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Blueowl #291702 04/20/22 08:57 PM
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I get so wrapped up in the story I forget there's an unopened letter in the mix that I'm dying to know about! Great update. Excited to read more.

Blueowl #291703 04/20/22 09:09 PM
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Arglehinglebingle! Now I know what people mean when they complain about story parts being too short! This is...you're just ending it there? Right there? The rest of the chapter is coming up later, right? Right???

Blueowl #291709 04/21/22 09:07 AM
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Finally got to this story last night. Sorry, there’s no chapter feedback but I read the entire story. Just couldn’t stop.

Blueowl, this is excellent! I can hardly wait for the next part.

Blueowl #291712 04/22/22 01:48 AM
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Yeah, Superman and Lois are talking again. I think there is nothing wrong with the coffee. laugh

Come back with that letter, soon

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
Blueowl #291713 04/22/22 02:44 AM
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Thanks for a great chapter! Lois’s confession and Superman’s reaction were spot on. I can’t wait for more!

Blueowl #291720 04/22/22 07:38 PM
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Toomi - Thanks. Well, the letter is coming up ^_^

Queen of the Capes - *pats your back due to coughing-fit?* If you reacted like that from the last part, I'll go ahead and promise now that I'll post the final chapter to Impulse before too long....

Penny_Lane - Glad you gave it a shot smile Thanks.

bakasi - Coughcough. You might be right.

Songbird - I was a little nervous, going this way, but I couldn't imagine another approach. Glad it worked out.

Here is the new part: Regain

Just one more chapter after this.

*ducks nervously behind my desk*
Yes, there will be a sequel.

Blueowl #291721 04/22/22 09:02 PM
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Whoa! Plot twist. I did not see that coming.

Loved the letter, it was very sweet. Can't wait to see the reunion between Lois and Clark.

Plus, yay! Sequel!

Blueowl #291722 04/22/22 09:09 PM
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For the record, those were some impressive red herrings you dragged across the trail. Major kudos!

But now I must know how the conversation goes. Who says what first? What are they going to do? Blue, come back here! XD

Last edited by Queen of the Capes; 04/22/22 09:18 PM.

Blueowl #291726 04/23/22 03:48 AM
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Yay for another chapter. Liked the letter. And I'm very much looking forward to that conversation

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
Blueowl #291729 04/23/22 03:59 PM
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Great chapter! Queen of the Capes was right. Kal El’s letter was beautiful. Lois wasn’t the only one with teary eyes. I can’t wait for that conversation! There’s going to be two revelations. I wonder who will be more shocked. I hope the next chapter is coming very soon!! Thank you!

Blueowl #291730 04/23/22 05:20 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Wow! I can't believe I missed the red herrings, but Queen, looks like you nailed it earlier.

Blueowl, you did a great job in creating the perfect scenario for mending the break in the Lois/Superman relationship. Having the letter delivered before Nightfall but unread until they are together worked well in facilitating a smoother resolution. And knowing how curious Lois Lane can be; not reading the letter really highlights the dept of her emotional turmoil. Superman’s unconditional acceptance and forgiveness along with the sorrowful remorse from Lois was real and very much appreciated by this reader. This situation could easily--and understandably so--destroy any relationship beyond repair.

And just when you think everything is gonna be okay………………… shock
"I'm . . . I'm pregnant?" she breathed.

Can't wait for the final chapter! But, I suspect you are going to deliver a cliffhanger the size of Kansas; something analogous to the scene
“Who’s asking—Clark or Superman?”

Thank you so much for easing our angst with the promise of a sequel! I do hope you have that sequel well underway. smile1

Blueowl #291740 04/24/22 08:12 PM
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Toomi8 - Thanks ^_^ It took a few nights for my head to come up with the letter.

Queen of the Capes - Yup smile I wanted to leave hints but not make it obvious; glad it worked.

bakasi - The conversation will be up shortly....

Songbird - Both will certainly be surprised...as for who will be more stunned, I'll let you decide.

Penny_Lane - Thanks, I was a little nervous about not pulling it off: involving/showing realistic emotions/consequences while having the relationship actually repair. As for the ending, I think I have a manageable end that isn't a torturous cliffhanger wink

Here is the next chapter: Reconcile

I'm currently working on the sequel as well as the second half of Keeper. Not sure when I'll begin posting either, as I prefer to have the whole story almost completely done at least, but hopefully by the summer.

Hope everyone liked Impulse. Please let me know your thoughts smile

Blueowl #291744 04/25/22 09:23 AM
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Ok. Since you asked for thoughts:

1. *Squeeeee!* (Yes, that is one of my thoughts)

2. I'm actually a little bit divided on the ending. On the one hand, I can absolutely see Clark being elated at having a kid, circumstances aside, and you've already done an excellent job showing how he forgave Lois and moved past what happened.

On the other hand, this does tread dangerously close to the tropes that one associates with less-careful handlings of non-con. In other words, it can't actually be that easy, that clean, tied up in a bow that pretty... Or can it? Lois did do her penance, after all, and it would be cruel to say she forfeited a relationship with Clark entirely...

So yeah, I'm not 100% sure what to think, other than that I can buy Clark being happy about the kid and that part works out wonderfully for him and I'm happy to see him happy. The rest...well, I'm looking forward to the sequel. smile

Blueowl #291747 04/25/22 04:26 PM
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I enjoyed this chapter a lot! I think it’s in Clark’s nature to be forgiving. Maybe it’s the way he was raised, a Kryptonian thing or a combo of both, but despite everything that happened, he still loves Lois, wants to be with her, and is willing to put what happened behind him and move forward. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart.

I liked how Lois let Clark know she was pregnant. I can see Clark being so happy about having a baby, even under the circumstances the baby was conceived. I think the following paragraph sums it up nicely:

"Lois, we can't control what other people think or feel. Try not to dwell too much on any negative reactions people might have, no matter who they are. How they feel is their problem; don't let it be yours too," he stated. "This is our life, our child. We're . . . we're a family now."

Thank you for the happy ending! I love this story and can’t wait for the sequel! Summer isn’t too far off!

Blueowl #291760 04/25/22 11:14 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Thank you for giving us to the revelation(s) now! That makes the wait for the sequel a bit easier!!

Unconditional love and forgiveness are such powerful acts. Without them, an authentic happily ever after would be very unlikely in this situation. And the verbal expression of such doesn't guarantee smooth sailing ahead. Sometimes living out those actions may take some time--maybe a long time. The hurt and regret caused by betrayals/disappointments, etc don't heal instantaneously. But ultimately, it's the only choice that can redeem such circumstances. Sadly, those choices, because they are so hard, are not generally the norm for the reality we live in. Maybe that's why we love fanfiction!! smile

Blueowl, you were brave to examine this issue. Thanks for allowing us to take this journey along with you. Looking forward to what you have in store for Act II.

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Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Ok. Since you asked for thoughts:

1. *Squeeeee!* (Yes, that is one of my thoughts)

2. I'm actually a little bit divided on the ending. On the one hand, I can absolutely see Clark being elated at having a kid, circumstances aside, and you've already done an excellent job showing how he forgave Lois and moved past what happened.

On the other hand, this does tread dangerously close to the tropes that one associates with less-careful handlings of non-con. In other words, it can't actually be that easy, that clean, tied up in a bow that pretty... Or can it? Lois did do her penance, after all, and it would be cruel to say she forfeited a relationship with Clark entirely...

So yeah, I'm not 100% sure what to think, other than that I can buy Clark being happy about the kid and that part works out wonderfully for him and I'm happy to see him happy. The rest...well, I'm looking forward to the sequel. smile

I understand where you're coming from which is why I decided I had to do a sequel. Wrapping it all up in an epilogue (which had been the original plan) just didn't seem possible -- not if I wanted to do it justice anyway. Also, like with most monumental life events, it takes time to soak in, and even when you make a decision you would make anyway after thinking things through, it still takes a while to fully process, and while processing reality has a way of hitting you in waves.

Hopefully Sol will put your concerns to rest (as I think at least some are my fears too smile

Thanks for reading and reviewing ^_^

Songbird #291765 04/27/22 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Songbird
I enjoyed this chapter a lot! I think it’s in Clark’s nature to be forgiving. Maybe it’s the way he was raised, a Kryptonian thing or a combo of both, but despite everything that happened, he still loves Lois, wants to be with her, and is willing to put what happened behind him and move forward. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart.

I liked how Lois let Clark know she was pregnant. I can see Clark being so happy about having a baby, even under the circumstances the baby was conceived. I think the following paragraph sums it up nicely:

"Lois, we can't control what other people think or feel. Try not to dwell too much on any negative reactions people might have, no matter who they are. How they feel is their problem; don't let it be yours too," he stated. "This is our life, our child. We're . . . we're a family now."

Thank you for the happy ending! I love this story and can’t wait for the sequel! Summer isn’t too far off!

Thanks ^_^ Glad you enjoyed it. I think any relationship requires love and trust, and Lois has learned from her mistake and I think has demonstrated that to Clark enough for things to move forward. There are still issues (obviously), hence the sequel, but yeah, they're a family now :3

Blueowl #291766 04/27/22 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Penny_Lane
Thank you for giving us to the revelation(s) now! That makes the wait for the sequel a bit easier!!

Unconditional love and forgiveness are such powerful acts. Without them, an authentic happily ever after would be very unlikely in this situation. And the verbal expression of such doesn't guarantee smooth sailing ahead. Sometimes living out those actions may take some time--maybe a long time. The hurt and regret caused by betrayals/disappointments, etc don't heal instantaneously. But ultimately, it's the only choice that can redeem such circumstances. Sadly, those choices, because they are so hard, are not generally the norm for the reality we live in. Maybe that's why we love fanfiction!! smile

Blueowl, you were brave to examine this issue. Thanks for allowing us to take this journey along with you. Looking forward to what you have in store for Act II.

Thanks ^_^ I didn't feel like it would be very nice to make you all wait an indefinite amount of time for the sequel (that I couldn't wait either).

And you're exactly right that saying something is not the same as living it. They still have many things to work through, both personally and together. And it is very unfortunate that many people are not willing to suffer through those sorts of 'growing pains' (in the appropriate situations) to get to a better tomorrow.

Again, thanks for taking a chance with this fic and reviewing. I know the topic is . . . sensitive, but the plot bunny wouldn't let go and I think it was a story worth telling

Blueowl #292189 06/21/22 12:39 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I enjoyed the story, thanks for sharing it with us!

To address the issue of forgiveness and moving on, you did it fairly briefly, but in a way that I found real and believable. Lois looked at her life and didn't like what she found, and then she pursued healthy change. She was also genuinely remorseful. Both of those are powerful, and necessary for true healing to occur for all parties. So I can understand the joy that Clark feels about the child, and his willingness to move forward with Lois.

PuffyTiger #292195 06/21/22 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
I enjoyed the story, thanks for sharing it with us!

To address the issue of forgiveness and moving on, you did it fairly briefly, but in a way that I found real and believable. Lois looked at her life and didn't like what she found, and then she pursued healthy change. She was also genuinely remorseful. Both of those are powerful, and necessary for true healing to occur for all parties. So I can understand the joy that Clark feels about the child, and his willingness to move forward with Lois.

Thanks ^_^
And yeah, Lois definitely had a wake up call of sorts and made the right but difficult choice of maturing and correcting herself. I'm glad my efforts came across the right way and that things were believable.
I'm not sure when I'll be posting the next installment. My muse, of course, is deciding to be more difficult than I had anticipated, but hopefully it'll be nice soon.

Thanks again for reviewing smile

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