A bit late

And another bunch of notes.
- Favourite moment/quote of the episode?
Quotes… I’ve got a bunch of quotes further down. Does that work?
And moments? Not in particular, but given the recent Cat-hype, the unexpected “I do read” by Cat reminds us of depth that was there right from the start. It gets lost in many fanfic. Also, Lois’s kiss was way more intense than I remember. I think actors kiss with less mouth during romance scenes than Lois did here with her colleague / part-time partner of one week.
- Fanfic, media or artwork recommendations based on this episode?
I’m pretty sure I’ve read some. Wendy, Carol M et al did alternative beginning adaptions, but picking one in particular? Umm…sorry! Oh, wait, MLT’s No Place Like Home went back all the way to the Pilot and did 2-3 seasons so there’s got to be something in there.
- Any plot bunnies you'd like to set free?
Lois is looking out the window in the door of Perry's office while Clark floats a ball of paper. What if she sees its reflection in the window and together with Clark's faux-innocent whistling afterwards, puts things together?
And one’s that’s ******. It’s not blue or anything, but it got Men in Black crawling over it and you don’t want that.
LOIS: It seems to me if your real parents don’t care enough to raise you, why give it a second thought.
LOIS: You stick to the touchy feely stuff, I’ll take Superman
LOIS: Look what the Cat dragged in (about Clark’s visit with Cat).
LOIS: Cat Grant’s bedroom has more comings and goings than Metro Station. You’re just another commuter.
LOIS (to Clark): You’re so weird, works for you though.
LOIS: The thing about luck is, don’t question it.
LOIS (to Superman): You seem to have all the parts of a man.
SUPERMAN (to Lois): I am a man, just like you are a woman
PERRY: I told them to stuff it.
PERRY: So he can start suing their butts off into the next century.
PERRY: Turn on your beeper or you’re fired.
PERRY: Phony like a lock of Elvis’s hair from a Memphis souvenir shop.
PERRY: Which makes it your job, boys and girls, to hunt them down first
PERRY: When it comes to women, if you want to be the king, you better listen to the colonel (i.e. Perry).
PERRY: This is where I have to get off this bus you’re driving.
CAT: He frisked me, twice!
Lois did an adoption story three years ago (i.e. in her second year at the Planet)
Jimmy calls Lois “Lois”, Lois calls him “Olsen” or “Jimmy”, first name if she needs help or socializes. Last name if he needs her help, she’s dismissing him, etc.
Lois has picture of Lois and Lucy on her desk.
Lois does not backup her computer.
The Computers at the Daily Planet use black/green monitors, but not a terminal system.
Lois is writing a novel. It’s a romance novel. About a woman who dies without ever finding true love.
Lois and Clark call each other by their first names
Perry addresses Lois & Clark as “kids” when he’s paternal. He also calls them Lane and Kent and Lois “Lois” based on the setting. If he’s giving directions, it’s “Lane”, if he’s a mentor/father, it’s “Lois”.
Jimmy calls Clark CK
Jimmy calls Cat “the Catwoman”
Reporters: Peterman (probable man). Valdez (woman)
The reporters have pagers. Perry calls them “beepers”.
Clark remarks that Cat has quite the library. Cat responds “I do read”.
Cat went to Metropolis University, was on the Women Track and Field team, No 13.
“Bessolo” is both the name of the used furniture warehouse, and the street it’s located on (Bessolo Blvd).
Perry tells an Elvis story at 27:00 about (not) rushing into a relationship.
There is a bullet train (built as a monorail) between Washington DC and Metropolis.
Another mention of “The National Whisper”
Lois did a bungee jump the year before.
Lucy is new in town and Jimmy asks if she needs someone to show her around. -> Wait, how does that work if they grew up here?
The opening sequence is mostly pastel brown & green. Walls, clothes, all has the same tone. Just Cat stands out.
The lie detector calibration is kind of ridiculous. I never did one but asking Lois if she’s the President probably wouldn’t trigger nervousness responses. And asking Clark if he’s Superman should make the detector go nuts in this situation.
If Clark had listened in on Lois, he could see firsthand how she has the hots for Superman during the lie detector test.
