Hi Mary!
It’s baaaack!

The man glared up at Zor-Xu. “Since when does glorious Krypton cower before these Earthlings?” he spat. “We could have already rebuilt New Krypton and restored it to its former glory, if you and your councilmen weren't so afraid of weaklings and half-breeds!”
Sounds like the newcomer would prefer to keep Earthans as indentured servants and the women of Earth, for, well…breeding practice. Without the actual breeding part, that is.
“—is a fool,” Zor-Xu interrupted, and with a terrible calmness, he snapped the man's neck.

Oh boy. Let’s hope he’s got diplomatic immunity.
ZOR-XU: Yes. But don’t worry, this traitor is going home in the diplomatic bag, too.
Zor-Xu muttered something distinctly non-English, then scooped Lois into his arms. The world blurred around them again, just as their little welcoming committee opened fire.
Oh boy.
Mo’, pw’ese?
