I've had some disturbing emails over the last few days about some issues taking place within PMs on the boards. I've said this before and I will say this again: the bullying stops NOW!
I understand that I have not been around a lot but I do get periodic reports on the activity and behavior that goes on.
With this said, I'm taking a step back on not only the boards but with the web sites, as well. Let me be clear, nothing is going anywhere, I am the one making the decision to step down. I will still be around when needed but in my absence I have asked both KSaraSara (Sara) and DarthMichael to step up and take on a more active role in keeping everything running. Labby will still be around on the boards from time to time, too!
I am also stepping down from the Kerth Awards after this year, though I will remain on the KCom email address, which go to several of us. I will use this year to train both Sara and Michael on more of the background activities so that the committee will not need to fend for themselves on the nominations and voting, like had happened last year. I've also been assured that if there are people who would like to volunteer to help with the upcoming awards ceremony, it will be welcomed!
I'm doing all of this due to my own health and that of taking care of my mom, which I need to put on the front burner.
As of this point I would like all of you to consider Sara, Michael and Labby as an extension of myself in what they say goes on the boards and the sites. I put my full faith in them and I also feel that having more than one person doing the maintenance and patrolling of the boards will help and won't spread any one person too thin.
Again, what they say, goes! If you are given a warning, it stands! If you get a temporary suspension, it stands! If you get banned for breaking the rules, it stands!
While I will still be around please do not look to me to over ride any decision they make.
This is also a final warning to those who have been bullying. If any of us hear of this person PMing others and being aggressive, you will be banned! I have a name that I've heard about from several FoLCs.
Also, if you are having an issue with bullying please do not be afraid to contact us. The contact us email will be sent to the 3 of us. Please rest assured that if you want issues to remain anonymous, no one outside the core group of admins will not share your name with any one!
If you have any questions about the new changes please do not hesitate to contact us. When needed, for the most serious of issues, the 3 of us will discuss issues as a group before moving forward.
Thank you!
Last edited by KSaraSara; 11/29/22 10:38 PM. Reason: Temporarily unpinning this for better visibility.