Hi Blueowl!

Part 1

What if Superman had been affected by the concentrated spray and Lois hadn't shown much resistance to his advances?
Oh, *this* is the route you’re taking. Not something while Lois was still affected. /Gets popcorn/

He didn't want to even imagine an entire city on that at one hundred percent concentration, the Daily Planet on two percent had been enough!
It would have kick-started the Internet half a decade earlier? peep

That meant Lois was attracted to him, Clark Kent, at least a little bit.
Teensy weensy bit. You know, like Betelgeuse is also just a small speck in the night sky.

. She looked at him expectantly and his heart swelled
Okay, his heart swelled. [Linked Image]

Everything no longer felt real as he became aware of someone incessantly tapping his shoulder.
Tapping a lovestruck Kryptonian, that’s…risky, isn’t it? Also, plot bunny: Lex learns Superman is chemically susceptible.

Clark ignored him. He was such an evil man. One day he would fall.
“The fall from the House of Luthor”

Comfort enveloped him and he had to stabilize himself as a dizzying sensation swirled around him. Whoa.
Yes, it would be problematic if he started to float and then rotate head over heels.

He blinked and suddenly realized he was slowly leaning toward her and edging closer into what he knew she would consider too close.
Yes, she does hug him a lot, so any closer would not be appropriate in the newsroom.

oblivious to his growing desire to be closer to her.
Yes, another thing he shouldn't reveal to her in the newsroom.

He hummed, but it wasn’t in agreement. His mind was dwelling on something completely different before he mentally slapped himself, which gave him a physical start.
Naughty naughty, not thinking about Lois. Tsk tsk tsk.

“Sorry. I, uh, something on my clothes poked me,” he said lamely.
Not going there. Not going there. Not going there.

He was at work! And even if he wasn’t, those thoughts were not appropriate! What was wrong with him?!
Oh, he *was*thinking about Lois. Just in a…different context. Maybe an … Arabian Nights context?

"It's perfect," he said, and it was, other than a misspelled word he quickly corrected with no comment.
Love struck Clark is adorable!

. "I don't think I, well, thanked you. You could have. . . ." She looked away with a blush. "But you didn't. Any other man I think would have with little or no reservations. I guess what you had said when we first met is true, you're 'not a typical male'. So thanks."

He wanted to kiss her right then and there, but they were at work, in view of their coworkers, and she had just praised him for having self-restraint

"Any man with a beating heart should be," he said before he could process, let alone censor, his words.
LOIS: You think Superman’s attracted to me? Wow. . .

He couldn't risk being in an elevator with Lois right then. Who knew what he'd do!
Did Cat use the elevator? Because then the cabin would be used to…things.

He smiled briefly before growing serious. "I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you, and I don't think I can continue to hide from you."
See, she should have put herself in mortal danger on a weekly basis. That way Superman would have realized his feelings that much sooner. Oh, wait …

She could remember bits and pieces of herself under its influence. She had grown more and more insistent with Clark and, from what she could recall, had even become rather forceful
Nah, no more than Cat is on a normal day at the office.

Of course, it wasn't as if she was opposed to his affections, but what would happen when the pheromone wore off? She wondered for a split second if she should tell him to leave, but then realized that was a horrible idea. The world couldn't see Superman like this!
So... taking one for the team? Keep him occupied?

"Oh." This changed things. It made them much more complicated, but somehow simpler.
Like…is he allowed to marry a human?

"I hadn't expected you to be so . . . sensitive," she breathed. "My sense of touch . . . it's just like my . . . other senses," he said, even as his hands rose up to touch her. She smirked, ideas blossoming. "Oh?"
She needs to be careful now.

And from there all conversation vanished and a pinnacle of bliss mingled with mounting pleasure overtook all sensation. O o O o O
oh…oh…oh… indeed. Also, and we’re off to the races

Looking forward to catching the next part. Just need to make sure to cover all the vignettes that are popping up, too smile1

wave Michael

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