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#279937 04/14/18 09:57 PM
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 4,025
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Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 4,025


(as if anyone would forget)
DeadlyChakram: Back with Superman slippers smile
NostalgiaKick: Haha, gotta love the Superman merch floating around in this chatroom
I'm using your mug atm Vicki
DeadlyChakram: I had a Superman tshirt on today but changed to Mickey Mouse PJs after I gave the girls their bath. Ohh yay! Glad you can use it, Feli!
NostalgiaKick: It gets used a lot
Millefeuilles: Hubby's sleeping like a log... smile And I'm sitting in our bed, laptop on my knees…
Endelda: howdy!
Millefeuilles: Hi!
Cuidadora: Hi Endelda
DeadlyChakram: Hiya Endelda!
Lynn S.M.: Hi FoLCs.
Endelda: hello smile
Lynn S.M.: I know I appear to be Annette; but I have a secret identity...
DeadlyChakram: Haha I think you're alone there, Feli razz
NostalgiaKick: Hey Endelda, hey Lynn smile
Endelda: lol
Lynn S.M.: I am really Lynn S. M. (Annette let me borrow an account.)
Millefeuilles: Hi, Lynn?
DeadlyChakram: Hi Lynn!
Endelda: hi Lynn!
NostalgiaKick:Great to see you here, Lynn smile
Cuidadora: Hi Lynn
CarrieRene: Hi Lynn.
Morgana: exciting to see all these people!
Folc4evernaday: Hey Lynn
Kathryn84: Hey Lynn Hey Endelda
CarrieRene: Hi, Morgana and Endelda
Kathryn84: Oh and hi Morgana
DeadlyChakram: Hi everyone!
Kathryn84: grin
Lynn S.M.: An even two dozen in the chat room, and we still have a few minutes before things get underway. smile
Millefeuilles: @Morgana: yes, very exciting
Endelda: This is the most people I've seen in here
NostalgiaKick: 3 minutes
Folc4evernaday: 2
Millefeuilles: My Internet connexion's a little slow, hope it'll be OK...
Folc4evernaday: My clock on my computer is set to Vicki time for some reason :P
NostalgiaKick: Hahaha
DeadlyChakram: BTW, Nice Banner, Val!
CarrieRene: Nothing wrong with Vicki time.
NostalgiaKick: I have multiple world clocks on my phone so I know what the heck time it is where Val and Vicki are
DeadlyChakram: Haha, I know you love me, Val! That's why your clock is set to mine grin
Morgana: Banner is perfect!
Folc4evernaday: Thanks
Cuidadora: Beautiful banner and videos
Millefeuilles: Indeed... Bravo!
NostalgiaKick: Val does a fantastic job with them grin
Lynn S.M.: Two thumbs up for the banner and videos.
DeadlyChakram: She does!
Lynn S.M.: Yay! smile
Endelda: woohoo here we go!
NostalgiaKick: Here we go!
Morgana: Here we go!
DeadlyChakram: An up front congrats to all tonight for having awesome stories and being a part of this!
NostalgiaKick: Yay Ina!
Lynn S.M.: CK was the person in the comics around that time, too. We've John Byrne to thank for that. An excellent and brilliant move.
Congratulations to all three new authors, and welcome!
Morgana: Yay!
Lynn S.M.: Yay, Millefeuilles. Well done!
DeadlyChakram: Congrats Mille! Nice work to all new authors!
Endelda: Congrats Millefeuilles!
NostalgiaKick: Yay Millefeuilles!
CarrieRene: Congratulations
NostalgiaKick: Congratulations!
Kathryn84: Congrats
Morgana: Excellent story!
Lynn S.M.: What a lovely Kerth. Much nicer than a glass rock. wink
Folc4evernaday: Congrats Mille!
NostalgiaKick: Speech! Very well-deserved award smile
Lynn S.M.: Your stories are doubly amazing since they aren't even in your first language. (I wish my native-English-speaking students wrote a tenth as well.)
DeadlyChakram: Right, Lynn? I was going to say something along those lines
NostalgiaKick: Yup, you're right there Lynn. I'm constantly in awe of our non-native English speaking writers
Millefeuilles: Screamed so loudly that I woke up my husband!!
Cuidadora: Absolutely, Lynn! Yay Emma!
Morgana: The sequel was very sweet. Glad you wrote it.
Millefeuilles: You made me do it, so THANK YOU.
Morgana: Urgh Ralph!
CarrieRene: Congratulations again from a fellow nominee.
Lynn S.M.: OH, no... Not Ralph. wink (He gives all Ralph's a bad name...) Looking forward to what he has to say here, though.
Millefeuilles: not THAT guy... lol
Lynn S.M.: LOL!
Endelda: think, wish, potato potahto
Millefeuilles: Help, Superman... Ralph's here.
Cuidadora: LOL!!
Morgana: technical problems!!!
Lynn S.M.: Am I experiencing technical difficulties? The last thing I saw was Ralph asking "As what?"
Millefeuilles: So did I.
Folc4evernaday: No Morgana's trying to reconnect
Lynn S.M.: Oops... I think Cynthia answered the question even as I was typing.
NostalgiaKick: No, you're fine, we lost Morgana
Lynn S.M.: Ralph must have messed things up.
Endelda: Leave it to Ralph
DeadlyChakram: It's always Ralph's fault. Guy's a disaster
Millefeuilles: Someone has frozen Ralf... Good thing, considering.
DeadlyChakram: Thanks, Mr. Wells, for bringing Morgana back!
Mouserocks: Ohh coming in late.. Congrats Millefeuilles!!
Morgana: Fixed it!
DeadlyChakram: Hiya Emma!
Lynn S.M.: Nice ad libbing.
Millefeuilles: Thanks... I'm still in shock.
Mouserocks: ((Also I didn't know you were an Emma too!)
Millefeuilles: Yes, an Emmanuelle, actually!
Mouserocks: Pretty! Love that name. I always tell people Emma is a name for only smart and beautiful people (btw is it displaying me as mouse or Emma?)
DeadlyChakram: Feli - Queen of the Super short razz
NostalgiaKick: Emma, Haha, my muse has attention span issues razz
DeadlyChakram: LOL
Lynn S.M.: Yay Vicki! Fun story.
NostalgiaKick: Woohoo! Congrats Vicki!
Endelda: yay Vicki!
DeadlyChakram: Thank you, everyone!
NostalgiaKick: Hilarious story
Morgana: Oh man, I had to switch computers! Sorry about that
Millefeuilles: Bravo!!
Mouserocks: Yay!! Congrats Vicki!!! That one cracked me up
Folc4evernaday: Yay!!!
Cuidadora: Congrats Vicki!!
Folc4evernaday: Congrats
Morgana: Congrats Vicki!
CarrieRene: Congrats Vicki
DeadlyChakram: Aww, thanks guys smile I love my random shower thought stories
NostalgiaKick: I gotta say, how perfect is the main pic on the award there?
DeadlyChakram: Bwhaha, right? He looks so PAINED
Millefeuilles: Oh, yeeeees.
NostalgiaKick: Scarred for life lol
Lynn S.M.: Is this "our" Lana (whom we never met) or alt-Lana?
Either way, she is definitely not right for Clark...
Millefeuilles: That's for sure.
Lynn S.M.: Lana has the "less" down pat... But in her case, less is less.
Endelda: Yay, a tie!
CarrieRene: Yay for Val! And Maggie
Lynn S.M.: Congrats to both the winners. smile
Millefeuilles: Congrats, you 2!
Morgana: Wow! A tie!
NostalgiaKick: That's Val's first ever Kerth btw!
DeadlyChakram: Congrats Maggie and Val!!! Well deserved wins!
Cuidadora: First tie of the night! Congrats to both!!
Morgana: Nice work Folc and Maggie
NostalgiaKick: *hugs Val*
Endelda: Well done!
Mouserocks: Wow! Congrats to both of you!
Morgana: Val! Way to go!
DeadlyChakram: *pops champagne for Val's first win*
NostalgiaKick: That's been a long time coming and so well deserved
Mouserocks: (back to work check in later)
NostalgiaKick: Congrats Val
DeadlyChakram: Bye Mouse!
Morgana: Bye Mouse!
Lynn S.M.: Bye Mouse. M-I-C -- See ya real soon! wink
Cuidadora: Bye Mouse
Millefeuilles: Au revoir...
Kathryn84: Congrats to the winners. Bye Mouse
NostalgiaKick: And you rocked it, Val smile
CarrieRene: Yay for Val going out of her comfort zone!
Millefeuilles: Oh, yay!
Morgana: Well deserved, you worked hard for it.
Cuidadora: Definitely well deserved!
Lynn S.M.: If they let Ralph do a category, will he go away?
Endelda: I'm not sure Ralph would go away if you flushed twice
Lynn S.M.: ROTFL
NostalgiaKick: Bahahaha
Millefeuilles: LOL
Cuidadora: LOL
Lynn S.M.: Another tie?
Endelda: flip it over!
Lynn S.M.: Good question, Lois -- guess that's why you're the star reporter.
CarrieRene: OOps.... I guess it's better than a miscount
Morgana: A crime has been committed!
Millefeuilles: Tempus did it!
Kathryn84: Ralph changed envelopes?
Morgana: Somebody call Inspector Henderson!
Endelda: I make a mean meatloaf from-scratch mashed potatoes too
Lynn S.M.: As long as it isn't from Ralph's Pagoda. (There's that name again...)
CarrieRene: Ralph is all over the place.
Lynn S.M.: Three-way? Wow!
Endelda: wow, a three way!
NostalgiaKick: Bahahahahahaha
Lynn S.M.: Yay, Val, Thomas MC, and Morgana.
NostalgiaKick: Sorry, but I hang out with Val and Vicki- dirty mind razz
Millefeuilles: wow.... Yay!
Endelda: Congratulations, ya'll!
Lynn S.M.: NK, have you been hanging around Ralph and Cat?
CarrieRene: You get a prize and you get a prize and you get a prize
DeadlyChakram: Congrats Val, Thomas, and Morgana!
NostalgiaKick: Congrats, Val, Thomas, and Morgana!
Kathryn84: Congrats to the three of you
Millefeuilles: Congrats, Val, Morgana and Thomas! (ladies first!)
Cuidadora: Congrats all three of you!!!Morgana! Well done
CarrieRene: Congrats Morgana, Val and Thomas
DeadlyChakram: Five years - ouch! And I thought roaming around Gotham for a year with my Batman trilogy was long razz
NostalgiaKick: Suddenly I don't feel quite so bad for *still* working on Unmasked
DeadlyChakram: LOL
Morgana: I was writing Airport.
DeadlyChakram: Makes sense
NostalgiaKick: Airport was wonderful
Morgana: That was a real monster...
Millefeuilles: but a delightful monster...
Morgana: Absolutely!
DeadlyChakram: Happy to be a sounding board, Val!
DeadlyChakram: Congrats Val! First time winner and racking them up!
Morgana: Val you are having a great year!
Lynn S.M.: Congrats to both of you. You'll need to clear some extra room on the wall for those Kerths...
NostalgiaKick: Kerthalanche
DeadlyChakram: LMAO!
Millefeuilles: Congrats Val!
DeadlyChakram: I looooooves my banner
CarrieRene: Congrats Val and and Vicki. Double V's
Morgana: DC is on a roll as well!
CarrieRene: I love that banner too.
Morgana: Congratulations ladies!
Cuidadora: WCWWCongrats!ow
Millefeuilles: congrats, Vicky! Well deserved, you 2!
NostalgiaKick: Super proud of my KCOM buddies atm
DeadlyChakram: Thanks smile Embracing was a bit outside of my comfort zone but it was fun
NostalgiaKick: Your muse's holiday in Gotham was well spent lol
Millefeuilles: Outside your comfort zone makes excellent reading!
Lynn S.M.: Seems like being out of one's comfort zone is a good way to get a Kerth this year. wink
DeadlyChakram: Thanks smile
Morgana: Stepping into a new arena pulls those writing muscles ...
in a good way!
DeadlyChakram: Clark as Nightwing is allllll sorts of drooly
Kissmatt: cool
Lynn S.M.: Val, I'm all the happier that your story got you a Kerth considering that it is so personal for you. And I am so sorry that it is.
DeadlyChakram: Hiya Kells! Didn't see ya there
NostalgiaKick: Hey Kelly smile
Lynn S.M.: Hi Kelly. Welcome.
DeadlyChakram: Ditto, Val. Glad some brightness could come from such a dark inspiration
Folc4evernaday: Thanks Lynn. I'm still kinda shocked
Kissmatt: I'm here sorta, I'm at a found family dinner grin
Folc4evernaday: Hey Kelly
NostalgiaKick: Lynn- your story had me in floods of tears
Kissmatt: We have 17 ppl and matzo ball chicken soup
Lynn S.M.: NK, it was definitely therapeutic to write. May I belatedly hand you a tissue?
NostalgiaKick: Aww, thanks
Millefeuilles: And very enlightening to read it...
NostalgiaKick: It's not something we've had to deal with yet but it's a potential future that scares me a little
Morgana: Val, this is getting to be a habit!
DeadlyChakram: Lynn's was a dagger in my heart, seriously
NostalgiaKick: Val is going to drown in Kerths smile
Endelda: Congrats again, Val's sweeping the awards this year!
Morgana: But a truly happy one!
Lynn S.M.: Congrats, Val! I'm happy to sat although my story left a lot unresolved, there has been a happy ending in real life. My son is now in a residential school filled with dedicated, caring staff who are trained to work with kids like him; we are both much safer, he's doing well, and our visits are generally filled with positive interactions.
DeadlyChakram: Congrats Val!
Millefeuilles: Congrats, Val! SuperWriter!
CarrieRene: Congrats Val.
NostalgiaKick: That's great Lynn, I was going to ask you how he's doing
DeadlyChakram: I'm so glad, Lynn. May you both be able to breathe easier now
Endelda: That's great Lynn!
CarrieRene: Best Tearjerker was the hardest
DeadlyChakram: *hugs to Lynn*
Morgana: Lynn that is good news for both of you.
Millefeuilles: I'm glad, Lynn... I hope you'll both be doing better.
NostalgiaKick: Congrats Val! That story was rip-your-heart-out sad
Cuidadora: Happy for you, Lynn
Lynn S.M.: NK, I hope you never have to deal with it yourself, but if you do, you've a listening ear here.
NostalgiaKick: whinging
DeadlyChakram: *hugs to Val* I wish your inspiration didn't need to be so true to life
Lynn S.M.: Another five-year story? I second Vicki's sentiment.
Kathryn84: me too.
Millefeuilles: So so I.
Lynn S.M.: I can't even begin to imagine how painful that must have been.
Endelda: Endelda locks Mayson and her lips in a closet
DeadlyChakram: lol
Millefeuilles: LOL!
Cuidadora: LOL!
DeadlyChakram: Congrats to you, Mouse! (Even though you're not here right now)
NostalgiaKick: Aww, pity she had to leave when she did!
Endelda: yay for Mouse!
NostalgiaKick: Congrats Mouse!
Cuidadora: Congrats, Mouse!
Lynn S.M.: Well-done MOUSE!
Morgana: Mayson always has to get in the middle of things!
Millefeuilles: Congrats, Mouse! A lovely story...
CarrieRene: Congrats Mouse
Morgana: The Mouse roars! Lois giving relationship advice? Oh no!
Millefeuilles: Oh, non, NOT Lex!
Morgana: Johnny Corben? Security!
Lynn S.M.: You should know, Lois...
Endelda: The best you can hope for with more criminals is a soft underbelly
nice and vulnerable *most
NostalgiaKick: Yay Ina!
Lynn S.M.: Brava, Cuidadora!
Endelda: Yay Cuidadora!
DeadlyChakram: Congrats, Ina!!!
Folc4evernaday: Congrats Cuidadora!
Millefeuilles: Yay, Ina! CONGRATS!
Lynn S.M.: I love Sister Mary Frances.
CarrieRene: Congratulations Cuidadora
Morgana: Cuidadora! Hey that was a good story. Lois should not have followed Clark!
Millefeuilles: Mary Frances is awesome!
Lynn S.M.: Ooooh... Looking forward to another story about her.
DeadlyChakram: Those Canterbury Tales were so much fun. We should go back to pushing those
Morgana: Another story at the mission? This could be very interesting!
DeadlyChakram: Ooh, yes, do come back, Sister!
Millefeuilles: More Mary Frances! Power to Mary Frances!
Lynn S.M.: As soon as you learn it, you'll be made to forget.
Hmmm... Has anyone rewritten the episode to discuss what would have happened if they hadn't been forced to forget?
DeadlyChakram: *Men in Black show up with a neuralyzer*
Millefeuilles: ROTFL
DeadlyChakram: hehehe
Morgana: DC again!
Endelda: Congrats Vicki!
Folc4evernaday: Congrats Vicki!
NostalgiaKick: Yay Vicki!
Lynn S.M.: Embrace the Kerth, DC smile
Millefeuilles: Yay, Vicky!
NostalgiaKick: LOL
CarrieRene: Like what would happen if Lois had remembered at the end of Tempus Fugitive?
DeadlyChakram: Aww, thanks smile
CarrieRene: Congrats Vicki
Endelda: I'm really loving those stories, I was so happy to see that there's another one coming
DeadlyChakram: Aww thanks. Val is betaing for me and we're hard at work on the next one smile
Lynn S.M.: Carrie, that, too, but I had been thinking about what would have happened if Sam and Ellen Lane had remembered The Secret.
CarrieRene: Oh gotcha in the Toy Story episode, you mean in Season Four
Lynn S.M.: Yup. That's the one.
NostalgiaKick: I'm being squashed by munchkins lol
Lynn S.M.: Cherish the squashing, NK. Those times go by faster than you would imagine.
Morgana: The days are long, but the years are short.
NostalgiaKick: Yeah, Melissa turns 4 tomorrow
She's my 'baby'
Lynn S.M.: And you get a plot bunny, and you get a plot bunny, and you get a plot bunny...
NostalgiaKick: Haha judging by that list, Vicki got lot of plot bunnies
DeadlyChakram: One simple prompt and it gave birth to a litter!
Lynn S.M.: Yay Queenie. Her stories are alway terrific.
DeadlyChakram: Congrats, Queenie!!!!
Endelda: Yay Queenie!
CarrieRene: Congrats Queenie
NostalgiaKick: Well, you know the whole thing about bunnies reproducing Congrats Queenie!
DeadlyChakram: Right?? lol
Millefeuilles: Congrats!
Morgana: Queenie! How cool is that!
Millefeuilles: This one was hilarious!
Patrick West joined the conversation
Lynn S.M.: HI Patrick.
DeadlyChakram: Hi Patrick
Morgana: Hello Patrick
Lynn S.M.: Is Mxy still in the fifth dimension?
Morgana: Let that imp stay there!
Lynn S.M.: Look up in the sky...
Endelda: It's a bird!
CarrieRene: Its a bird. Its a plane
Lynn S.M.: So why was the guy who said that line so excited about what he thought was a bird? Was he an ornithologist? (If so, he was a bad one.)
DeadlyChakram: Yay! Congrats Val!
Morgana: Your cup is running over!
Lynn S.M.: Congrats, Val. You're doing well this evening. smile
Endelda: YAY VAL!!
CarrieRene: Congrats Val
Morgana: This is a happy day!
NostalgiaKick: See? Kerthalanche
DeadlyChakram: Val's gonna need to buy a bigger house for all the awards
Millefeuilles: Wow! congrats, Val!
Lynn S.M.: Not an aVALanche?
Millefeuilles: A mansion!
Morgana: aVALanche! Too Funny!
DeadlyChakram: Bwhahaa!
Cuidadora: CongratCongrats, Val!s!
NostalgiaKick: Joking aside, congratulations Val. It's awesome to see you *finally* taking home those Kerths Hahaha, nice one Lynn
DeadlyChakram: Seriously. Took too long for it to happen
Lynn S.M.: I'm still amazed that my story was nominated for Best OC/SC, since although the story was about Todd, he was barely in it. Thanks to all who voted for it.
For obvious reasons, he's a character near and dear to me.
DeadlyChakram: It was awesome and so memorable
NostalgiaKick: I think your story resonated with a lot of people
Morgana: It really made me think.
NostalgiaKick: There's a lot of us out there that are either directly caring for someone with ASD or have someone they love with ASD
Cuidadora: Absolutely!
Lynn S.M.: Thank you. You're right, NK. ASD is *far* more well-known now than it was when I was growing up.
Morgana, that's one of the best compliments you could give the story. My entire Todd series was definitely designed to be edutainment.
Morgana: About ASD and how families deal with the situation
Lynn S.M.: There's so little realistic fiction about people on the spectrum; I wanted to share a little of what it is really like, at least for me and my family.
CarrieRene: This is what happens when I write a speech while watching MASH
Endelda: lol
Lynn S.M.: Of course, different families will have very different experiences.
One of the best shows ever.
Millefeuilles: Lynn, your stories made me grow as an human being.
Lynn S.M.: I still tear up when I think of "Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun in. There were no survivors..."
NostalgiaKick: Yup. If you know a person with ASD, you know *one* person with ASD
Lynn S.M.: Or "Did you ever once, ever offer me a lousy cup of coffee?"
Morgana: This is your year DC
CarrieRene: BJ Honeycutt is my favorite character
Lynn S.M.: Wow, Emma, I am truly humbled! That was even better than a Kerth! And speaking of Kerth, congratulations Vicki!
Millefeuilles: no, Lynn, just the truth!
DeadlyChakram: Aww, thanks smile
Lynn S.M.: Exactly, NK.
Millefeuilles: Congrats, Vicky!
Endelda: Congrats Vicki!
Morgana: The characters were solid.
NostalgiaKick: Yay, congrats Vicki!
CarrieRene: Congrats Vicki
Morgana: Grandma Tildy and especially Chen.
DeadlyChakram: Uh oh, I'm seeing in triplicate on stage!
Lynn S.M.: UH, oh. Clones.
Millefeuilles: clones, or alt-Loises?
Endelda: **Endelda hides all the frogs**
Lynn S.M.: Ah. Alts. Much better than clones.
Morgana: Clone Wars
DeadlyChakram: Thanks. It didn't hit me until the end that the name Grandma Tildy came from a book called But No Elephants that I liked as a kid and have now been reading to the girls razz
Morgana: Share the stories of your childhood with your kids. Perfect
CarrieRene: Just like Charlotte's Web. One of my favorites
DeadlyChakram: I kept a whole bunch of books for when I had my own kids. It's nice to be able to share the exact same ones with them
Morgana: Mouse went to the other side? Yikes!
DeadlyChakram: haha
Endelda: We need some extra Clarks in there to balance things out
DeadlyChakram: *pours drinks* If we're seeing that many Loises WITHOUT being tipsy, this should be more fun
Lynn S.M.: And you get a Clark, and you get a Clark, and you get a Clark...
Endelda: wee!
CarrieRene: Extra Clarks is always a good thing
DeadlyChakram: oh yeah!
Lynn S.M.: (But I'll keep a Clark for myself, too. wink ) Yay, Vicki!
Endelda: Congrats again Vicki!
Millefeuilles: Yeah! Hail Vicky!
Morgana: Whee! Another win!
DeadlyChakram: *blushes*
Endelda: a round of Clarks for the house! bottoms up!
CarrieRene: One of my favorites this year... congrats Vicki. I would even read some to my Jakey. (sshh don't tell anyone)
DeadlyChakram: aww thanks
NostalgiaKick: Man, Vicki and Val re killing it this year
Morgana: Cover-up? Oh no, they cannot get into an investigation now! Totally!
Lynn S.M.: Does that mean your presentations are hare-raising?
CarrieRene: Its the year of the V's
Endelda: LOL
Millefeuilles: LOL
NostalgiaKick: I'm lagging badly here btw people, my entire household decided Netflix was their favoured activity this morning
DeadlyChakram: *claps* Congrats, Val!!!
Endelda: Yay Val (again!)
Morgana: The Rules win!
NostalgiaKick: The Rules... ruled?
Millefeuilles: Congrats, Val! The year of the V, indeed!
Lynn S.M.: "V" for "Victory," indeed.
DeadlyChakram: I have a cat to my left (across the room) and a cat to the right (other side of the room) and I can hear them snoring grin
Endelda: Val-ctory
CarrieRene: LOL
Lynn S.M.: Taking cat naps?
NostalgiaKick: Kevin's cooking bacon and it smells so good
CarrieRene: Someone say bacon...
Lynn S.M.: So you're one degree removed from Kevin's Bacon?
DeadlyChakram: They each have an armchair to themselves razz
Nice one, Lynn! Zing!
Morgana: Will somebody please tell my cat to stay off my computer?
CarrieRene: Cat stay off Morgana's computer
NostalgiaKick: Bahahaha, Lynn's on fire with the lines
Lynn S.M.: Cat, chase some other mouse.
DeadlyChakram: Morgana - revoke his/her wifi privileges wink
Morgana: He swatted the monitor! As if I don't have enough technical difficulties tonight!
CarrieRene: My CK says "Hi folc friends"
Morgana: That's what I get for naming him Nimitz..
Lynn S.M.: NK, Kerth ceremonnies always seem to bring out the silliness in me.
Oops, ceremonies
DeadlyChakram: Lynn, go for Comedy next Kerths! grin Man, we got in a LOT of people's heads this year, apparently Yay! Congrats Mille!!!!
Morgana: Mille
Lynn S.M.: Vicki, my fundaising fic that I wrote last year and promised not to post until this coming June definitely has a healthy dose of silliness.
Morgana: Are you still awake?
NostalgiaKick: You and me especially it seems LOL
CarrieRene: Congrats Mille
NostalgiaKick: Yay Mille!
DeadlyChakram: Oh yay! Can't wait, Lynn!
Endelda: Congrats Mille!
Lynn S.M.: Well done, Mille. (I'll refrain from saying "About blooming time" wink )
NostalgiaKick: LOL
CarrieRene: lol
DeadlyChakram: LOL
Folc4evernaday: Congrats Mille!
Cuidadora: Congrats Congrats Mille/Emma!
Millefeuilles: LOL.. Thank you, everyone! This will encourage me to finish the story languishing on my computer
NostalgiaKick: Awesomely well done Mille, you beat out soe really seasoned authors for that award. You should be super proud smile
DeadlyChakram: Oh yay for inspiration!
Millefeuilles: Thank you to my wonderful Betas!
Morgana: No matter how long it takes!
Lynn S.M.: A teaser: Lois writes a Star Trek filk based on an Elvis song. And that's just a small part of it. Please do, Emma. It will have lots of eager readers, I'm sure.
Millefeuilles: I'm going into shock!
NostalgiaKick: Two Kerths in your first year is amazing smile
Millefeuilles: I'm properly amazed!
CarrieRene: Yes it is
Lynn S.M.: Start clearing off a second wall, Val, for all those Kerths. Well done!
Millefeuilles: 2018 is V Year.
NostalgiaKick: Geez Val, you may as well just stay on that stage razz
DeadlyChakram: Congrats Val!
NostalgiaKick: Congrats, Val smile
Millefeuilles: Consider buying another house for these Kerths!
DeadlyChakram: *pulls up special Val seat right on stage*
Morgana: so cool!
NostalgiaKick: It's a good thing these awards are digital or she'd need a shopping trolley to cart them home
Lynn S.M.: You're obviously a versatile writer, Val.
CarrieRene: Congrats Val
Cuidadora: Congrats, Val!
Folc4evernaday: haha so funny Feli. Thanks everyone
Kissmatt: 💪**muscle emoji**
CarrieRene: I couldn't remember who Murray was. Thanks.
Lynn S.M.: I wonder how he'd get along with Ralph?
Millefeuilles: an interesting question!
Endelda: Murray has a heart of gold
DeadlyChakram: Now THERE'S a challenge!
CarrieRene: OOh gives me an idea for a story.
Lynn S.M.: Cool. A plot bunny has been born. smile
DeadlyChakram: Congrats, Terry!
Endelda: Yay Terry!
Millefeuilles: Congrats, Terry!
NostalgiaKick: Yay Terry!
Folc4evernaday: Congrats Terry!
CarrieRene: Congrats Terry
Lynn S.M.: Congrats, Terry!
DeadlyChakram: lol
CarrieRene: I have so many plot bunnies... it’s writing them that's the issue.
Morgana: That cat's WiFi has been revoked!!!!
Cuidadora: Congrats Terry
Morgana: Good job Terry!
Millefeuilles: Sorry guys, but I'm about to leave you... It's 1:58 AM in my time zone, and I need my beauty sleep.... I have to get up in 5 hours, so...
Morgana: Good night Mille
DeadlyChakram: Night Emma, glad you could make it for most of the Kerths! Sleep well!
Lynn S.M.: Ugh. Bon soir.
Cuidadora: Night Emma and Congrats again!
DeadlyChakram: Congrats on your wins!
Endelda: night Emma!
Millefeuilles: Again, thank you, FoLCs, for everything! I am stunned and grateful beyond words, and I feel quite encouraged by your enjoyment of my stories. Bonne nuit!
Lynn S.M.: Oops. "Bonne nuit"? I fear it's been decades since my French classes.. The thought is there, anyway...
Kathryn84: Bonne nuit means good night
DeadlyChakram: And Bon soir is good evening, I think, if I remember my high school French
CarrieRene: Goodnight
DeadlyChakram: Been forever and a day since French class grin
Lynn S.M.: Thanks. I had them reversed in my mind
DeadlyChakram: Congrats, Queenie!
Kathryn84: Yes, bon soir is good evening. I have been relearning basic french a few years ago
Cuidadora: Congrats! Another tie! Yay!
Folc4evernaday: Congrats Vicki and Queenie!
Morgana: Queen of the Capes wins again! Let's hear it for DC!
Lynn S.M.: You know what they say that in comedy timing is everything?
CarrieRene: Congrats ladies.
Lynn S.M.: Another tie, and both stories are deserving. Congrats!
Mouserocks: Back a minute. What'd I miss?
Folc4evernaday: You won Best Kiss
Mouserocks: Congrats Vicki and Queenie!
DeadlyChakram: Congrats again to Val!
Mouserocks: Oh for real?
Cuidadora: Congrats Val!
Lynn S.M.: Well done, Val. You're cleaning up. smile
DeadlyChakram: Ties? We've had more so far than Clark's closet
Mouserocks: Congrats Val!!! Love that fic
Morgana: Like I said before, this is your year!
NostalgiaKick: Val is making up for lost time smile
Kissmatt: *backs up uhaul* BEEP BEEP BEEP
NostalgiaKick: LOL
DeadlyChakram: lol Kells
Mouserocks: Hahah
Morgana: Season Four was a little weird
Lynn S.M.: Less weird than season five was going to be (with the baby rapidly becoming a teenager)
Mouserocks: Four days?! Val you wrote that in four days??? Is there another award we can give you for that?
Folc4evernaday: haha
Morgana: Four days? Now I really feel bad!
Mouserocks: I can't get a short done in four days lol, short of it being a manic writing episode
Lynn S.M.: Yay Terry.
DeadlyChakram: Congrats Terry
Folc4evernaday: Congrats Terry
NostalgiaKick: Yay Terry!
Mouserocks: Congrats Terry!!!
Folc4evernaday: It was short for me
Morgana: Cross country trips can be fun and rewarding!
Mouserocks: Fabulous story
Cuidadora: A mentor told me it doesn't matter how long it takes to write your story. There's no rush, and it matures when it's ready.
Mouserocks: Very true
Morgana: Somebody get the bugspray! Ralph is back!
Mouserocks: Antiverse has taken me like two years to write, and still fine-tuning the details
CarrieRene: Ralph is a bug
Endelda: What's Antiverse?
Folc4evernaday: Anti-Universe
Lynn S.M.: Clark has a beard? wink
Endelda: Congrats Morgana!
CarrieRene: Congratulations Morgana
DeadlyChakram: Congrats Morgana!!! Well deserved!
Cuidadora: Congrats Morgana!
Lynn S.M.: Congratulations!
Folc4evernaday: Go Morgana!
NostalgiaKick: Yay Morgana! Beautiful crossover of two of my favourite shows
Mouserocks: Woohoo!! Congrats Morgana! I loved that show too
Lynn S.M.: That is wonderful news. I definitely remember Bob and Bev.
NostalgiaKick: Fantastic news about Bob and Bev
DeadlyChakram: That's wonderful news!
Mouserocks: Ooops I have to be absent for this part
Morgana: They were the inspiration for this story when it got stuck.
Mouserocks: *hands Val my mask*
Cuidadora: Great news about Bob and Bev!
Morgana: I just wish poor Bev did not have to suffer from those cancer treatments.
She's a lovely lady.
CarrieRene: A tie
DeadlyChakram: Ties ALLLLLL around! Congrats, Terry!!!
Morgana: A tie! Nice!
Cuidadora: Another Tie! Yay! Congrats Vicki and Terry!
NostalgiaKick: I'll be good and old off on the Nine Nine reference
Mouserocks: Next year we should pass out ties instead of rabbits
Endelda: The Year Of The Tie
NostalgiaKick: *hold
Mouserocks: Congrats Terry and Vicki!
Folc4evernaday: haha
Morgana: Ties would be good.
NostalgiaKick: Congrats Vicki and Terry!
Folc4evernaday: Congrats to Terry and Vicki grin
CarrieRene: Congrats Vicki and Terry
Morgana: You deserve it DC!
DeadlyChakram: Aww, thanks smile

~ Folc4evernaday

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Looks great, Val! Thanks for logging it for us!

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Thanks for the transcript. Umm...for those of us with timezone-incompatible sleep cycles, do you also have the transcript of the ceremony? peep grovel

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The ceremony transcript is in the works! I believe Val began working on it last night after she did the chat transcript. Keep checking back!

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Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon

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Thanks for the transcript. Out of curiosity, how did you make it? I hadn't seen any easy way to save the conversation within the Google page. I also noticed that you changed me from appearing as Annette to having my regular moniker. Did you hand-type the entire transcript? Or is there a third-party app to let you download it and then you did a global find-and-replace to change my handle? Either way, thank you!


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Thanks for the transcript. I as planning on being there but family stuff got in the way. Congrats to all the winners and nominees. Well deserved!

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Outstanding job, Val! Thanks for the super-fast turn around!


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Okay guys sorry it took so long to get it up. I had to split it up a bit but here's the transcript for the Ceremony

To answer your question, Lynn, there's a feature in the admin that allows you to search the history of a chat. So I copied and pasted that into a google doc then found and replaced the names to match everyone's screen names and added the ubb equivalent for formatting. So some of it is manual but most of it was copy and pasting.

Congrats to all the winners! Thank you so much! I've been kinda in shock that I actually won a Kerth let alone EIGHT! Thank you, everyone!

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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