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#29042 04/10/06 03:57 AM
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A/N: I'll be out of town for the next week or so, but I should have a new part ready when I return. Thanks so much to all who have taken the time to review! Posting a story in a new fandom is always a little nervewracking, and you've made me feel very welcome. I hope you continue to enjoy the story.
O_O Gurk...

A... whole week?? Or MORE?? *panic! hyperventilate!*

I'll be waiting for the next part! laugh Have fun wherever you're going (if its a Fun Thing. If not, then Hugs to you!)

Yeah, it IS a bit nerve wracking posting in a new fandom, but the FoLCs here are nice, aint they?

*sits patiently and waits for more*

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*
#29043 04/10/06 06:26 AM
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Caroline, this is simply brilliant.

The way you understand and lay bare Lois and Clark's feeling and motivations. Your excellent grasp of language, through which you make us see and understand what you have seen and understood. I'm hypnotized. I'm sucker-punched. And I have to echo Catherine: What, you are going to be gone a whole week (or maybe even a little longer), so how are we going to survive without a new chapter of this story for that many days??? Where's the "I'm tortured" icon??

Like I said. Brilliant. Fantastic. Please, Caroline, please come back soon!


#29044 04/10/06 08:15 AM
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Sorry, I hadn't given feedback for the previous parts. I just caught up with the three firsts chapters, and I love your story. Your description of the feelings of the characters are perfect. We can see the things the way they do, and feel them too the way they do.

I agree with the others, "a week or so" will be long...

#29045 04/10/06 09:28 AM
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I have just read the three parts of your story: I love it! smile1 I'm eagerly waiting for your next part! smile1

simona smile

#29046 04/10/06 02:45 PM
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A whole week? No one told you? That's against the rules! You're not allowed to keep your fans waiting. blush

This is probably the first time that I've ever known Clark to deny loving Lois. Interesting view and I cannot wait to see where you go with this. Hurry back! wallbash

I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
#29047 04/10/06 03:20 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Caroline, this. Is. Fantastic.

Seriously, I'm nearly at a loss for proper, coherent FDK. Your writing is superb; it conveys so much so, so well. Your insight into Clark's feelings are powerful and heart-wrenching.

The scene with Martha was terrific. And this, in particular, was brilliant:
“I’m sorry, honey,” she said softly, pulling him close. “I’m so sorry you’re hurting.”

She felt him shudder slightly against her as he allowed his head to drop to her shoulder. Superman’s invulnerability was the biggest myth of all, Martha thought tenderly, as she smoothed her hand over her boy’s dark hair. She’d played devil’s advocate a little and told Clark some things she believed he’d needed to hear, but there was a corner of her mother’s heart that fiercely resented Lois Lane for the pain she’d caused.
Martha's need for Clark to see Lois' actions in a more objective light is countered by her proctectiveness as his mother. It's such a raw, telling moment and you've captured it beautifully.

It's a wonderful chapter. Thanks for sharing this on the boards — I can't wait to see what happens when you post the next part!

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien
#29048 04/10/06 04:04 PM
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Thsi is just wonderful. I am just catching up on it now. That is how it should have happened! Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
#29049 04/10/06 05:34 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Absolutely fabulous. Great insight into the characters. I don't think I've ever heard "Lois'" case argued so well before! Your explanation of her viewpoint in previous chapters (Lois and her love affair with the idea of a perfect, risk-free relationship) was superb and Martha's summary was right on target with it. Two thumbs up for excellent writing. Oh, BTW, this bit of humour was so quite amusing:
The guy’s an alien! He could have lived in a...a pod somewhere and survived on dead rats for all she knew.”

Martha blinked at him. “That’s...one of the strangest things I’ve ever heard you say, son."
I agree Martha! Can't wait until the next chapter (though I guess I'll have to seeing as how you're gone for the week!) Keep up the great work!

#29050 04/10/06 06:01 PM
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I like this story! I almost wish this was the way the series had gone. Then Lex would have lived longer and been a coherent villain instead of a raving lunatic clone, and Clark and Lois would have danced around their relationship without the invisible third party (Superman).

But this? This is absolutely priceless!

Honestly, Clark, it’s a darn good thing you are invulnerable, as much time as you’ve spent shooting yourself in the foot.
Oh, how I wish I'd written that! It's so Martha, and it's so true! You really have an excellent feel for the characters and their interactions. Like the previous posters, I want to read more sooner than later.

But for a story this good, I'm willing to wait. Quality is to be preferred over quantity when a choice for one or the other must be made.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing
#29051 04/10/06 07:18 PM
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Just catching up (yea for vacation!)... you've got a great story going here. Martha is absolutely perfect! I'll be checking back for the next post! thumbsup

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink
#29052 04/10/06 09:54 PM
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I have to say that the conversation between Martha and Clark is just dead-on and perfect. You got Martha's compassion, humour and love for her son just so brilliantly.

And the bit about the pod and the rats had me laughing my head off! Awesome job! MORE SOON smile

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."
#29053 04/10/06 10:33 PM
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WOW! this is excellent. smile1

Tricia cool

#29054 04/11/06 09:22 AM
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WOW!! Just read all three parts in one sitting.

What a great story. Excellent writing. Excellent characterizations. clap clap clap

Martha especially is great. notworthy

Don't keep us waiting too long for part 4, Caroline!


Lois: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark: You certainly are unique.

Clark: You're high maintenance, you know that?
Lois: But I'm worth it!
#29055 04/13/06 07:37 AM
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Verry nice story Caroline. I can see a Kerth nomination in your future. You command the entire register; enviroment people, dialogue, pacing.
I especially like how you show Clark's desire for the mundane.

How he wished he had been meant for this life. How he wished it could be enough for him to pour his soul into the fertile Kansas soil, to arrange his existence around the simple rhythms of planting and harvesting. To return each night in sweat-stained clothes to a small frame house with a squeaky screen door. To sit quietly in the evenings on a darkened porch, watching the fireflies dance. To awaken each morning to the smell of strong coffee, knowing the new day would follow the same soothing pattern as the one before.
You really know have to put pictures into our heads clap

He was wise to her now, and he flatly refused to be held in her thrall any longer. He was the strongest man in the world, and he was certainly capable of conquering his own heart.
It also think it's nice how you show his fear of his feelings for her. I always seen Clark as a control freak. We all know how Lois fought her feelings for Clark, but I can just as easily see him trying to keep his distance to her. The ease with which he yearned for her always struck me as a little strange. That is a theme I don't think has been explored enough.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...
#29056 04/13/06 10:21 AM
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This is perfect! thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup

Come back and post again soon, okay? hyper

~Julia wave

#29057 04/13/06 02:52 PM
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Great part. thumbsup

“Fine,” she said. “So don’t talk. But I still have some things to say, and you’re going to sit down and hear them.”

His jaw clenched, but out of long habit of obedience, he dropped back into his chair and gave his mother an expectant, if truculent, look.

“Good enough.” Martha rolled her eyes. “Now, here are the facts as I see them: Clark Kent went to Metropolis, met Lois Lane, and decided he was through wandering the world. Only you know how related those last two things might be, but your father and I have always thought they were pretty much cause and effect.” She paused for a response from her son, but he was sitting stony-faced, refusing to give anything away. She sighed, clearly exasperated, and went on. “Then Clark Kent had his mother sew him an outlandish costume and began moonlighting as a superhero, going to a great deal of trouble to make sure that no one would suspect he and Superman are one and the same. The first thing he did as Superman was to save the Messenger shuttle, appearing in glorious red and blue to swallow a bomb and then single-handedly lift the shuttle into space. The second thing he did was to choose one reporter out of all the ones covering the launch and sweep her up into his arms and fly her back to The Daily Planet. Remind me, honey – which reporter was that again?”

Clark gave her a baleful look, to which she responded with a gentle smile.

“Don’t you see, sweetie?” she said, covering his hands with her own. “You singled Lois out – as Superman – from practically the very first minute. You brought this crush of hers on yourself. You’ve never for one second treated her like the other reporters. And I know why, and you know why, but how on earth was Lois supposed to know it?”
Bingo! hyper

Clark sighed. “I appreciate that, Mom. You know I do. But I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you and Dad because of my carelessness. And right now Lois is a loose cannon. I don’t know what to expect, but I think you and Dad should be prepared for the worst. Lois wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt you, but she doesn’t always think things through all that well, and she refuses to believe that Luthor is dangerous. If she trusts him with this...with my secret...then you really might have to go into hiding. I’m not sure there’d be any other way to keep you safe from him.”
mad mad

Well, no more. He was wise to her now, and he flatly refused to be held in her thrall any longer. He was the strongest man in the world, and he was certainly capable of conquering his own heart. As he caught sight of his father, a rotund figure atop a tractor, obscured by a cloud of dust, he renewed his vow to keep his distance from Lois Lane.
mad mad hyper

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.
#29058 04/13/06 06:53 PM
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Oh, how I'm loving this, Caroline!! I really wish I was able to give you the sort of feedback you deserve, but wrist surgery turns out to be a bit restrictive. razz But I did want to let you know I'm here and reading and eagerly awaiting the next part! hyper

Sara smile

Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!
🏆TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts🏆

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#29059 04/16/06 09:45 PM
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Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!
🏆TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts🏆

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, the show, life, and more!

You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

Avatar by Carrie Rene smile
#29060 04/17/06 05:37 AM
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Originally posted by KSaraSara:

Hope whatever was out of town went well. smile

Sara wave
Thanks, Sara, and all the others who wished me well on my week away and took time to leave feedback on the story. We had a lovely Easter week with family, and it was a treat to return home and find so many new comments.

Hope everyone enjoys the new part of "If I Were You". Lois and Clark are both behaving rather badly right now, but I have every hope of eventually bringing them back in line smile



#29061 04/17/06 05:38 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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The farm soothed him, but it was people - people in all their flawed humanity – who fascinated him, who inspired him, who endlessly beckoned him into their midst. They touched him and amused him and sometimes horrified him, and then they seemed to whisper in his ear when he sat at his keyboard and tried his best to tell their stories. It was the people of the earth who made him feel there might be a reason a baby had hurtled through millions of miles of cold, dark space and landed unharmed in a twilit Kansas field.
Wow, I loved all three of the first parts, but this passage is just beautiful. Such great imagery!

Clark better not stay away from Lois for long!

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