Hi Blueowl!

Part 3

I just realized from the previous part, there is a not so favorable alternative to Superman’s outrage: he withstood Lois for 48 hours, but Lois gave in. It’s just not fair that he was meant to be the good guy and he might resent her a bit for that bit of torture.

Lois, I don't know what is going on, but you need to figure it out and fix it. You have not been getting after the stories the way you used to and your condition is rubbing off on Kent.
But those canine obits just don’t write themselves. It’s not her fault that it took three weeks to properly memorialize Fluffles, the mayor’s daughter’s pet poodle.

"Now, this seems to have started a few weeks ago. Did something happen with that pheromone you're not telling me, Honey?"
LOIS: No? peep

"I'll get it together, Chief. It's just some personal stuff. I didn't realize it was affecting my work so much, but it's now clear to me that it is," she said, forcing down her turmoil with herculean effort.
That’s morning sickness, honey. Don’t worry, it will clear up in a few months. Right before the sleepless nights start.

She left Perry's office, hoping she would find a way to get it together before too much longer.

He knew his mom knew something was wrong. He knew his dad did too, but what could he say?
Lois responded favorable to Superman’s advances and now Superman is annoyed and Clark is mopey.

Are you going to tell me what's going on or do I have to guess?"

Yes. Such a horrible thing to create and use," she said.
There was a romcom in the 80s: Love Potion No. 9. Today, you’d call it a date rape thriller.

And I can't believe, after what had happened before, she would turn around and do what she did to me!"
She was still horny from unresolved…attraction?

A day, heck, even just one night! At least then I wouldn't feel . . . feel so . . . gah! I can't even describe it. Betrayed? Used? I don't want to say violated, but it's. . . . I don't know, Mom."
Would he feel less upset if it had been Clark and she had offered to continue the next morning?

Knowing Lois, I should be happy I got any apology."
And he wouldn’t even leave her a card at the office to identify her as one of his main squeezes. Just to make them even.

What Lois did was undeniably wrong and inexcusable, and you are completely justified in being angry with her. I'd love to box her ears myself right now, to be honest. However, I don't want you to hold on to that anger indefinitely."
He got over her stealing his story, too!

They have one in Europe, right?"
He could work with Claude and discuss their failed attempts at courting Lois.

The way they had been walking on eggshells around each other for weeks, and now that Perry was on her case for not 'pulling her weight'. . . . Something had to change, or she would break.
That’s what you call irony, isn’t it?

She couldn't face him, but turning her back to him felt wrong for some reason. So she kept herself turned so her right arm was always closest to him. She watched him from the corner of her eye.

but . . . god, Clark, I did something so horrible to someone."
Yes, she’s supposed to not be very good at it, say all her former boyfriends.

If I were in their place, I don't think I'd ever want to be near someone who–"
/Points at Clark/

She closed her eyes. "And I'm certain I wouldn't ever be able to forgive."
Well, not sure if that helps or makes things worse.

. I just wish I could undo what I've done."
HERB: wave If Utopia were in danger, I’d intervene. Alas, all looks good for now.

She would cry tonight. They had work to do. O o O o O
The next Superman interview should be fun…

You sure weren’t kidding, there. I really do feel guilty making light of those great passages you graced us with clap

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.