Hi Blueowl!

Onward, onward to Part 6!

However, there were no signs of Superman either. The scientists promised to keep looking.
CAT: The first time scientists would find something interesting in Lois’s bed.

She wiped her eyes, ignoring the mascara now all over her fingers and no doubt on her cheeks and under her eyes.
Awww, raccoon face!

She suddenly wished she had some alcohol. She didn't want chocolate fudge ice cream. It wasn't strong enough.

Her stomach was all out of sorts from her nerves.
Why alcohol wouldn't be advisable anyway.

She frowned and blinked in confusion as her eyes settled on something just in sight around the corner.
Did Superman drag in space dirt?

Her pathetic potted plant that should have been on her side table by her balcony window was on the floor and broken. Dirt was all over the place. How had it fallen while she was out?

A form covered in gray dust was sprawled out, chest down, on the floor beside the broken side table.
He did drag in space dust!

After everything, why did he come to her?
Yes, why would he come back to the place of the double standard?

"Superman, what do you need? Tell me what to do," she said desperately. He groaned and closed his eyes in pain. "Sleep," he mumbled.
LOIS: Sleep with you? Are you sure?

"Not normal. I'm not normal," he said, before closing his eyes. "So tired."
Maybe she should tell him that he’s dressed as Superman, not as her lover, so the doctors would know how to care for him.

Of course he wasn’t normal, he was Superman,
TEMPUS: wave

"Alright. I'll get someone here instead," she compromised, hoping he wouldn’t fight this, especially while he was laying limply, literally, in her arms.
Well, he didn’t the fight her the last time either.
SUPERMAN: hey, I certainly didn’t just lie there, limply, in her arms!

But who should she call for help? Who could she call for help?

She frowned. For all of her contacts, she didn't have many in the medical field at all. Or at least one she would trust.
Lex! Lex would come and help!

No. Superman. Why are you calling me that?" he asked.
She didn’t want to presume with the intimate name?

"Superman," she said slowly. He frowned at the name. She pressed on. "Do you know who I am?" "Your name is Lois," he managed, but his uncertainty was blatant.
Looky there, she was so horrible to him, she’s the last thing he’ll remember.

Superman: No … I think she’s my…wife. At least that’s what explains those memories…

Lois frowned. "No, it's . . . Sup--Kal-El, what do you remember?" "Just . . . Just you. Sort of.
See? Wife.

Would his memories return?
Yes, after he gets naked again.

What would he do if they did?
He’s a muttonheaded dolt, so …

What would happen if they didn't?
He’d wonder where the little one came from.

"But . . . I'm filthy," he said, looking down at himself.
Yes, he’s a very filthy boy. He needs a sponge bath.

Afraid she would mess up again.
Yes, no nookie with the amnesiac. And no calling Dr Deter.

He took them gratefully, and she tried not to stare as she noticed the towel around his waist.
He looks so much like Clark at naked, I mean nine, doesn’t he?

primarily amazing rescues and him doing impossible feats.
Hey, when did they get the Lois & Superman sex tape?

"Oh! That must be Perry!" She jumped up and hurried to the door.
Yes, Lex wouldn’t knock.

See you in part 7 hyper

wave Michael

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