Hi Sara!
Author’s Note: I might come back and write a longer note later,

Is there any way to un-slam a door? A Lucky Leon episode fix-it scene!
Tear open the door? Claim insanity? Open a window and say there was an intruder?
It was that scene in the movie where the man walks his date to her door and she either politely says goodnight and never calls him again because the date bombed or...they kiss goodnight.
Or she invites him in for coffee.
It’s code for...more than kissing.
Also, what does this mean for Clark always heating up her coffee at work?
And she desperately wanted...coffee with Clark.
Because it’s been a long time since she had coffee not by herself, huh?
Lois was pretty sure she’d stopped breathing the entire time it took to unlock her door and open it.
So she’s pretty good at diving, what with her being able to hold her breath a long time.
Probably one of the best times I’ve ever had...It wasn’t the funniest or the wildest...
If she invites him in for coffee it still could be. Both funny and wild.
Flashing through her mind not for the first time that night were the images of the inevitable future that must follow after a perfect date with your best friend in the whole world. And it. Was. Terrifying.
What if she’s not pleasing? What if he’s not staying? What if he’s way more experienced than she is? What if he wants more? What if he wants children? What if he wants a shared byline?
And why wouldn’t he be confused? She’d just told him it was the best date she’d ever had. Not even that, the best time she’d ever had. Ever.
Well, he knows her. She's been testing him for over a year now. I'm sure he won't be confused.
But her hands, her body wouldn’t move, even though they’d damn well moved of their own volition just a minute ago.
She may need to swap into a more compliant body.
How...why...why are you still here?”
Yes, that's the best thing to say. No way will he interpret this as a precursor to a restraining order.
How was he so patient with her?
Maybe his Dad and Clark go hunting when he was young. Or fishing.
Can you...do you...” She was having trouble stringing more than two words together, but she let the door fall all the way open behind her and she managed to get one more word out. “Coffee?”
Yeah, that’s gonna convince him that she's not out of her mind drunk.
Her eyes went wide. “Coffee! I meant coffee! Not...coffee...”

The last part came across as almost a question—was she still offering? Because of course Clark would give her an out. He was impossibly patient with her.
You know, his luck held out for now, but what if once they retire for some more…coffee and Lois just got the milk all steamed up and then Clark…has to return a video tape.
and took her time locking each of the deadbolts, breathing in deeply to try and calm herself and resting her forehead against the door for a moment.
Deep breaths. He can’t escape now. No matter how badly she bungles it.
“I should probably grab the cups and stuff,” he said, hooking a thumb behind him toward the cabinet. “Ah, good. Yeah.” When he turned his back, she took another deep breath, as quietly as she could manage.
She could get comfortable while he's prepping.
Tonight's award for eloquence and poise goes to Lois Lane. It was a miracle she'd managed to make it through the evening. She took off the sheer shoulder wrap and moved further into the kitchen so she could drape it over the back of a chair. It slid right off, silently pooling on the floor.

And then morning would come and then what? She’d go to work and run straight to Perry’s office, telling him she needed a new partner?

Perry: I swear, every time she dates her partner, she ends up with me having to send him off to some overseas correspondence posting.
Everything’s going to change.” He shook his head again ever so slightly, running the pad of this thumb against her skin once more. “Not everything.”
That’s true. He’ll still be lying to her about his other life.
Her heart raced as he leaned in, his lips closer and closer until she felt the soft warmth of them against her own. Such a brief moment, his lips pressing gently and tasting, before he pulled back just a touch and she let out a short sigh.
Wheeee, you sure did manage to keep that tension alive. Like a live wire being whipped around in the rain while the T-Rex is stalking its prey.
Are you ready for coffee?” he asked, his voice thick and thready.
/blinks/ huh?
She let her hand rest on his chest for a moment, feeling the racing of his heart beneath it, and then she gave him a pat and moved to go sit at her kitchen table so she could have coffee with Clark. The End.
Awwww, and she’s back to her usual flirty boss mode.
That was a most excellent coffee you served us here.
