Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
I enjoyed the story, thanks for sharing it with us!

To address the issue of forgiveness and moving on, you did it fairly briefly, but in a way that I found real and believable. Lois looked at her life and didn't like what she found, and then she pursued healthy change. She was also genuinely remorseful. Both of those are powerful, and necessary for true healing to occur for all parties. So I can understand the joy that Clark feels about the child, and his willingness to move forward with Lois.

Thanks ^_^
And yeah, Lois definitely had a wake up call of sorts and made the right but difficult choice of maturing and correcting herself. I'm glad my efforts came across the right way and that things were believable.
I'm not sure when I'll be posting the next installment. My muse, of course, is deciding to be more difficult than I had anticipated, but hopefully it'll be nice soon.

Thanks again for reviewing smile