Wow! I can't believe I missed the red herrings, but Queen, looks like you nailed it earlier.

Blueowl, you did a great job in creating the perfect scenario for mending the break in the Lois/Superman relationship. Having the letter delivered before Nightfall but unread until they are together worked well in facilitating a smoother resolution. And knowing how curious Lois Lane can be; not reading the letter really highlights the dept of her emotional turmoil. Superman’s unconditional acceptance and forgiveness along with the sorrowful remorse from Lois was real and very much appreciated by this reader. This situation could easily--and understandably so--destroy any relationship beyond repair.

And just when you think everything is gonna be okay………………… shock
"I'm . . . I'm pregnant?" she breathed.

Can't wait for the final chapter! But, I suspect you are going to deliver a cliffhanger the size of Kansas; something analogous to the scene
“Who’s asking—Clark or Superman?”

Thank you so much for easing our angst with the promise of a sequel! I do hope you have that sequel well underway. smile1