Hi Blueowl!

Part 8 hyper
I remember," he said finally as he smiled softly. "I remember writing this."
/Raises eyebrows/

"I remember other things. . . ." He startled, giving her the letter back. "My parents! I need to go. They don't know I'm really okay," he said.
Though wouldn’t they have heard the news?

"Did you drink the bad milk?!" she asked suddenly, aghast. "Oh, I, uh, I guess I must have. Sorry for finishing it," he said.
laugh butter milk!

He grinned. "Yeah. I remember how to control my powers again."
Which means Lois is now clothed again.

”Clark!” his mom cried.
Kal-El: confused
So, wrong home after all?

She enveloped him, and he instantly knew her arms were his sanctuary and his dad's hand on his shoulder was his anchor.

"Clark, we didn't know where you were but knew you would come when you could after the Planet made that statement," she explained. "Are you okay?"
CLARK: sorry, spent the last day in Lois’s bed blush

"I'm going to tell her," he said with a deep breath. "Not telling her now would feel wrong."
And he can always take her to the farm if she threatens exposure.

. I don't know what she'll do when she realizes that what she did to Superman she also did to Clark,"
Depends, will she still have been on top? Since she likes that.

Clark nodded in agreement. "I'll tell her soon, maybe Friday, that way she at least has the weekend to hopefully come to terms with it before work Monday," he says.
Yes, that way she can hang out with criminals the whole weekend before someone misses her.

She sighed. She still wondered how much Clark knew and decided she might one day ask Kal-El. One day.
Oh this revelation will be such a relief for Lois. No more wondering just how much he told his buddy about the wild night with the stalker groupie.

The thought alone made her want to gag and she actually suddenly felt a little queasy.
/waves at the peanut/

It was astonishing to know this thin material had survived an impact that would have decimated the world.
Good craftsmanship. EPRAD will want to study the stitching to replicate it for their own space suits.

It likely is just stress, but I’ve seen too many instances of people waiting to get checked out only to discover something too late.
Yes. She wouldn't want to give birth in the Daily Planet bathroom. That would be to cliché.

not there was anything she should worry about.
Pregnant. Whether or not that's something to worry about is inconclusive.
LOIS: shock Let’s go with ’worry’, okay?

Dr. Marsh smiled. "Partly. One test did come back positive, which is likely the real cause.”
Yep. She tested positive for Kryptonian infestation. It’s normally benign, except for cases were the carrier transmits it to women other than Lois Lane. Then it can become extremely hazardous to the original carrier.

How was this possible?
/Gets out pen and paper and starts drawing a diagram/

Admittedly, she didn’t know much about pregnancy.

Was there anything she should or shouldn't do?
No coffee.
No B&E. Not even for recreational purposes.
No dating Lex Luthor.
LOIS: so…bedrest?

Was her body even capable of providing what this child needed to develop properly?
As long as she takes lots of sun, she should be fine. And a sunny disposition is also recommend.
LOIS: help

What would Kal-El think?
That she was trying to pregnancy trap him?

But how was she going to tell him this? After everything. . . .
She could tell him that it's Clark's baby. He would even believe that it is the truth.

In a daze, she scheduled an appointment with an OBGYN Dr. Marsh recommended and left praying things would be okay.

On to the final part!

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.