I can't really add much to what the others have said. They already used all the words I wanted to, darn them.

Poignant, poetic, beautifully lyrical prose and some very telling points made.
Yes, Lana was hated by many fans, but then she was intended to be. Nevertheless, she's always an interesting character and I've always enjoyed seeing her in fanfic. Most especially in fanfic, like yours, which presents her pov and makes us realise that she had reasons for being the way she was and that she was more misguided than cruel in how she dealt with Clark. I do believe she truly thought she was protecting him. She just didn't realise she was going about it all the wrong way.
Thank you for sharing your delightful story, C_A.
Oh, and
As I was reading, I tried to pick out lines that I wanted to quote, but there honestly ended up being too many.