Hi Blueowl!

Part 5

The radio was in his ear and the helmet was under his arm with the oxygen tank secured to his back
/Imagines classic space-age motive/

It had almost been as difficult to complete as the letter.
“rather hide in a hole in the ground and forget all about you and this entire mess”?

If not, he had created a few options his parents could initiate if. . . .
“Got hit by a meteorite while out on the field”
“ran off with highschool sweetheart”

Her eyes were wide, as if surprised he had noticed her, but then her surprise faded, as if remembering something. And then she just looked sad. Regretful.
clap Great writing!

"Stand by for the final briefing procedure," Ground Control said. "I know what I have to do," Superman calmly assured.
This entire sequence works also for Lois and Superman’s night together.

LOIS: Yes, I did offer guidance but he assured me he knows what to do.

Lois sensed a lot of people turn their eyes to her, but she felt completely inadequate to give them reassurance or any sort of verbal response.
At least she can now say that it wasn't her federal disaster that made Superman disappear.

No. Someone. . . Her hands were on his chest, her lips on his neck. Love filled him up and overflowed.
Oh boy, will that convince Clark of Cat’s statement about their relationship?

He opened his eyes, another scene coming to mind. He went to her, flying through the sky and coming to her window. Despite his exhaustion, he willed himself down from the edge of space. Down and away from the sun.
Oh that’s gonna be interesting. And what will Martha say about Lois snaring Superman again?

He fell. Fortunately or unfortunately, he wasn't aware when he landed. O o O o O
Oh boy. More tomorrow! hyper

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.