Hi Sara!
but while whinging a bit in Discord, I managed to find myself with an assignment from AnnaBtG to write something with no more than 824 words.
You guys give out homework?

I failed and think I have to try again now. But y'all win more fic!
Yes, you just do new fics until there’s one that’s short enough. That’s fine.
Spare A Smile For Me by KSaraSara
Okay, with summary and a/n, scrollbar says we’re now about 15% in.

Worse, mandatory bowling. With coworkers. She'd tried arguing with Perry that this was a waste of everyone's time.
Will Cat complain about this being bad for her manicure?
But the Planet's new owner had insisted on team building activities while they waited for the Planet to be rebuilt.
They could also play “find and rescue the star reporter”? That works great as a team building exercise.
What she did know was that Lois Lane was not a team player. On or off the lanes.
During the game: “Aaand Lane’s off her lane again!”
Clark had reminded her that it was a team building activity, not a competition — the idea being to socialize and bond with coworkers to create a more cohesive work environment.
LOIS: I’m sorry, I don't get it. If I need my desk to hold together, I call the janitor to bring the crazy glue.
There were points. Scores. Teams. It was a competition.

she’s so cute!
LOIS: /shows S-shield tattoo/ Superman approved.
Oh boy. That's not gonna work for team building.
The only person she really wanted to bond with was Clark. After the disaster of her almost marrying Lex, she was terrified of losing Clark.
Oooh, grown-up bonding time! /Heads over yonder/

He gave her a brief, warm smile and her heart fluttered. And just like every other time her heart had done it in the past five weeks, she told it to stop. He wasn't in love with her after all, so all the fluttering and tingling was nonsense. Bothersome.
Awwww. Also, down, girl. Sit! Si-it? Now who’s a good heart? Who’s a good heart?
"He's not in love with you," Lois muttered under her breath
She does realize a Kryptonian on Earth can hear her, right?
Her ball curved more than she wanted it to, and she only clipped three pins on the corner. Dammit.
Hey, just like the cab she took this morning!
Couldn’t they have done climbing or golf or tae kwon do? Something she was good at?
Golf? Is that from the show or from Lois trying to bond with her doctor father?
Her life had been so full of failure and loss lately. She needed a win.
She could show up at Clark's and ask him to give her a win.
Waiting, secretly, for that moment where she'd catch his eye and he'd smile just for her. Even though it didn't mean what she wanted it to mean.
His “Lois doesn’t love me. It’s still nice to be close to her.”-smile?
Also, does this above statement count as three words or fourteen?
But it kept going and maybe even picked up a little speed — from hitting some slope or imperfection, she was sure. And strike!
And no relation to the Kryptonian standing behind her?
Her luck seemed to hold out her next few turns too — getting some spares and another strike — as long as she got a smile and encouragement from Clark first.
See? Best lock down that lucky charm before a blonde catches it.
And this time, she thought that, just maybe, it did mean what she wanted it to mean.
CLARK: I am getting better at breath bowling.
Those short ones do spoil. Of course, it also means that more stories get FDK at a higher rate. Vicious circle…
