Hi Lara!
So great to see you back to posting!
Probably due to the blood reference, I somehow got to ‘vampires’

CAT: Lois is like a fun-vampire. Every party she gets her fangs into, she sucks the fun right out of.
First, there seemed to be many more people than usual in the newsroom, and second, something was being set up in the conference room. He had a bad feeling about all of it immediately.
So, either a Christmas party including a tree, or Revenge Redoux.
It's the annual blood drive, Clark. You know… the one that happens every year?"
Oh. Also, Lois, he’s only been here for six months.
LOIS: felt like six years.
CLARK: Blood? Drive? Oh look, I need to return my neighbor’s cat’s yoga video to the store.
And then you can roll up your sleeve like the rest of us and do something nice, for the good of other people."
Yes, they would feel really super!
"That's what Superman does every day, you know… And now, us mere mortals get to experience a little bit of what it's like to be a superhero. Even you. Isn't that amazing?"
This is amazing work!
. "Those chumps at The Star aren't getting the participation award two years in a row. Not on my watch!"
PRESTON CARPENTER: No, I didn’t double the staff just a month before the blood drive so I could win an award. Why do ask?
"I need you to cover Mayor Berkowitz's press conference in half an hour."
Much too early to head back to the Planet, he realized. If they spent enough time here, he wouldn't even need to excuse himself from the charity event.

"You really do know how to make it easy for me to hate you."
They are so adorable!
"Oh please, I never faint!"
And she has quite a lot of experience with reduced blood volume.
but given the impact it had had on Lois' mood, he honestly was sorry for it.

you're not scared of needles, are you? Clark, you're a grown man!" "Of course I'm not—" he began, but she wouldn't let him finish.
Actually, he’s got quite the bad rep in the needle community.
Didn't you get your shots when you were a kid?"
CLARK: No, I was never shot when I was a kid.
Luckily, Lois seemed to have heard only what she thought he'd been saying — as per usual. She rolled her eyes at him for the umpteenth time. "Well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck," she told him.
There’s a six months cool-off period for giving blood if you’ve been to high-risk countries (Malaria, etc). That might work? If he fudges the numbers a bit?
You're right, I have been trying to avoid the whole thing. I really need to get out of here or they'll find out.
Don’t know how it was I the US in the nineties, but over here they’ve only recently removed gay relationships as a high-risk factor and Clark is in a very intimate relationship with Superman.
"...the thing is that it's not possible to harvest a pint of blood from my body. I don't even bleed at all."
He’s a robot!
How stupid do you think I am?"
He should not point at the galactic plane right now.
"So, let me get this straight, then," Lois said after a long pause. "You've lied to me every single day since we've met. Continuously.
And she never once got suspicious.
LOIS: You know what? You don’t tell Perry and I don’t tell Perry, deal?
You owe me something big. Huge. Like a nice, fancy, candlelight dinner. In Paris!"
They also have a Lexor in Paris. They could rent the honeymoon suite?
Clark bit back a chuckle, idly wondering if he'd need to bring a Scrabble board along to Paris or not…

Lara, this was a delicious treat!
/reads comments thread/

And I do wan to chime in with Barbara, your excuse works perfectly within the established canon of LnC

Hope to see you again one day
