Originally Posted by Penny_Lane
Thank you for giving us to the revelation(s) now! That makes the wait for the sequel a bit easier!!

Unconditional love and forgiveness are such powerful acts. Without them, an authentic happily ever after would be very unlikely in this situation. And the verbal expression of such doesn't guarantee smooth sailing ahead. Sometimes living out those actions may take some time--maybe a long time. The hurt and regret caused by betrayals/disappointments, etc don't heal instantaneously. But ultimately, it's the only choice that can redeem such circumstances. Sadly, those choices, because they are so hard, are not generally the norm for the reality we live in. Maybe that's why we love fanfiction!! smile

Blueowl, you were brave to examine this issue. Thanks for allowing us to take this journey along with you. Looking forward to what you have in store for Act II.

Thanks ^_^ I didn't feel like it would be very nice to make you all wait an indefinite amount of time for the sequel (that I couldn't wait either).

And you're exactly right that saying something is not the same as living it. They still have many things to work through, both personally and together. And it is very unfortunate that many people are not willing to suffer through those sorts of 'growing pains' (in the appropriate situations) to get to a better tomorrow.

Again, thanks for taking a chance with this fic and reviewing. I know the topic is . . . sensitive, but the plot bunny wouldn't let go and I think it was a story worth telling