Hi Blueowl!

Let’s see what you cooked up for the conclusion evil
Maybe he could go to her as Clark and assess the situation and then go from there?
That’s why she should have added a request to bring a jar of pickles and some strawberry ice cream to garnish the pickles.

Had he gotten her message? Had he spoken with Superman?
Yes and he was sent as the Kryptonian princeling’s consigliere.

Um, are you okay?" he asked.
/checks calendar/ yes, she’s 133%.

And then later she had just assumed his awkwardness was due to him likely knowing what had happened between her and Superman.
And it kinda was laugh

"The milk. It wasn't bad," she said, looking down, her brain for some reason latching onto that detail. "What?" he asked, so baffled, he couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of her reaction to him drinking her sour milk in his coffee and the absurdity of her bringing it up now.
Oh, that’s fun! She thinks the milk wasn’t bad. Doesn’t realize he’s used to more diverse flavors.

"Where?" he asked, even more confused by the random request. "In me," she said, before holding her breath.
Did she swallow one of Lex’s surveillance bugs?

"Do you, I mean, do you know what we should expect? I mean, with the pregnancy?" she asked hesitantly.
Well, there’s gonna be some mild floating…

"Then let's go to Smallville. The globe is there."
GLOBE DAD: Kal-El, my son. Now that you and your wife Zara are expecting your first child…

She cringed. Lord, she would have to tell her parents at some point.
She could say that it was the pheromones for both of them? Also, could probably sue for child support from Miranda.

. . To be continued in: Sol

That was a really fun ride, Blueowl! Looking forward to what you have cooking for the sequel hyper

wave Michael

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