Hi Sara!
435? I can do one of those before it’s nighty night. Also, I have a chance to make the FDK longer than the story. No promises, though
Lois. Am trying to remember if that's from an idea in season one or a recent story.
"That's another frowny face for Mommy!" Hannah announced, marking a sad face underneath the word 'Mommy' on the white board in front of them.
So, that must mean Hannah’s seven-ish?
Daddy pays attention better,” she stated
He’s also the one who brings home all the sweets.
"Now, quiet please. You don't want to get to five frowny faces!" "What happens at five?"
She becomes an Ace.
"Eww! Daddy, no kissing! Frowny face for you!"

A couple of years later, LnC will one day wake up to find a giant frowny face painted on their bedroom door

Lois hid a smile and tried her best to tune into the rest of dinosaur class. Definitely worth it. Maybe even worth it enough to risk finding out what might happen were she to get to five frowny faces. The End
Awww cute!
Okay, so the FDK is just ~80 words

But hey, 20% is 20%

LOIS: Perry wouldn’t give me a 20% raise when I brought in Superman.
PERRY: She could have recruited him. He’d make a great paper boy. Get subscriptions from all the lonely housewives.
Aaand we’re hitting a hundred!
