Hi Blueowl!

So sorry it took so long to get to Part 2. It really just been juggling all the new content and trying to only get one started story to fall behind and then the weeks passed by peep

and she was more than awake enough to make out the quiet, steady breathing beside her.
Your sneaky writer, you. Given the boards bright color scheme, I really didn’t expect them to fall into bed. Well, given the remarks, I kind of expected them that eventually, but not expected this early shock

All previous expectations she had had about Superman and being with him had been completely blown out of the water.
CAT: So, import, then?

As amazing as she had envisioned it all (and she had envisioned a lot!),
Lois! Not on the light side of the boards!

had been even better. Superman, Kal-El, had been better.
She really needs more points of reference. Maybe she should do Clark next.

Though, how could he not be? He was Superman!
I gather it was…super?

But other things had also been very different from what she had expected.
/Points at Centauri anatomy/ (see Babylon 5)

he also revealed how some of his abilities could be exploited into . . . vulnerabilities. Who knew his super sense of touch could cause him to become severely short of breath?
Luckily, most criminals wouldn’t exploit this angle.
Mindy, Toni, Toni: wave

much so that she had actually become concerned . . . before . . . !
…before demonstrating just how happy he was right then and there?

But all of that was secondary to one fact. She had been his first.
Yes, Lois, you got there first. No one scooped you on that one. Not Linda. Not Cat. Not Claude.

At the time, she had felt honored, blessed. . . . Special. But now. . . .
What if he develops an unhealthy attachment? Keeps hovering over her during her work?

How could she have done that?!
Three times, no less, too!

She had done exactly what the men she hated did.
Yes, but she’s still in bed.
LOIS: It’s my apartment. I can’t exactly sneak out. Unless I have a story. And need to head over to Clark’s. I could leave a note…

But her self-flagellation paled in comparison to her fear of how Superman would feel once he woke. How he would react.
Well…it’s morning. /Points at blanket/ See?

But there was nothing she could do now but wait.
Or take advantage again.

Wait and wallow in despair over what she had done as she tried not to imagine what the fallout would be.
She could tell him that it was a mistake.

What happened?
CLARK: I forgot? Nooooo!

How did this happen?
Too much of that green stuff. That Kryptonian Ale.

There wasn't a curse word strong enough for this situation.
“oopsie daisy”?

He could hear Lois' heart beating wildly, and he knew she hadn't moved an inch since he had woken. Almost as if she was . . . afraid.
Oh boy…

I would never consciously force---" "You didn't force me!" she cried, appalled he would think himself capable of such an act. "I--I didn't?" he asked, hesitating to hope. Lois quickly shook her head even as tears filled her eyes.
So, basically, the two peed in a pod? (sic)

Then how did we get here?'
/Gets out pen and paper/ see, this here is you…

Had she even tried to stop it?
LOIS: But he is such a strong man. How could I ever resist his …. charm.

He knew how infatuated she was with Superman, but surely she respected him enough to not let him cross that line when he had no control over himself, right? Apparently not.
/Points at double standard/

How long before she gave in? Surely more than one day
Does it count if I took a few days between reading?

He, himself, had withstood over two days before he had caved.
Again, double standard.

I can't believe this. Did you even try to stop things?
LOIS: Well, you are such a strong man…

His sonic boom echoed violently behind him.
Sooo…bad no-no?

Heck, he couldn't even completely identify his current emotions to himself.

All he could remember were extremely . . . well, he'd rather not think about it.
Let me draw you a picture…

His chances with her were now over. How could they ever get together now after this? Everything was broken.
He will revisit after one or two lonely nights.

If only he had reacted like other men! After all, how many men would have been perfectly fine with what had happened? Even proud!
It’s an unfair comparison. Kryptonian men don’t have a biological imperative. Just look at Superman who only became interested in women long after he had arrived on Earth.

She desperately wished she could go back in time. Change what she had done.
/Points at ‘H is for hubris’ by Pam J/

Was there a way to make this right?
Given Kryptonian tradition, it involves a slinky plastic dress and a leash.

But everything told her there was nothing she could do. She had utterly, irreparably, messed up.
I’m sure Superman will want to co-parent?

He couldn't reveal a hint of how torn apart he felt.
Lalalala… not going there! Lalalala…

He supposed he could use the pheromone as the reason, and he wouldn't be lying.
He could explain that he felt very uncomfortable with Lois coming on to him the way she did during the pheromone incident. It's best they no longer work together and with the Met Star having just come under new management…

But he had to stay, for the simple necessity of financial needs.
I'm sure Lex would hire Superman as his personal shield and go to guy for convincing people to sell to Lex or pay money for his inaction.

She felt extremely self-conscious and was certain her guilt was as blatant as a bright red stamp on her forehead.
There’s a lot of possibly fitting images in the net (I’m sure).

I so did not expect that exact turn of events, Blueowl. Great work clap thud

wave Michael

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