Toomi8 - Thanks ^_^ It took a few nights for my head to come up with the letter.

Queen of the Capes - Yup smile I wanted to leave hints but not make it obvious; glad it worked.

bakasi - The conversation will be up shortly....

Songbird - Both will certainly be for who will be more stunned, I'll let you decide.

Penny_Lane - Thanks, I was a little nervous about not pulling it off: involving/showing realistic emotions/consequences while having the relationship actually repair. As for the ending, I think I have a manageable end that isn't a torturous cliffhanger wink

Here is the next chapter: Reconcile

I'm currently working on the sequel as well as the second half of Keeper. Not sure when I'll begin posting either, as I prefer to have the whole story almost completely done at least, but hopefully by the summer.

Hope everyone liked Impulse. Please let me know your thoughts smile