When the Sky Falls by Bobbart
After Nightfall by Bobbart
Nightfall Honeymoon by Virgina R.
Faustian Bargain by Sue S.
Many more (see fanfic database)
Favorite Line / scene:
Probably the whole memory-recovery-bit ending with Lois triggering Clark’s happy thought.
LOIS: You know Perry, you’re only as good as today’s story.
LOIS: I can be patient (Henderson doesn’t think so)
LOIS: Kill or be killed.
Clark: Lois, you’re talking about war. This is journalism.
LOIS: Your problem is that you think there is a difference.
PERRY: Jimmy, you sit your fanny down in front of that door…
PERRY: Jimmy, I’m a give-order mode, not discuss-mode.
Minute 1: There is coffee cart in front of the DP. The owner knows Lois & Clark by sight.
Lois takes her coffee as Short nonfat milk and decaf, no foam, no sugar, no whip. (Why is Lois having decaf in the morning?)
Clark takes his coffee as Grande latte, full caf, whole milk, three sugars.
Cat has her own office with a locked door.
Superman encourages Lois’s crush on him: I’ll be back. We’ll go flying.
Superman touches Lois’s hair/cheek in his signature touch in full view of TV cameras. Lois follows up by kissing him. The press keeps focused on the somber istuation, not on the fact that Lois kissed Superman goodbye.
Superman told Eprad guys he can hold his breath for 20 minutes.
Eprad Command Center is located in a building that looks a lot like the Griffith Observatory.
How does Superman speak with Eprad while not wearing a helmet in space? He doesn’t wear a throat mic.
Lois admits that she and Clark are full reporting partners / a team.
Cat tries to convince Clark they’re a couple. Morally questionable but par for the course behavior at the Daily Planet
Lois tells Clark that Metro Cabbies can’t drive and can’t be trusted with keeping you safe
Henderson shows up again. This is the first time in his classic incarnation
Asabi is back
Perry was in Beirut in 1982
Jimmy and Clark visit a medium trying to find Superman, she’s the real deal.
Lex’s bunker was originally built to withstand a nuclear attack
Jimmy gets to write his first story (Superman is alive). Eventually, partnered with Lois on the story to make good copy.
Perry started as a copy boy at the Daily Planet
Clark when to Midwest University
Lois describes her family as mom and dad even acted like they cared about each other. From the conversation you get the idea that Sam and possibly Ellen don’t live in Metropolis any longer. Probably, neither does Lucy.
Lois is Clark’s happy thought for remembering his memory.
Lois tells Clark she loves him. She pauses and amends: Like a brother. The second part feels like she is covering her own feelings, perhaps her own realization at the vocalized thought.
