Hi Blueowl!

Part 7!
Dr. Ngo was a middle-aged, asian gentleman. He was in casual attire but his posture was rather regal. He carried a large briefcase, and Kal-El suspected medical equipment was within.
I’m sorry, I just can’t help but flash to the first James Bond movie and Dr. No laugh

He inwardly winced. He doubted ‘Superman’ would greet anyone like that.
Yes, he usually does a slight dazed ‘yo dude…'

Superman felt a sudden rise in apprehension and he had no idea why. He suddenly felt hot and wanted space.
Alert! Doctor! Alert! Doctor!

"Do you know who the president is, Superman?" Dr. Ngo asked.
Kal-El: Trey?

"Dissociative amnesia. It's where you forget things about your life, and it can be all encompassing or only in certain areas," Dr. Ngo explained. "It typically occurs after an experience of overwhelming stress, such as a traumatic event like war, abuse, an accident, or disaster.
Oh no, he forgot everything connected to Lois!

"Keep him around people and surroundings he should know, discuss his life with him and be patient. Basic 'talk therapy' typically helps," Ngo said.
But Dr. Deter said to not mention the patient’s life. It’s important the patient remembers on their own. He even went to the trouble and established a seminar for amnesiac nubile women to help them rediscover themselves on their own. I’m sure his methods can also help Superman.

Often, memories return suddenly and completely, although it can come in bursts over time. Memory recovery can be triggered by something in the person’s surroundings or in therapy,"
Like when he suddenly remembers to feed the neighbor’s cat? And that he has a neighbor.

"How's your eyesight? Blurry or double vision? Spots?" Ngo asked as he moved on and used his penlight.
Boney. And Lois is not wearing any clothes.

Ngo hummed in thought. "If you were anyone else I'd take you in for an MRI or a CT scan, but I'm not sure we'd get any useful images
Yes, just very dense bone structure noticeable.

but I’m confident you’re on the mend and that sleep is safe for you. And actually, it’s probably the best thing you can do for yourself at the moment,” Ngo continued.
KAL-EL: so, sleeping with Lois is okay then?
LOIS: Yes! I mean sleep. Here. Not with me. Unless…?

"Well, I think all things considered you're better off staying with Lois, Superman," Perry said.
LOIS: hyper Come to mama!

Okay," he said. Maybe Clark could tell him more about his powers.
CLARK: What powers?

"Alright, we have a plan. Do either of you need anything?" Perry asked, looking at both him and Lois.
LOIS: Protection? I mean the doctor ordered it so I could get it on a prescription?

Or worse, if only the worst memories returned.
Yes, if he only remembered then in bed together…

“I’m . . . an alien?” he asked, his expression too blank for Lois to discern just yet.
Yes. Bug eyes. Grey skin. Some small appendages.

Technically, I suppose, but I don’t know of anyone who views you like that, at least in a negative way,” she said.
LEX: wave

there’s no other Kryptonians we could talk to?” he asked.
That’s right, he never told her about the wifey back home.

In his mind’s eye, he could feel her hands on his back before sliding up onto his shoulders. He felt her warmth against his bare skin, her lips on his flesh and her fingers in his hair.
Oh no, he does remember!

What he had remembered before, that had been real – he knew that now. They were together.
Stress relieve after rescues. It’s her civic duty.

Was she afraid of telling him too soon? Afraid it would ruin their relationship?
Yes, she’s secretly in love with him. Doesn’t want to scare him off.

Their lips barely met and bliss instantly surged, but before it could become more it was abruptly cut short with a gasp.
LOIS: help

“I–I’m sorry! I remembered something. I-I thought we were — I’m so sorry,” he stammered.
You know, this could be even more awkward if she had been with Clark and Superman remembers.

She walked out of the kitchen, leaving him alone. Alone with his thoughts and the cold coffee. O o O o O

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.