Favorite moment:
When Lois gets all mushy with Amy Valdez.
CAT: I love a well traveled man. They broaden my horizon. – LOIS: Assuming that’s possible.
LOIS: What a jackass
LOIS: You took advantage of a privileged interview situation to grab potentially incriminating evidence from an unsuspecting subject. Oh I love that
PERRY: 'Scatter.' Elvis' pet chimpanzee. Poor little guy. Drank himself to death.
PERRY: You have a nose for news.
Lois carries her groceries (from Metro Mart) down the street to her apartment building. She either does not yet have a car or must park down the street. Her shopping contains Ramen noodles, frozen Lasagna, tomato sauce, bread, apples or red peppers.
Clark mentions Borneo. “I’ve done some fascinating work there preserving the natural habitat of the native Orang Utan.”
The Daily Planet has a new conference room table
12 million people in the city of Metropolis.
Lex does not have a problem with the vivisection of children
The plants in Lois’s apartment make their first appearance. There’s a lot of them. She may be subletting to a Ms. Pamela Isley.
While looking for the kids, Superman turns his head to look in on the baseball game playing below. And at Minute 25:30 we get a cropped-out shot of the Empire State Building.
Clark fills beer bottle with apple juice to fake beer while on mission.
Plot bunnies:
Lois decides to continue playing foster parent. She needs to provide a stable home with two parents. Clark volunteers, platonically.
Lex has a masseuse, ‘Helga’. She’s German (East German?) Is she related to the German maid in Honeymoon in Metropolis?
