I’m here, too, now. And I must say, there’s more stuff in there than you can take notes on. I did decide on the more obscure details. Paava leaves, the Borneo Gazette, the Naked Nine, or Clark getting Chinese takeout are way to established facts for FoLCs to need a primer on. Oh and yes, there’s also some really shocking bits that had been twisted in fanon (like Lois being a master lockpick). Also, I probably need to rewatch without taking notes…
- When did you first watch Lois and Clark?
When it first aired. Which, on German TV, was sometime during the summer after it started in the US.
- What grabs your attention this time around?
I was thirteen or so and considered Superman – as in “a flying guy with super strength” a bit childish / weird. But the TV guide did a good presentation of this as a show and I figured, let’s give it a shot. Then I missed the first half of the Pilot because we went out for dinner. It was funny, I guess. And I caught missed parts on repeat the next day. Yeah, well…the VCR had another item on the list of things I had to catch. So, I guess I was like Clark when he first saw Lois? I just had to catch it on tape when I couldn’t watch live.
- Fanfic, media or artwork recommendations based on this episode?
Fanfic? Oh boy. I think Wendy Richards Faux Pas is set during the pilot?
- Favourite moment/quote of the episode?
The costume montage is just a fun feel good one that’s sticking. As an evil writer, oh boy, there’s just so many details you try to file away for later use.
- Any plot bunnies you'd like to set free?
There’s two down in the rest of the text:
* Toni’s henchman knows about Lex being a criminal.
* Lex has the helicopter explosion on tape. What if he also catches Clark’s entry & escape on tape?
At the end of the post, there’s some reply-notes, too.
Perry: What are you standing around for? This is a newspaper, not happy hour at the Buckingham Palace. – Also, considering the Queen had just died and there’s literally thousands of people standing around now and waiting to pay their respects, this feels oddly poignant.
Perry: Tell him to keep his pants on.
Perry: Calls the Daily Planet the “greatest newspaper in the whole world”.
Perry: Great Shades of Elvis
Perry: Hard facts. That’s the name of the game.
Lois: I did not work my buns off to become an investigative reporter just so… -- How they work within the PG-rating.
Lois: I’ve seen it all – war, crime, famine. – A nice reference to her Kerth Award for being embedded with the troops in the Gulf War.
Lois to Cat: I thought ladies like you only worked nights. – No one can say Lois didn’t flat out imply Cat is a hooker.
Lois’s feelings about society columnists: mudslinging rumormonger
Lois: I sometimes do things, like jumping into the pool without checking the water level first. It’s the only way I know how to get the job done.
Lois: Superman is the most magnificent figure of a man I’ve ever seen. -- She also adds a dreamy sigh. The entire bit gives the impression she’s become quite the instant Superman groupie and yes, unless she gets scared, would accept any invitation by Superman.
Lois: You eat like an eight-year-old and you look like Mr. Hardbody. What’s your secret and can I have it? -- She’s aware that Clark looks great. She’s simply not acknowledging it once he shows interest / becomes dangerous in later episodes.
Clark: Lois is complicated uncompromising, pigheaded, brilliant.
Lex: I love the fact that everyone in Metropolis has to look up to see me.
Cat: I love it when they play hard to get.
Minute 1: Cab driver shows complete disregard for pedestrians and the curb.
Minute 42: Cab Fares
Minute 3: Lois thanks jimmy for teaching how to boost car.
At the EPRAD hanger: Jimmy picks the door. Lois doesn’t know how.
Minute 4: Lois asks for a raise, is shot down. The whole thing is played as a joke, but what if she actually took it to heart. In particular given the prevalence of payment inequality in the workplace?
Minute 56: Lois and Clark hug and have a moment with an almost kiss. Also, Lois agrees to dinner with Clark until she remembers her dinner with Lex.
Later in the episode: Lois pulls walls back up the next day and tells Clark she’ll deny everything if he tells anyone and is simply interrupted from further threats
Minute 4: Lex Tel phone book is displayed. It is black with a red border
Minute 51: Metropolis Yellow Pages phone book is displayed. It is green and yellow.
Jimmy has to do obituaries.
Clark: Uses “Cat” since she told him to. And he was intrigued when she told him to.
Clark: Learned dancing from a Nigerian princess who studied ballroom dancing in England.
Jimmy: Uses “C.K.”
Lois’s age is confirmed as 26 years old.
Clark tells Lois that Perry told him Lois is the best reporter he’s ever met. Lois didn’t know that Perry thought that. Clark also says the rest of the staff thinks so. This might be hyperbole.
Minute 1:30: A great view of the Daily Planet newsroom layout.
Minute 11: Farm kitchen
Minute 19: Clark has a laptop and transportable printer.
Minute 29: Clark’s desk, two desks over from Lois
Minute 11: Hotel Apollo: bed, desk with lamp and chair, green kitchen, naked bulb on ceiling
Minute 30: Outside the Kent Farm
Minute 67: Storage room has a glass door
Episode stuff:
Lex Tel Communications is a TV station, will be LNN in future episodes.
Lex kisses Lois good night on the lips.
Lois apartment is in a two-story brownstone on the first floor. – Waiting for next episode, probably the entire outside location has been changed, not just the floor and door. Did she actually move (if we want to retcon)
White Orchid Ball attendees: Lois, Clark, Jimmy, Perry, Cat (silver-gray dress, gold decor at minute 39).
Toni Baines has henchman, who knows Lex is dirty. This could result in a key witness if he’s not killed in the helicopter ride.
Toni Baines to Lex: You know what I’m capable of. – I’m thinking she doesn’t know what Lex is capable of.
Lex had a surveillance video of the warehouse. He did not see Clark enter and leave. What if he did?
Shuttle boarding is three minutes to launch – there’s no words for this.
Lois did not actually point the bomb out to Superman. – things you completely forget.
New York Daily Star – was changed to Metropolis Star later on.
National Whisper – right there from the get go.
I structured the notes a bit, but I didn’t do a complete polishing. Maybe there’s details in there that help someone.
Lex and the Snake: The tear I noticed for the first time. It’s also not in the script. I wondered about it for a bit but came to the conclusion that it’s either accidental or if intentional, it’s meant to show Lex didn’t blink at all, which means his tears are simply flowing out of his eyes.
