Ok. Since you asked for thoughts:

1. *Squeeeee!* (Yes, that is one of my thoughts)

2. I'm actually a little bit divided on the ending. On the one hand, I can absolutely see Clark being elated at having a kid, circumstances aside, and you've already done an excellent job showing how he forgave Lois and moved past what happened.

On the other hand, this does tread dangerously close to the tropes that one associates with less-careful handlings of non-con. In other words, it can't actually be that easy, that clean, tied up in a bow that pretty... Or can it? Lois did do her penance, after all, and it would be cruel to say she forfeited a relationship with Clark entirely...

So yeah, I'm not 100% sure what to think, other than that I can buy Clark being happy about the kid and that part works out wonderfully for him and I'm happy to see him happy. The rest...well, I'm looking forward to the sequel. smile
