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Here's how it works: There's a blank box at the bottom of this page. You click in it and type a few words and then hit "submit." wink

The full story can be found here.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Here's how it works: you post the chapter, and then we'll have something to comment wink
(Sorry, couldn't help) :P

Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What
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Finally posted! Thanks goodness! smile I thought you handled everything quite well... One typo that threw me for a loop at first --
It wasn't until he was about two stories off the ground with her before he felt the stain. Cold fear flooded him
Pretty sure it should be 'strain.'

I loved Lois worrying about where Clark was and of course, Clark feeling guilty for his lie, and Clark is still dealing with after effects of kryptonite! The stakes are pretty high... I know I'll enjoy wherever you take us from here! smile1

Just please don't let us wait so long for the next post! hyper

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink
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Originally Posted by mozartmaid
Pretty sure it should be 'strain.'

I thought that, too, the first time I read it. But then I thought it meant contamination - the stain of the kryptonite poisoning. Either could be right, I suppose.

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink
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Sue S. Offline OP
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Arrrrgh! No, it's a typo. Sadly, Susan pointed it out to me days ago and I thought I had fixed it, which is probably why my mind continued to read it as corrected every other friggin' time I've read this story over the past week (I lost count after 50).

It's been fixed now. blush

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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You’re back! hyper It’s back! party
She rushed to turn on Clark's television, clicking through the channels until she found one with a banner proclaiming "Breaking News."

"--explosion at the Daily Planet. No word yet on the cause, or if there are casualties--"

Lois gasped and stood perfectly still, staring at the screen and willing the station to switch from the news desk to a correspondent at the scene.
The story of the year, hmm…okay…month…week? Anyhow, a major headline and she got scooped. By the local television station, to boot!

When the station began to air an advertisement,
Insurance for fire damage? Vacuum cleaners? The Metropolis Star?

She caught sight of Superman's red cape at the other end of the block and breathed a quiet sigh of relief.
Wouldn’t it be awkward if it would flutter out from the side of a large pile of ruble that’s glowing slightly green from the inside?

"My darling, I've been so worried. How are you? Do you require assistance?"
Oh, look. His plan worked.
LEX: Yes, if I had known that all that was needed to get her to come to me was to blow up the Daily Planet… I believe I will have to write a special Christmas bonus for Nigel this year.
NIGEL: Too gracious, sir.

Lois turned to face him and saw his expression flicker when he took in the man's dress shirt she was wearing
Oops? evil

"I can't," she blurted out, planting her feet to prevent being towed along with him.
They might never find her!

"Why not wait somewhere less dangerous? My car is just around the corner."
So…let’s move closer to the burning building, then?

"I'll help you look." Lex's attention suddenly shifted to the scene behind her and his dark eyes narrowed.

Lois took advantage of Lex's distraction and stepped backwards to try and break his grip on her arm. He didn't let go, and she was even more worried when she bumped into something -- someone -- solid.
[Linked Image] Look who’s here.
LEX: [Linked Image] Huh, I never realized just how much like Batman Superman could scowl like.

She wondered what the other people in the group had thought when Superman suddenly zipped away up the street.
PEOPLE: Lois Lane must be in danger.

"I think she's in shock. Please help me to convince Lois that she should come away from here."
SUPERMAN: Lois, I really do think you should come away from Lex Luthor.

He loved the Planet with the same intensity that she did; it was one of his best qualities.

Superman's shoulders sagged a little. "Two people were killed, down in the basement where the blast originated."
Wouldn’t it be awkward if it turned out to be Jimmy and Jack?

"You look pale and shaky." Superman's hand again touched the small of her back, gently guiding her. "Please, come sit down."
That might also be from the knock-out drug Lex has given her via a pin he had glued to his finger when he pressed into her arm.

Superman frowned and stood up. "It has to have been deliberate. There's so much kryptonite in the basement that I can almost feel it from here."

Maybe she was really mad at Lex, and maybe it was shock, but Lois found herself spoiling for a fight, even if it meant fighting with Superman.
[Linked Image] I don’t think we’ve ever seen a fight between Lois and Superman where Lois didn’t know he was also Clark.

"Take you somewhere Luthor can't find you," he explained with mock patience, as if she were a three year-old.
To be fair, that’s her usual mode of petulance.

"I won't. I promise."

Superman touched her wrist, his dark eyes looking directly into hers.
Lie detector?

Jack's eyebrows rose as he registered that she was wearing a man's dress shirt. "What happened to you?" He looked closer and then grinned. "Wait a minute, that's Clark's shirt! Is he back?"
How does he…? How does Jimmy recognize Clark’s shirts?

Jimmy dug in his pocket and handed his cell phone to her.

Lois called information and asked for the Breakers Hotel. She wrote the number on a napkin using the pen she'd filched earlier from the mug near the register.

"Would you like me to connect the call for a two dollar charge?" the operator asked.

"Yes, please."
Oh boy. Jimmy’s so going to go into bankruptcy from this.

"You're telling us that Lex Luthor blew up the Daily Planet?" Jimmy unconsciously shook his head slightly as he asked the question. "Why? And what has he got against Superman?"
That’s why some people are relegated to repairing singing fish.

She hung up the phone and cracked her knuckles. Where in the hell was Clark? Had something happened to him? Had he been mugged and left for dead in an alley somewhere? Gone for a swim and been pulled out to sea by the riptide? Stepped in quicksand?
Maybe Clark’s playing ‘waterball’ with a couple of buxom beach bunnies?

Luckily, she didn't seem to notice that he was struggling.
LOIS: Hmm…turbulence. I wonder if he had beans for breakfast…

He wavered over telling her the truth, but he was too exhausted to face the aftermath. It had been too stressful of a day on them both to want to add anything else to the mix.
Hmmm…wouldn’t it be fun if he just started to change, take a shower and then relax in his Clark clothes and Clark hair, leaving Lois to stand there, mouth agape?
CLARK: You do know that I’m pretty powered out right now, right? And probably vulnerable?

"Equally?" He could hear the smile in her voice. "Is she jealous of me? Of how much time we spend together?"
Nah…she knows that he loves Lois like a sister.
LUKE: wave
JAMIE: wave
AEGON I: wave

Was she jealous? Clark was starting to think she might be, given how much effort Lois was putting into discovering her supposed rival.
He does realize that he’s keeping a secret from her and let her know that he’s keeping a secret from her, right?
CLARK: Weak. Kryptonite. Sleep…

"Would you rob a bank for her?"

Her unexpected question startled a laugh out of him. "Why would she ask me to do that?"

"I would."

"No, I'd ask them to rob one for me. Just to see what they'd say."
She’s quite the little delinquent, isn’t she?

Clark grinned. "Are you saying you can only love someone who'd commit a felony for you?"
LEX: I blew up a building for her!

"I never realized until just now that you're probably insane."
DETER: [Linked Image]

"You know what? You win. If you want knock off banks in your spare time, you have my unwavering support."
How Bonny and Clyde got started.

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm knocking over a liquor store."
How that he’s likely out of a job, that might be earlier that he might have thought…

Clark took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He'd give anything for it to be tomorrow night now, to be legitimately home, to be near her.
But how are they going to say goodbye when they’re both in his apartment?
CLARK: From the couch into the bedroom, of course.

wave Michael

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"My darling, I've been so worried.
Another great use of Lex - the creepy appearance out of nowhere, the concern that rings false, the physical descriptions that give away what's lurking behind his words.
Owen, Lex's hulk of a bodyguard was her first guess until gentle fingertips brushed past the small of her back. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. For the barest scrap of a second, she thought Clark had returned to Metropolis. But when she turned her head to look, Lois found the familiar primary colors of Superman's 'S' in her field of vision
LOVED this! clap She feels that touch - Clark's touch on Clark's spot on her lower back...mmmmmmmmmmm! drool Done completely unconsciously by Clark, I'm sure, which makes it even better!
Lois found herself spoiling for a fight, even if it meant fighting with Superman. Right now he was being just as patronizing as Clark was on his worst days
The little tift is great because Lois is relating to Superman as her platonic friend - no hero worship, no deference. Even though Superman is right in front of her, all she can think about is Clark. smile
"Wait a minute, that's Clark's shirt! Is he back?"

"I, uh…"
Deflect! Deflect! lol At least Jack didn't assume it was Lex's shirt! shock
Clark stripped to his underwear and then flopped, face down, onto the bed.
Thank god for broken air conditioners. wink Clark, hot and probably sweaty, lying mostly naked in a Hawaiian hotel bed...ooooohhhh, my mind is wandering to the other sides of the boards! devil
"I wish you were here," she said softly. "God, you have no idea how much I miss you."
They've both had an awful, emotional day, so this bit of truth, which Lois would ordinarily hide or shade, slips out. Wonderful! love
Clark's heart started to race. Hope flooded in to replace his queasiness. He knew Lois had been worried about him today, but she'd worried about Jimmy and Jack, too. She might only mean she missed him as a friend, but he wanted to believe she meant it on a deeper level. "I miss you, too," he answered truthfully.
And so he admits it, too. love WAFF!!!
"Would you rob a bank for her?"
And then the conversation turns back to their comfortable friendship. That they can joke with each other after such a day - draw emotional support from each other in this way...it's just lovely. clap

Susan, who has read part 8 and suspects that, if they knew what they were in for, readers would rob a bank for Sue to get their hands on it now. grin rotflol

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink
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wave --putting on the black clothing, getting ready to be 'sneaky'. For Part 8? Yeah, totally would do it thumbsup.

This chapter definitely was worth the wait. Loved it for the creepy Lex moments (in a 'he's so evil, it's SO great' sorta way wink ), for the suspenseful details that have crumbled the Planet (Lois, knowing Lois, had to show up and be around...I could really see Jimmy, Jack, and her watching/trying to investigate there all day amongst the craziness), and (probably, pretty obviously) for those moments of perfection you create between Lois and Clark. It was a great combination of sinister 'bad guy', B-plot, and WAFFiness galore clap.

How in the world had Lex found her so quickly amidst all this chaos? Had he been watching for her?

Part of the plan....#1--blow up the Planet #2.--get into 'place' outside to wait for Lois to arrive #3.--bump into her 'spontaniously and act concerned'. Check, Check, and Somewhat Check (due to his hard to hide creepy undertones devil ).

Owen, Lex's hulk of a bodyguard was her first guess until gentle fingertips brushed past the small of her back. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. For the barest scrap of a second, she thought Clark had returned to Metropolis.

Second what Susan was saying. This part was yummy. Yearning for the other (Lois) / Acting without thinking to show your heart (Clark). Lovely detail, Sue notworthy.

How many people had been hurt? Was Jimmy one of them? What about Jack? And Edward? Denise or Danielle or Darlene or whatever the hell her name was at the foreign desk?

The-Last-Line!!! notworthy hail hyper clap. How you circle back to one of Lois' rival 'options' from previously in the story (and how it's the one that she doesn't know the name) was so completely enjoyable it me. I was rotflol.

He loved the Planet with the same intensity that she did; it was one of his best qualities.

This sentence was really great, too. It's so true of a statement, but also, it's so fun of a thing for Lois to think. It's very 'Lois'--that his love for the Planet is an attribute. To her, it is. She would be the person to admire this about him.

Clark stripped to his underwear and then flopped, face down, onto the bed.

grin --nothing more needed.

He was too far away; he should never have left Metropolis tonight. What if Luthor thought to look for Lois at his apartment? What if Lois went back to the Planet to look for the kryptonite and some of Luthor's goons found her?

Scary stuff here! Eeeeeee. eek frown . To be light on powers and stuck in Hawaii is NOT a good thing. Clark, book a ticket, get on a plane, and get back to Metropolis ASAP.

He took a few deep breaths, consciously matching his breathing to Lois', and felt the nausea begin to fade.

That he draws strength from her, in so many ways. Lovely grin.

"Maybe you should tell her."

He almost laughed as he shook his head against the pillow. "That would just complicate everything even more."

I really adore when a random statement sparks that need to laugh from the other person (in a conversation). It's such a great response--being caught off guard like that--and it works really well here in this part of their conversation.

The back and forth during their phone call...The Person trying to guess who The Recipient of Clark's love is--it is completely fun/playful/exciting/flirty to read. LOVE every second of it!

"I wouldn't make him go through with it. I'd just like to know that I'm worth it. And you didn't answer my question -- would you rob a bank for her?"

"I never realized until just now that you're probably insane."

She giggled and the sound tingled across his skin. "I'm certifiable. Would you do it?"

The ideal exchange. This is awesome, Sue thumbsup.

Clark shook his head and looked up at Africa again. Was that water spot getting larger? The Cape of Good Hope seemed to be expanding. "I don't know. Maybe."

And 'Africa' gets my vote for Favorite Supporting Character in this chapter. That detail had me shaking my head, wondering how you came up with the idea to use it, carry it through their conversation. It was amazing! So effective. Totally loved it.

He'd give anything for it to be tomorrow night now, to be legitimately home, to be near her.

And I'd give anything to be reading that scene! Can't wait for them to finally see each other face to face love (but worried some of Clark's fears about Lex finding Lois/etc might be happening sooner than later instead).

Laura (who is feeling mighty desperate to read the next Part....i.e.--which bank needs some 'assistance' ? evil laugh notworthy ).

Last edited by LMA; 10/19/15 08:06 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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I'm limited on time tonight, but I so want to acknowledge everyone! Forgive my brevity. grovel

HiddenMoon - I was proofreading! (And not very well, apparently. grumble) Come back! Or was it that bad that you can't find anything to say? (Actually, I'm kind of worried that's the case since so few people have stopped by.)

Mozartmaid - Thanks for catching my typo. blush The stakes are pretty high -- and they're going to get higher before it's over. wink

Michael - Yes, it's back. laugh And you're back, which is even better. clap

I don’t think we’ve ever seen a fight between Lois and Superman where Lois didn’t know he was also Clark.
Really? It was really more of a quick spat, though. At least, no one said anything they'd regret later.

Maybe Clark’s playing ‘waterball’ with a couple of buxom beach bunnies?
He'd better hope that possibility doesn't occur to her!

LOIS: Hmm…turbulence. I wonder if he had beans for breakfast…
Bwaaaaa! Now that bit is just ruined forever for me! lol

Nah…she knows that he loves Lois like a sister.
rotflol rotflol rotflol

Thank you, as always, for making me laugh! thumbsup

Susan - If Lex is creepy in this part, it's largely due to your suggestions. notworthy

She feels that touch - Clark's touch on Clark's spot on her lower back...mmmmmmmmmmm! Done completely unconsciously by Clark, I'm sure, which makes it even better!
Yeah, he had NO idea that he was tripping any mental alarms there. laugh

The little tift is great because Lois is relating to Superman as her platonic friend - no hero worship, no deference. Even though Superman is right in front of her, all she can think about is Clark.
I wouldn't say that there's no hero worship left in her, just that familiarity with him is breeding a little… complacency.

Thank god for broken air conditioners. Clark, hot and probably sweaty, lying mostly naked in a Hawaiian hotel bed...ooooohhhh, my mind is wandering to the other sides of the boards!
Oh, I know it is! That was there as a special treat, just for you. sloppy

They've both had an awful, emotional day, so this bit of truth, which Lois would ordinarily hide or shade, slips out. Wonderful!
You'll admit to all kinds of things when you're tired and emotionally drained.

Susan, who has read part 8 and suspects that, if they knew what they were in for, readers would rob a bank for Sue to get their hands on it now.
/Sue cackles long and hard. lol

Laura - Don't do anything rash, Laura! Think of your children!

Part of the plan....#1--blow up the Planet #2.--get into 'place' outside to wait for Lois to arrive #3.--bump into her 'spontaniously and act concerned'. Check, Check, and Somewhat Check
Those are just some happy byproducts of Lex's plan.

The-Last-Line!!! . How you circle back to one of Lois' rival 'options' from previously in the story (and how it's the one that she doesn't know the name) was so completely enjoyable it me. I was .
Thanks! I'm glad that bit amused someone else besides just me. <heh> Poor Darlene. Maybe, by the end of the story, Lois'll be able to remember her name. Or maybe not.

That he draws strength from her, in so many ways. Lovely
Thank you for catching that! smile

And 'Africa' gets my vote for Favorite Supporting Character in this chapter. That detail had me shaking my head, wondering how you came up with the idea to use it, carry it through their conversation. It was amazing! So effective. Totally loved it.
One of the apartments I lived in while in college was in this really cool old building. The plaster on the ceiling had chipped off and, to me, it looked like Africa. When I was shading in the details for this part, I made it a water spot instead. blush

Thanks again, you guys, for leaving comments! sloppy As for the wait for part 8, I was thinking to post it on Wednesday before I leave on a mini-break. But I don't want to short-change this part so I'll hold off and give it until next week to allow people a chance to catch up. Yeah, I'm cruel like that. evil Or, you know, just desperate to hear from you all. mecry

Last edited by Sue S.; 10/19/15 11:27 PM. Reason: Typos! Typos everywhere!

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Originally Posted by Sue S.
HiddenMoon - I was proofreading! (And not very well, apparently. grumble) Come back! Or was it that bad that you can't find anything to say? (Actually, I'm kind of worried that's the case since so few people have stopped by.)
Yes, you're right. It sucked. I think I'll stop reading your story and switch to E.L. James instead.
Actually, I'm kidding... It's just that it's been one of "those" weeks, if you know what I mean... By the time I have a moment to spare on the boards my brain is so crippled that I can barely articulate a sentence in my own language, yet alone in English! :P
Wait, what do you mean with "it's only Tuesday "?! jawdrop
Originally Posted by Sue S.
"My darling, I've been so worried. How are you? Do you require assistance?" A hand touched her elbow and she instinctively jerked away. How in the world had Lex found her so quickly amidst all this chaos? Had he been watching for her?
I swear, when I read this I almost screamed something like "WTF?! Leave her alone!!!": I really wish Lois could slap him in the face like he deserves (and I know she'd want to, too :P)

Originally Posted by Sue S.
"You know what? You win. If you want knock off banks in your spare time, you have my unwavering support."
OMG, he's so sexy when he mocks her like that... Even more than when he hangs around wearing only his undies and a thin, glistening layer of sweat. Well, almost. Sort of.
By the way, would you lend me your Clark for the weekend? By the time it takes to Friday night I would have earned him, I swear! wink

Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What
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"No, I..." Lois hesitated. She didn't want Lex's solicitude, his murmured condolences, and especially his touch, but she was suddenly terrified of what might happen if he knew for certain that she was on to him. "I wasn't here."

"Come, my dear," Lex soothed, and moved his hand to close around her upper arm. "Let's get you away from here."

"I can't," she blurted out, planting her feet to prevent being towed along with him. "I can't leave until I know what happened and if everyone is okay."

"It's going to be several hours before we know anything definitive," Lex said smoothly as his hand tightened just a little more on her arm. "Why not wait somewhere less dangerous? My car is just around the corner."

Ewk! Lex has nothing better planned for Lois than imprisonment. Run Lois, Run!! shock

He couldn't seem to fly as fast as usual, so it took him nearly an hour to reach the hotel. When he finally arrived, it was in a late afternoon downpour. The boom and rattle of thunder matched the throb building at the base of his neck. It had been there all day and it was gradually becoming more insistent. Clark's clothes were soaked even before he left the alley he had landed in. He came in through the front door of the hotel so that the clerk could see him.

It's a very good thing he got out of the area when he did. The prolonged exposure slowly drained his strength. Than he gets to 'sunny' Hawaii and its raining! The man cannot catch a break!

Tell her! He should tell her. But he owed it to her to tell her in person. Clark laid back and stared up at the ceiling. There was a water spot in the far corner by the window, shaped like a miniature Africa. He took a few deep breaths, consciously matching his breathing to Lois', and felt the nausea begin to fade.

Yeah, that would probably be a really good idea! But in your current state, now is not the best time to contemplate the battle royal that would take place afterwards. dizzy

Please don't take too long with the next posting. This is an excellent story!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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You know how that last day you have to work before going on vacation? It's hectic because you're trying to finish little projects, and long because you're counting the hours? Yeah, that's me today. frown

HiddenMoon - I knew it sucked! Some of the time between posts is spent psyching myself up to put the next part out. At first I was thinking you meant "E.L. Doctorow" and I wondered just how wordy I was becoming. Then I realized, no, that's not it. The name was familiar, but I couldn't place it so I did a Google search. Then I alternately laughed and shuddered. I haven't read those books, but I've heard how awful they are. I hope I'm not seriously being compared with her. eek

It's just that it's been one of "those" weeks, if you know what I mean... By the time I have a moment to spare on the boards my brain is so crippled that I can barely articulate a sentence in my own language, yet alone in English! :P
I do know what you mean! I'm having one of those weeks (months… years…) myself. My only solace is that today is my Friday. clap

I swear, when I read this I almost screamed something like "WTF?! Leave her alone!!!": I really wish Lois could slap him in the face like he deserves (and I know she'd want to, too :P)
You know sometimes evil gets rewarded and bad things happen to good people. Hopefully not in this story, but I don't want to discount the possibility. wink

OMG, he's so sexy when he mocks her like that... Even more than when he hangs around wearing only his undies and a thin, glistening layer of sweat. Well, almost. Sort of.
Yeah, sort of. lol You get both here since he's wearing only his undies AND teasing her at the same time. thumbsup

By the way, would you lend me your Clark for the weekend? By the time it takes to Friday night I would have earned him, I swear!
Absolutely! I'll be otherwise occupied this weekend, so I will free him from my closet. I warn you now, though, that while he's funny and sweet and amazing at household chores, he's excessively faithful to Lois. grumble Still, you can probably convince him to hang around in his boxers. He can be excessively accommodating like that. laugh

Morgana - Greetings, back! wave

Ewk! Lex has nothing better planned for Lois than imprisonment. Run Lois, Run!!
She should run! But imprisonment is not what he has planned.

It's a very good thing he got out of the area when he did. The prolonged exposure slowly drained his strength. Than he gets to 'sunny' Hawaii and its raining! The man cannot catch a break!
Not yet, he can't. laugh

Yeah, that would probably be a really good idea! But in your current state, now is not the best time to contemplate the battle royal that would take place afterwards.
The fear of that battle is what keeps him quiet each and every time he thinks about telling her.

Please don't take too long with the next posting. This is an excellent story!
Thank you! blush I have the next part ready to go, I'm just hoping to hear from the rest of the gang before I post.

Thanks again, you guys! sloppy

Last edited by Sue S.; 10/21/15 09:42 AM. Reason: Word change for clarity

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Just wanted you to know I am still out there lurking, and every time they say "goodbye" I feel their mounting pressure. Looking forward to your next posting because fortunately, (I hope), at some point, you will relieve "our" pressure. [Linked Image]

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Good morning, SupesFan! Thank you so much for letting me know that you're out there and reading! You've totally made my day. smile1 I promise, the next part will alleviate a lot of the "pressure." thumbsup

Now, as for the rest of you... Come on! When there are over 300 hits on the thread, but only seven people have left FDK, I can only conclude that there are a lot more of you who actually get to this point, only to shrug and turn away. You're killing me! Just say "hi!" wave I won't bite!** I will embrace you! sloppy

**Unless biting is what you're into. Then I could be persuaded. wink

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Haha! 'Hi' Sue smile Loving the story so far, but then I love every story I've read by you! Sorry for the late & scantly feedback - I tend to read on my breaks, so I'm a terrible lurker frown

Gotta say, the heat you manage to build between these two? Even fully dressed, in public, while talking to Luthor? AWESOME.

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Features Writer
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Oh WOW! What a delightful chapter! clap clap clap

From Lois hearing sirens, to Lex accosting her, to Superman protecting Lois, Lois getting increasingly frantic about Clark and finally them connecting what an awesome read! The pace of this chapter was perfect, and kept me on the edge of my seat waiting for whatever is coming next.

I loved how Lois subconsciously recognized Clark's touch in Superman. Or maybe it's her heart that felt it.

The bit about Africa on the ceiling was great. I've seen faces and shapes in water spots and in vinyl flooring that's supposed to look like stone, so that was totally believable to me.

Loved the return to the banter between Lois and Clark at the end.

Sorry for the delay in posting my comments. RL is keeping me busy.

Enjoy your vacation. Hope you are posting part 8 soon.


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly

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It is a delightful tale but I haven't been keeping up with the posts*. Just read 5,6 & 7 now. well done.

*wife broke her leg in two places August 1st, so its been a busy couple of months.

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And you're back, which is even better.

Maybe Clark’s playing ‘waterball’ with a couple of buxom beach bunnies?

He'd better hope that possibility doesn't occur to her!

Bwaaaaa! Now that bit is just ruined forever for me!

Thank you, as always, for making me laugh!
You're welcome! smile1

wave Michael

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Hack from Nowheresville
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"We're both barefoot, both flushed, and we both look guilty as hell. Clark has finger-combed his hair but I'm positive mine looks like I was just f… fished out of the river."

<3 this fic!
'The Next Step' By Sue S.

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Howdy, howdy, howdy! wave

It's exciting to see some new/old faces in here! jump

Bean22 - Thank you! I can't even begin to express what a thrill it is to lure someone out of lurking. It's better than chocolate. thumbsup

Gotta say, the heat you manage to build between these two? Even fully dressed, in public, while talking to Luthor? AWESOME.
Ha! Thanks! laugh

cuidadora - Thanks! I'm glad you're still here and still enjoying the story. smile I like to believe that it's her heart that recognizes him. There's plenty more banter to come!

Framework4 - Hey! You're still around! clap I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I hope she's fully mended now.

Michael - Never change! laugh

Lola - Holy heck! I've miiiiiiiissed you! How completely, fantabulously wonderful to see you here again! smile1

My thanks to everyone who's commented. sloppy I should be posting part 8 soon. eek

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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