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The full story can be found here.

It's worth noting that I don't actually believe that Perry takes Clark's side over Lois'. But it certainly felt like something Lois would perceive to be happening. What do you think?

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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I think that this chapter is amazing smile...

Overall, I've never noticed Perry favor Clark to Lois' side. But--we do know that Perry thinks of Lois as a daughter, and that Lois is a bit lacking in the 'cautious department'. And we know that Clark is overly careful--in almost everything he does. Based on those facts...yeah--Clark might win Perry's vote a bit more than Lois does (depending on the subject matter and safety matter of a given topic). Lois though? I definitely could see her thinking Perry is siding her out (regardless of the reality of the situation grin ).

He was challenging her, and she knew it, but she found herself unable to back away. Lois got into the limo, telling herself that Lex claimed to love her. He wouldn't do anything really terrible to her. Besides, he probably knew that Jimmy was expecting her.

Mantra that kept repeating in my head: Do not get in a car with strangers! Do not get in a car with strangers! I was freakin' out during this whole ride, Lois--not a smart move!!! eek

"There is nothing I wouldn't risk for you, Lois," he said as his eyes met hers. "Marry me, and I'll rebuild the Planet as your wedding present."

AKA--"Can I bribe you to marry me by rebuilding the Planet?" Creepy! Obsessively, desperately creepy help frown.

"Clark!" She launched herself at him and he caught her, spinning her in a hug as they both laughed.

I was almost as happy that Clark was back as Lois clap hyper grin jump. YES!!!

As they ate, Lois couldn't stop taking sideways glances at Clark, still afraid this might just be a dream. She tried to memorize the press of Clark's leg against hers and the nudge from his elbow as he reached for his drink. It felt companionable and warm, being practically snuggled up against him like this. She couldn't stop herself from casually bumping her arm against his to reassure herself that he was really there. He was really, truly there.

This was completely sweet. When the physical lines are blurred when you care about someone. How their space, your space, are one in the same. And I'm sure she realized over and over in these moments just how MUCH she had missed him. Waff galore smile.

Jack and Jimmy glanced at each other. It only fueled Lois' frustration more when she saw Jimmy shake his head slightly as if to warn Jack not to say anything.

Lois leaned forward and glared at Jimmy. "James Bartholomew Olsen! Don't you dare not tell me! Spill it!"

"It's so obvious!" Jack said with a laugh. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"

"Don't be absurd!" Lois exclaimed in exasperation.

"All right, enough." Perry waved at Jack to be silent. "Now, darlin', I think what we're all trying to say is that, if we had to make an educated guess, well, Clark seems to be sweet on you."

"Me?" There seemed to be a roaring sound in her ears as she tried to make sense of this new development. Her? What if it really was that simple? What if Clark was in love with her? "So why doesn't he just tell me?"

Jimmy gave her an embarrassed-looking shrug. Perry smiled tightly and shook his head.

"You can't blame him for not wanting to tell you," Jack said tartly after the silence had stretched out. "I mean, everyone knows that you're in love with Superman. And you're practically engaged to Lex Luthor. That's a lot to have to compete with, you know?"

Lois shook her head. "I'm not engaged to Lex."

"And Superman?" Jack asked pointedly.

She shook her head again. "I'm not…" Her voice trailed away as she saw Clark reappear at the top of the stairs.

"What did I miss?" Clark asked as Perry stood up to allow him into the booth.

This was the perfect way for Lois to find out. The dialogue was excellent. Particularly loved Jack's responses grin.

"Me, too." Her cheeks turned warm as she realized how that might have sounded. "Miss my bed, I mean. Not your bed. Although your bed is nice. It's comfy, you know? The mattress might be a little firmer than mine, but I could definitely sleep on it again." Her blush turned even hotter. "Not that I'm planning on sleeping in your bed again! I'm not ruling it out completely, just that the possibility is unlikely. Mostly unlikely. You never know what might happen, though."

His laugh was a low rumble in her ear. "My dad always says that when you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging."

LOL lol rotflol. This exchange was hilarious! About woke hubby up laughing laugh.

"Is it me?"

Dead silence.

Lois' breath caught in her throat. Maybe he hadn't heard her? No, he must have heard her or he would have asked her to repeat the question. Her eyes closed in embarrassment. She'd been too presumptuous. Of course he wasn't in love with her. So why didn't he just say so? The question was still there, seeming to hang heavy in the air.

After an eternity, Clark quietly said, "Yes."

Her heart began to beat again. "Oh," she whispered as her mind raced to make sense of it. Had she heard him correctly? "You, uh, you said 'yes,' right?"

It took much less time for him to answer. "Yes."

"So that's a yes, you're in love with me?"

He made a sound like a suppressed laugh. "Yes."

"Oh my god, that's so great! I'm in love with you, too!"

"You… what?"

"I love you." Lois laughed from the sheer relief of having actually said the words out loud, then stopped abruptly. "Wait! Don't say it back! I'm coming over."

She didn't wait for a reply. Lois dropped the phone in its cradle and raced to the door. She fumbled open the locks with shaking hands and rushed into the hallway. Only after she had knocked on the door of 510 did it occur to her that she wasn't wearing any pants.

It's out there! She knows! He knows! dance clap dance. And--to top it off--she is pant-less, heading to his room blush. You could not have ended this chapter any better! (But, boy, I would have loved to be able to read a few more paragraphs before you cut us off--what will Clark say when he sees her? what will Lois say? what to do about the lack of pants? help thumbsup notworthy ).

Loving it!



Lois ran down the stairs, sparing a glance at the hallway that led to the first floor laundry room. Her clothes weren't done yet, and it seemed worth the risk of losing half her wardrobe to find out what Jimmy had learned.

True story--in college, one friday evening, I was doing laundry at the laundry mat. Stayed while the laundry was in the washer, transfered it to the dryer, then left while it was finishing up (errand, homework, something needed done...can not remember wink ). Go back--late that night--to pick up my laundry. Three or four guys were there, at the laundry mat, when I walked in. Their conversation STOPPED the second I walked in. Creepy eek. I went quickly to my dryer, carrying my laundry basket, to retrieve my clothes and get the heck out of there. No clothes in the dryer. At all. Empty! shock. Check the dryer to the right. The dryer to the left. Empty, too. dizzy. Where was my stuff??? (Guys presently still quiet...watching me). Looked around a little more--panicky (due to guys and lack of laundry) and got out of there quick. Went home (I was living with my sister in a college rental house) and balled. Where were my clothes??? (and it was a LOT of clothes--big load). A few hours later--now it's early morning--go back to laundrymat, with sister in tow. Protection (not really, but comforting, none the less wink ). Go to orignal dryer. All laundry in the dryer. Completely clean, dry. Cried with relief. Filled laundry basket. Went home. Apparently a really cruel prank--by really immature college guys razz splat frown --who had absolutely nothing better to do.

Moral of the story: If it's laundry you love, stay with it thumbsup. Good luck to you, Lois!

Last edited by LMA; 10/29/15 09:48 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Absolutely loved this part! I love how Lois gives Perry, Jimmy, and Jack a little third degree about who Clark loves. Then when he gets back, all of the little subtleties she notices about him. And of course, THE phone conversation at the end! Even though she thought she knew the answer, it still took some conjones on Lois' part to come right out and ask him. Now you leave us dangling, with Lois standing outside Clark's door only clad in his t-shirt!?!? I hope the next part gets posted soon! Sarah

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I was so surprised as Lois in finding Clark with Perry. I was imagining he would appear just at the ending of the chapter and suddenly... there he is! hyper

Only after she had knocked on the door of 510 did it occur to her that she wasn't wearing any pants.
One less piece to take off. angel-devil I can't help it, the thought popped up automatically in my mind when I read this sentence. devil


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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rkn Offline
Hack from Nowheresville
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Last edited by rkn; 10/29/15 04:07 PM.


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Hack from Nowheresville
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Hack from Nowheresville
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[Linked Image]
Sue, Thank you for the update. As for relieving OUR pressured stress, how could you leave us, urrr...I meant Lois in that situation? Just hearing that Clark returns her love, standing half naked in the hallway and probably (temporarily) forgetting that Perry is in the room with Clark. How could you leave us, err.... I meant Clark in that situation? About to confront in the flesh so to speak, not the fantasy of Lois in his tee shirt, but the actual woman of his countless dreams? Are you trying to give us a coronary? Or, just a really good preview of what's to come?
[Linked Image]

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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This was so worth me being 20min late to work this morning!

"We're both barefoot, both flushed, and we both look guilty as hell. Clark has finger-combed his hair but I'm positive mine looks like I was just f… fished out of the river."

<3 this fic!
'The Next Step' By Sue S.

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Sue S. Offline OP
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Good morning! wave

Laura - Thank you! I'd guess that Perry probably favors Lois over Clark, but since it's her POV, she doesn't see it that way. It's their flaws that make the characters so real (and beloved) to me.

Mantra that kept repeating in my head: Do not get in a car with strangers! Do not get in a car with strangers! I was freakin' out during this whole ride, Lois--not a smart move!!!
Ha! You do realize that Lex isn't exactly a "stranger," right? wink

AKA--"Can I bribe you to marry me by rebuilding the Planet?" Creepy! Obsessively, desperately creepy.
It is obsessively creepy, but he certainly does know which buttons to push.

This exchange was hilarious! About woke hubby up laughing.
I'm glad that amused you as much as me!

It's out there! She knows! He knows!
It is, and they do. laugh

Apparently a really cruel prank--by really immature college guys --who had absolutely nothing better to do.
What idiots! Luckily, most guys grow out of that phase.

Moral of the story: If it's laundry you love, stay with it.
Very true! Something I have learned the hard way. At least they put yours back. grumble

Sarah - Thanks! Lois is smart enough to chase another angle if she's not getting anywhere with Clark's one-guess-per-day game.

Even though she thought she knew the answer, it still took some conjones on Lois' part to come right out and ask him.
Even though we know the answer, she didn't, so I'm glad it came across as a risk.

Andreia - Hey! You're here! wave I'm glad I could surprise you.

One less piece to take off.
LOL! We're on the PG side of the boards, so nothing else is coming off. In fact, I'll even admit that clothes get put on in the next part, instead of vice versa. wink

rkn - OMG! I laughed so, so, so, SO HARD! Freakin' Kentucky Fried Movie! My siblings and I still quote that movie to each other. My father has a very warped sense of humor and he made a "clean" version of that movie, splicing together the relatively non-objectionable parts of it and we watched it until the tape literally wore out. Fast forward about ten years, and we're at the video store one night. I convince my husband to rent the movie, telling him what a hoot it is. We get home, pop it in the VCR, and there's 'Catholic High School Girls in Trouble.' I was stunned and I kept exclaiming that I had never, NEVER seen that scene before.

Thank you for the laugh, and for the trip down memory lane! thumbsup

SupesFan - You're welcome! I told you the pressure would be relieved in this part. smile

Just hearing that Clark returns her love, standing half naked in the hallway and probably (temporarily) forgetting that Perry is in the room with Clark.
Actually, they each have their own room. It would put a severe wet blanket on the next part if Perry was in there with them. laugh

Are you trying to give us a coronary? Or, just a really good preview of what's to come?
Oh dear, I hope there aren't any coronaries! Think of it as a gift -- you have a week to imagine all the different possibilities…

Lola - I'm glad! If you need me to write a note for your boss, just let me know. wink

Thank you all! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Perfection. Just what their reunion should be - the joyous hug, then the inability to stop subtly touching each other at the restaurant, to falling asleep on each other in the car, to the phone conversation in the hotel, to Lois dashing over to Clark's room without her pants. It was absolute bliss. I loved it all! clap hail

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink
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Top Banana
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Yeah, what Groobie said. I loved that Jack spilled the beans. I could picture his expression through that whole conversation. And the way Perry knew just what to do in a crisis.

You are a master of descriptive detail--the little touches that give the story the texture of reality, like the comfort of smelling like Clark's shampoo or hearing Perry singing through the wall.

And that final phone conversation! Such bravery from both of them. I'm looking forward to seeing heir courage rewarded. love

This *is* my happily ever after.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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May the record also state she ran out of her room without a room key. So a) she can't go back, only into Clark's room and/or b) would have to walk down to the lobby pantless to get a new key---seeing as Perry was the one to pay for the rooms, he'd have to go with her. Awkward.

I know what I would do...

Last edited by LolaDane; 10/31/15 12:18 PM.

"We're both barefoot, both flushed, and we both look guilty as hell. Clark has finger-combed his hair but I'm positive mine looks like I was just f… fished out of the river."

<3 this fic!
'The Next Step' By Sue S.

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Me, too smile...

I posted:
Mantra that kept repeating in my head: Do not get in a car with strangers! Do not get in a car with strangers! I was freakin' out during this whole ride, Lois--not a smart move!!!

Sue posted:
Ha! You do realize that Lex isn't exactly a "stranger," right? wink

lol True...I confess to having 'Stranger Danger' on the brain (blame it on safety talks with the six year old grin ). But...for as crazy as Lex is, kinda might as well be? spider--Lex, skirting away from the accusation. You just never know what that guy'll do.

Laura (who is dying to know what is going to happen when Clark's door opens. Counting down the days till you post again...)

Last edited by LMA; 10/31/15 12:41 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Happy Halloween! (pretend there's a scary emoticon here)

Susan - Thanks! If it sings at all, it's due to your patience and encouragement. sloppy

HappyGirl - Many thanks! I really liked Jack on the show, I thought he added a fun bit of snark and I wish he hadn't simply disappeared between seasons. Perry always knows what to do in a crisis. wink

I'm looking forward to seeing their courage rewarded.
Oh, it definitely will be rewarded! smile

Lola - You are absolutely correct -- there was no mention of her room key in her mad dash from the room. thumbsup

Laura - I knew what you meant by "stranger danger," but I couldn't resist teasing you a little. smile And you're absolutely right. Lois doesn't really know who Lex is. I don't think it's still in the story or not, but in one of the early parts I originally had Lois remembering Clark's word to her at the end of 'Fly Hard': Be careful with Luthor, you don't know him like I do.

Laura (who is dying to know what is going to happen when Clark's door opens. Counting down the days till you post again...)
Maybe the door never opens. Maybe Clark is so excited that he just walks right through the door… eek

Thanks, ladies! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
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, wondering and worrying if he was trapped in a burning building full of kryptonite.
No, he’s currently having naughty dreams about her being Bonnie Lane.

Or was he so injured that he couldn't get away?
Maybe someone finds him and takes him home to make him her personal plaything?

to check the stairwell outside Clark's front door. It had been empty, a fact that both relieved and frightened her.

She returned to Clark's bed and flopped backwards,
I wonder if she might not sleep better if Clark was there, holding her close after they both won.

Clark had been stuck thousands of miles away, helplessly watching it unfold on television. It must have been torture to be so far away.
And yet, I don’t think telling her he’s Superman would keep her calm. At all.

Lois punched up a pillow and turned it sideways before snuggling against it,
A perfect stand-in for Clark — both a willing punching ball and a snuggle bums at the same time.

Then she stood, half-swaying on her feet, and regarded his shower. Right now taking a shower at home included the possibility of an audience. But here was a perfectly good shower going spare.
Unless Clark got home and wondered why his shower was running.
[Linked Image]

Clark won't care, she told herself. You know he won't care.
I believe he would care. He’ll probably never clean that shower again.

It felt rather curious, almost illicit, to be stripping naked in her best friend's bathroom.
She was never sooted up and had to get clean in Clark’s apartment before?

Maybe it was the possibility that Superman might show up unannounced again, although she was certain he wouldn't invade her privacy.
SUPERMAN: She was at Clark’s place. I thought I’d be surprising *him* in the shower with a gush of freezing breath, not *her*!

Not just clean, but now the familiar smell of Clark's soap and shampoo clung to her like an invisible hug.
So she didn’t spend the night at her place and smells like a guy. Wonder what Lex is going to say about his fiancée gallivanting around like that.
LOIS: Fiancée?
LEX: huh I proposed and paid her father 50 large.

At the beep, Lex's voice cooed, "Lois? Are you there, my darling?"
Wouldn’t it be creepy if he said ‘I can see you on the monitor. Come on, Lois! Pick up or I’ll have to send Owen to get you.’

Lois froze, her heart hammering painfully in her chest at the realization that Lex was probably watching her at this very moment.
Or that.

Lois picked up the cordless phone and called her mom, reassuring her that she was perfectly fine, but extremely busy.
She could say that she stayed at Ralph’s place. That way, her mother would stop worrying about why Lois wasn’t home *and* Lex would get rid of Ralph. Two flies. One stone.

It appeared the bomb had been mailed to the Planet and, by the sheerest luck, fragments of the postage and a clear thumbprint had survived the blast.
Luck? Is it called luck if a corrupt cop places that evidence in a bag to implicate Clark Kent for mailing that device?

Not that she could give him a ride, her Jeep was still parked in the Planet's garage, but Clark didn't know that.
Caked in dirt at the least, maybe even crushed by concrete?

"Do you remember that place we all went to on my birthday?"
Joe’s Jiggle Room?

"Would you rather I called a cab for you?" Lex asked.
He probably has specially built versions with a gas-tight backseat cabin.

Lois got into the limo, telling herself that Lex claimed to love her. He wouldn't do anything really terrible to her.
Whisk her away to a remote place and make love to her. In his eyes. The state might call it something else, though.

"The Green Harp, down on 8th Avenue and Church Street." She took the proffered handkerchief and dabbed at her face and hair, trying to soak up the worst of the moisture.

"I've never heard of the place."
It’s a dart place. The owner, an Oliver King, likes all sorts of marksmanship competitions.

"You could rebuild it." God, did he want her to beg? She realized that she was perfectly willing to beg if that would change his mind.
Or maybe she could do something else with her mouth to make it all better? Maybe that’s what he wants?
LEX: See? Everyone has their price. laugh

What kind of a monster would destroy your world and then offer you solace?

"There is nothing I wouldn't risk for you, Lois," he said as his eyes met hers. "Marry me, and I'll rebuild the Planet as your wedding present."
So, he’s paying her a building for sex, then?

What about her, for that matter? If he'd blown up the Planet, who was to say he'd let her out of the limo once it got to the Green Harp if she turned him down again?
Maybe if she had a switch blade and could ram it into his neck while kissing him?
LOIS: I prefer to not kill people.

" I, uh, I don't know what to say," she whispered, feeling like her throat was closing off with unshed tears.
Maybe something like that pea-soup scene from the Excorcist?

"I see I've surprised you." Lex leaned closer and kissed her softly on the cheek. "Take your time and think about it, my darling." He kissed her again, this time on the lips. "I'm not going anywhere."
[Linked Image]

Owen nodded. Lois wondered if he spoke, and she was half-tempted to ask him something that required more than a simple yes or no answer.
Maybe Owen is like one of Euron Greyjoy’s crew on the Silence?

He wasn't, and she wondered how fast he was counting, and how much time she'd have to get away.
It also depends on whether he knows how to count to two hundred and if he’ll go slowly or just skip numbers when he has trouble.

The door squeaked, but no alarm sounded. Lois stepped into the alley, quickly pushing the door shut behind her. She crept down to the end, and took a peek around the corner.
Wouldn’t it be awkward if Owen was standing there, shaking his head ‘no’?

All four men fell instantly silent, staring at her like she'd grown a second head.
[Linked Image]

Finally, Perry spoke. "You ditched him?" He turned to look over his shoulder in the direction of the stairs. "Are you sure you lost him?"
See? That’s why you ditch people in a ditch with a .22 in the middle of their forehead. That way, you can say, ‘yes, I’m sure’.

Clark shook his head in disbelief. "Oh my god, you're actually thinking about it, aren't you?"

"Now, Clark--" Perry began to caution.
“— it’s a very time-honored tradition to trade marriage beds for goods, treaties, or general good will.”

And she'd been right about Clark shifting into overprotective big brother mode the moment Lex's name came up.
Yes, he does love her like a brother. Platonic.

Absence hadn't softened him at all, Clark was exactly the same. She was making an effort to be nicer, so why couldn't he?
He enjoys their foreplay?

Clark was so much the same, in fact, that he was tapping Perry on the shoulder as he asked, "Chief? Will you excuse me? I have to, uh…" Clark gestured in the direction of the stairs.
Go for little superheroes?

As soon as he disappeared from sight, Lois leaned forward, bracing her elbows on the table and lowering her voice even though Clark was now out of earshot.
So, in China already?

"Okay, let's make this quick. I know Clark is in love with someone who works at the Planet, but he won't tell me who. Do any of you know who she is?"
JIMMY: confused
PERRY: [Linked Image]

For a very long moment no one spoke as all three men stared at her.

"Ahhh," Perry began, before falling silent.

Jack began to laugh. "Are you serious?"

"It's so obvious!" Jack said with a laugh. "Have you looked in a mirror lately?"

"Don't be absurd!" Lois exclaimed in exasperation.
LOIS: Ultra Woman’s not even a real person! eek I mean…erm…What?

"So why doesn't he just tell me?"
He likes the torture? He’s shy? He thinks she loves older gents with lots of money?

The man was intelligent, amusing, gorgeous, and -- just maybe -- in love with her, which said a lot for his good taste.
That he’s in love with a superficial brunette who uses her looks to get ahead in her job?
LOIS: mad

What if it was true? What if it was her? Happiness began to bubble inside her like champagne;
She could ask ‘is it Lois?’

"Hey." Clark's elbow nudged hers as he leaned closer to whisper near her ear. "Are you okay?" The heat of his breath tickled her neck, setting off a ripple of goose bumps over her skin.
How knowing makes a world of difference.

Clark would never blackmail her into doing anything,
He might hold back winning if she ticks him off too much by running away and into dangerous situations. At least, until she manages to scare him senseless, then he might be too relieved and happy to not make her win.

To her chagrin, Perry now looked as concerned as Clark. "I asked where you're planning to stay tonight. You know there's always a room for you with Alice and me."
Clark’s! I mean…Clark’s. Yes. Clark’s bed will do.

Lois held out her hand to take the card, but Perry moved it beyond her reach. "Two conditions, darlin'. One, you go out to the suburbs, somewhere that it will be easier to spot a tail. And, two, I come with you."

"Make it three conditions. I'm coming, too," Clark volunteered.
Yes, but with Perry there, won’t that be awkward? Unless they rent a big villa-type of house and Perry dresses in a black suit and white gloves.
PERRY: Very good, Mistress Lane, Master Kent. Will that be all for tonight?

"After all, if Lex really wanted to hurt me, I wouldn't be sitting here now."
Adrenalin gives the meat a nice, spicy flavor.

Something was wrong with Lois, but Clark could only guess at what it was.
Because she’s started to send out really strong waves of pheromones? Like she did back in November?

Most of all he wanted to make Luthor pay, find a way to get beneath his skin and unsettle the man in the same way he was terrorizing Lois.
[Linked Image]

What had Jack done in his absence?
Told her that he loves her.
CLARK: shock

"I was able to get us three rooms that are by each other. I'll take 506. Lois you can have 508, and we'll put Clark in 510."
So, Clark’s right next to Lois. Wouldn’t it be better with Perry in between them? To prevent any illicit, premarital hanky panky from starting?

"I think--" Clark started to say, before deciding that she would only react negatively if he said anything about her door opening skills.

"Superman didn't tell me anything." That was even the truth
From a certain point of view.

The hotel had clearly been designed for upscale business travelers.
So it belongs to Lex and has video surveillance equipment installed to better record the upscale business traveler and the upscale companion in the king-size bed?

Bad idea. He was tired -- and she was chicken.
[Linked Image]

Clark laughed. "Night and day difference. This place is so much nicer than either of those were."
To be fair, neither of them had an amenity-Lois built in next door.

"Still, I bet you miss your bed."


"Me, too." Her cheeks turned warm as she realized how that might have sounded.

"This is my final guess. I promise I won't ever ask again after this one." There wouldn't be a need to ask, because if she was wrong, she'd die of embarrassment before morning.

"Oh my god, that's so great! I'm in love with you, too!"

"I love you." Lois laughed from the sheer relief of having actually said the words out loud, then stopped abruptly. "Wait! Don't say it back! I'm coming over."
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Only after she had knocked on the door of 510 did it occur to her that she wasn't wearing any pants.
evil Also, no key, right?

End 8/12

Like Lois, I'm breathless with anticipation. Please, come say something!
*End*? *END*? What do you mean, by *END* of part 8/12!!!

wave Michael

LOL! We're on the PG side of the boards, so nothing else is coming off. In fact, I'll even admit that clothes get put on in the next part, instead of vice versa.
shock help thud [Linked Image]

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
Joined: Feb 2015
Posts: 167
Dear, I really wanted to leave a meaningful review to this amazing chapter, I really did...
But then I started looking for Kentucky Fried Movie bits on YouTube, I spent a good half an hour bent in two laughing and now my spleen hurts. So this is all you'll get: ask your boss to let you get a vacation more often, you can tell him/her people from all over the world will benefit of it. wink

Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What
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Sue S. Offline OP
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grumble I'd say I was having one of those weeks, but it's kind of turning into one of those years. Every time I think that things at work or home are settling down, it's like tempting fate, because then it goes up another notch on the crazy scale. help

I apologize for not coming back sooner to reply, but RL has been insane lately. So I apologize in advance for being brief here. frown

Michael - As always, thank you for making me laugh (repeatedly!). thumbsup It's hard to say which picture made me guffaw the loudest, but you get bonus points for including Ramsay, because that made me laugh and shudder at the same time.

HiddenMoon - Not my fault, blame rkn. Or maybe the Zucker brothers. :P

I'm still polishing on part 9. Soon, I promise! wave

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Oh the romantic tension is so great!! Can't wait for the next part!! smile1

Please don't leave us hanging long!!

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 283
Poor Lois...been stuck outside in the hall for two weeks with no pants on!

"We're both barefoot, both flushed, and we both look guilty as hell. Clark has finger-combed his hair but I'm positive mine looks like I was just f… fished out of the river."

<3 this fic!
'The Next Step' By Sue S.

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Posts: 283
Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Posts: 283

"We're both barefoot, both flushed, and we both look guilty as hell. Clark has finger-combed his hair but I'm positive mine looks like I was just f… fished out of the river."

<3 this fic!
'The Next Step' By Sue S.

Avatar by Shred
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Originally Posted by LolaDane
Poor Lois...been stuck outside in the hall for two weeks with no pants on!

Yeah, come on Sue! Please!!! grovel grovel grovel

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink
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