- Favourite moment/quote of the episode?
Hey, that’s mean. You’re going with singular. Well, Clark’s dull, insipid mudbrown eyes sure sparked many a plot bunny and FoLCs sending Lois off to dig for Superman’s spaceship, well…
- Fanfic, media or artwork recommendations based on this episode?
The Wild Goose-Chase by me does come to mind. What else…? One could look through the fanfic database for stories by Wendy or Kathy from that episode… There’s probably a bunch of good ones out there

Neverending Battle should be Episode Two, not Three. There’s the Superman-drawing because they don’t have photos, there’s the Superman-carries-Lois photo from the Pilot. Lois stealing Clark’s story and Clark paying her back works better if it’s episode two, especially since Lois and Clark work together in Visitor. There’s also the production code, which shows that Battle was done before Visitor. The one thing that's questionable is Trask shooting at Superman with a missile after Superman survives a lobby bombing. Then again, it doesn't make sense the other way around either and the Daily Planet report surely stated that Superman ate the bomb on the colonist transport. So, I guess everyone needs to try their own high explosives on the guy until one finds a mixture that's laced with Kryptonite. Oh, and of source, at the end of Visitor, Superman gives Lois a short interview and tells her he's from another planet while in Battle, they still discuss "import or domestic". He also tells Lois that he's a "man" in Visitor. => those two episodes are switched.
PERRY: Great shades of Elvis.
PERRY: Who are we? Daily Planet newspeople or second-stringers from the Weehawking Gazette?
PERRY: I love the smell of fear in the newsroom.
PERRY: Olsen, when I say soda, I mean real soda, not this lily-liver diet stuff
PERRY: If you gonna do a job, do it right.
LOIS: It’s the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in. Whatever he can do, it’s enough.
LOIS: Now there you’re using that word again. There is you, there is I, there is no we.
Lois’s plants get repeatedly watered with coffee
Lois has an award plaquette on her cubicle wall (Meriwether?) At Minute 39 we have good picture
Clark and Lois have their desks right across the aisle from each other, side by side.
Lex has a pet falcon, “Faust”
The Daily Planet costs 35 cents.
Clark's cape is a work in progress.
Eduardo Friez.
Schwartz (white guy, ca 50).
Paulson (black guy, ca 35) (Minute 19)
Linda Montoya of “Lex News”
Mention of the Metropolis Star.
Jimmy introduces “Mad Dog Lane” as Lois’s moniker to Clark.
Fun details:
Jimmy suggests that Godzilla would be needed to teach Lois a lesson. Clark uses the Godzilla doll later on.
Clark mentions Martha has made an updated version of the cape and they’re getting there.
Lois steals the ideas, stories etc, from several people at the Daily Planet.
Lex has female entertainment in the form of Japanese girls with a pogo stick and later on, a cheerleader.
Lex and his “council”: Monique seems quite the outdated trope of “incompetent woman" and in general, why would Lex have someone this arrogant/incompetent on his senior advisor team?
About Asabi speaking: I don't think so. I'm pretty sure Asabi asks Lex if he needs anything else after the snake-exercise in the Pilot. I also think there's a bunch of dialoge during he ARGH give Asabi does the soul transfer of the clone bodies.
