cancels skates order/

ER: Our little raccoon is in the zone, huh?
EW: Is that a bad thing?
No. Just funny and adorable.

CAT: You mean *I'm* the good girl in this story? /can’t believe this and now that she’s married, she can’t even top it. Outside her bedroom that is/
She could try her living room and kitchen, though.

Did Cloe ever work for the local Smallville paper? I thought she went straight from the High School paper to Metropolis.
huh Good point. I just went with ‘funny’.

Lois doesn't want everyone to pick up on the fact that Superman lies. They might tie him to Clark that way.
CLARK: Very funny.
[Linked Image]

What? Lex knows how stinky the Met Star is. Do you think HE reads that paper?
He might have a staffer mark up anything that requires follow up cut breaks?

Well, in comparison to the author of that acrostic...
A nun would be a sinner?

Except that Tempus has been wiped out of existence. Hmmm. Maybe it's time for a refresher course.
What can I say? He’s handy. And once MLT wrote a story with Tempus being the main reason for their problems and yet, he wasn’t in the story at all. At least, till the very end.

Yes, apparently all smart women have that problem. It's why so many of them fake being dumb.
LEX: What do you mean, ‘fake’?
Like they do when they’re in bed with him.
LEX: confused

LOIS: Well, he *did* think I really wanted to marry Luthor at one point.
Wouldn’t that make her a gold digger instead of a whore? One could add the ‘slut’ if she still intended to have a Clark and a Superman on the side, though.

Kiss on the newsroom floor. Oh... you meant as a couple, not out of the conference room.
[Linked Image]

ER: Right. He might just start doing it to mess with them now.
JIMBO: /got a naughty idea on how to keep Lois alive for another 100 parts/
LOIS: confused

ER: And get birth control, huh?
EW: huh Because someone cloned Jimbo?
No, because with a fake Jimmy, that’s it for Jimmy Interruptus and then Lois might end up in a situation that could get her preggers.

No, but there's only one who's been called THE blonde, since Lois went into space.
LOIS: I'm NOT blonde!
A bit selfcentered, aren’t we? Also, didn’t she use a blonde wig, too?

Big Louie isn't bigger than THE Boss.
He could be…

LOIS: That was purely an accident!
CLARK: Sure. Pure. Let's call it that, shall we?

LOIS: Oh, no! Not that old nickname again.
Well…now that the pregnancy is off, one does need a new pastime.

CLARK: Now, Michael. That's not nice. Lois is a very nice girl. You heard Cat. Lois hasn't had sex in YEARS. Why would she want to break that streak?
LOIS: /realizes that a few important bits haven’t made it from Krypton to Earth/
CAT: /can’t believe she’s missing that show/ I knew I shouldn't have moved.

wave Michael

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Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Originally Posted by EW
It would be nice to be pain free for awhile. /Yes, 2016, I'm eyeing you!/
ER: /There, there./
I'm Pain Free! dance It's amazing what a little surgery can do (I'll spare you all the details). I'm back lifting heavy (for me) boxes and even my doctor said she doesn't want to see me for a year. Now, if I could just recall where I left my mind.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by EW
Thank you. I couldn't have been so long-winded without your encouragement.
ER: /has heard of guilt, knows he should probably feel guilty, but has decided to just Lois Lane it through the pain and denies it exists./
Don't worry, I'm sure there might be some lurkers out there who appreciate my inability to be concise. [Linked Image] (For some strange reason, my boss isn't pleased with my ability to be long winded. Strange, huh?)

SUPERMAN: Always. Just make sure you don't take any photos of me rescuing fashion models.
LOIS: Indeed. I did not see them wearing any…fashion on those photographs.
SUPERMAN: Apparently, the designers didn't want the models to leave the building with them on.
LOIS: The burning building?
SUPERMAN: /shrugs/ Creative types. Who can understand 'em?

EW: There's no smiling during an emergency then? Noted.
ER: I just figured. With death and mayhem abounding, it would be highly inappropriate to be in a chipper mood if you’re a superhero wearing tights.
BATMAN: What else would one wear? And I’m never chipper.
TONY STARK: /whistles innocently/ I don’t wear tights. And I’m always chipper.
So, it's the tights that gives one the dour disposition, then?

ER: Did she just come out to the newsroom?
EW: As a nice person? Or do you mean Clark did?
ER: As a couple.
JIMBO: /razz/
Yes, possibly. Also, why would this upset Jimbo?

EW: Actually, next part posts today. Dragons?... Wait, you weren't talking about my story were you? <behaves like Lois does when she sees Clark with a blonde> It's GoT season again, isn't it?
ER: Also, dragons are so cute while they’re still smaller than a fully grown T-Rex.
I wouldn't know. I've only just finished S2, Disc 2, people are still wandering around searching for each other. (And the dragons are babies).

EW: Is it a lie, if he doesn't know it's a lie?
LOIS: Yes.
CLARK: wallbash We know who the final judge will be, now don't we?

CLARK: Superman says he pleads the 5th.
EW: Why do I suddenly see a hair shampoo commercial featuring Barry?
lol That would be great! Don't forget to check out Barry's new gig over yonder... (by groobie).

STORY: Glancing around, he didn’t see his favorite journalist as he paused in front of her desk.
ER: Cat? Did he forget she’s now in Houston?
EW: /agrees with that assessment/
LOIS: /does not agree/
ER: Oh but it is.
CLARK: I'm pleading the 5th again.
LOIS: He does that a lot.

LEX: Plus, I usually go with Lois as my daughter/paramour/2nd wife.
EW: Disturbing.
ER: It’s one of the alt-world fics out there.
Doesn't make it any less so when someone writes it.

LEX: Clearly, who she was before she married me is irrelevant.
ER: I think I know why so many of his relationships crash and burn.
Because he kills them?

ER: Our little raccoon is in the zone, huh?
EW: Is that a bad thing?
ER: No. Just funny and adorable.
CLARK: /sighs/ Yes, she excels in that.

CAT: You mean *I'm* the good girl in this story? /can’t believe this and now that she’s married, she can’t even top it. Outside her bedroom that is/
ER: She could try her living room and kitchen, though.
Cat's or Lois's?
CAT: I hope she doesn't do anything naughty in my living room or kitchen.
LOIS: Anyway, haven't other writers covered those rooms?

What? Lex knows how stinky the Met Star is. Do you think HE reads that paper?
ER: He might have a staffer mark up anything that requires follow up cut breaks?
Mrs Cox?

Except that Tempus has been wiped out of existence. Hmmm. Maybe it's time for a refresher course.
ER: What can I say? He’s handy. And once MLT wrote a story with Tempus being the main reason for their problems and yet, he wasn’t in the story at all. At least, till the very end.
Sounds like a good one. /eyes all the MLT I haven't had time to read since starting this epic and sighs/ Someday.

Yes, apparently all smart women have that problem. It's why so many of them fake being dumb.
LEX: What do you mean, ‘fake’?
Like they do when they’re in bed with him.
LEX: /confused/
Does he really care whether or not he pleased them?

LOIS: Well, he *did* think I really wanted to marry Luthor at one point.
ER: Wouldn’t that make her a gold digger instead of a whore? One could add the ‘slut’ if she still intended to have a Clark and a Superman on the side, though.
LOIS: Not a gold digger. I never intended to marry Luthor.

ER: Right. He might just start doing it to mess with them now.
JIMBO: /got a naughty idea on how to keep Lois alive for another 100 parts/
LOIS: /confused/
Yes, but how long would Jimbo last?

ER: And get birth control, huh?
EW: huh Because someone cloned Jimbo?
ER: No, because with a fake Jimmy, that’s it for Jimmy Interruptus and then Lois might end up in a situation that could get her preggers.
And that's not allowed?
CLARK: [Linked Image] Not yet.

No, but there's only one who's been called THE blonde, since Lois went into space.
LOIS: I'm NOT blonde!
ER: A bit selfcentered, aren’t we? Also, didn’t she use a blonde wig, too?
Oh, you mean at Cat's wedding. Yeah.

EW: Big Louie isn't bigger than THE Boss.
ER: He could be…
I believe we're using the word differently.

LOIS: Oh, no! Not that old nickname again.
ER: Well…now that the pregnancy is off, one does need a new pastime.
LOIS: So, either I have to be pregnant or a whore? No, that's not right. Someone call my agent!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I'm Pain Free!

Now, if I could just recall where I left my mind.
SUPERMAN: [Linked Image]
LOIS: [Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

(For some strange reason, my boss isn't pleased with my ability to be long winded. Strange, huh?)

So, it's the tights that gives one the dour disposition, then?
They itch and pinch? huh

Also, why would this upset Jimbo?
Because it was before his window in the bet came up?

I wouldn't know. I've only just finished S2, Disc 2,

people are still wandering around searching for each other. (And the dragons are babies).
[Linked Image] They grow. Unless someone kills them while they’re still infants. You know, like the City Watch did in episode 2 of season 2. I mean, Dany did get three of a kind, means she got at least one spare, right? peep

CLARK: /thinks his situation is just as hopeless as Dany’s while she’s strolling around the Great Waste without food or water/ We know who the final judge will be, now don't we?

That would be great! Don't forget to check out Barry's new gig over yonder... (by groobie).
Oooh! That’s what…wait, Unique? Since Barry’s like Clark, how can he be unique? confused

Doesn't make it any less so when someone writes it.
I guess…/picks at GoT books/ Hmm…

ER: I think I know why so many of his relationships crash and burn.
EW: Because he kills them?
LEX: What?

CAT: I hope she doesn't do anything naughty in my living room or kitchen.
LOIS: Anyway, haven't other writers covered those rooms?
Yes…? Oh, is that another plug at Lois wanting to be unique?

Sounds like a good one. /eyes all the MLT I haven't had time to read since starting this epic and sighs/ Someday.
[Linked Image] But since you’re talking about time and while MLT has about half her stories done about time in some way or other…hmm…okay, one future, one back to the future, and one back form the future, plus several classical alt-universe…anyhow, There’s No Place Like Home is probably the greatest time travel piece. And a true epic. You’ll love it! Hmm…I think it might also have partially inspired a plot bunny I still need to write…

Does he really care whether or not he pleased them?
Yes. Because it means he’s a great lover and true man. The reason why prostitutes make encouraging sound effects.

LOIS: Not a gold digger. I never intended to marry Luthor.
So, more like jail bait instead, then?

Yes, but how long would Jimbo last?
You mean, if Lois gets ticked off at his interruptions and does him like Ari and that new research assistant who almost got mugged?

EW: Big Louie isn't bigger than THE Boss.
ER: He could be…
EW: I believe we're using the word differently.

LOIS: So, either I have to be pregnant or a whore? No, that's not right. Someone call my agent!
/checks stereotypes/ huh Ohhhh! There! Bitca. Happy now?

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.

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