Hi Barbara!
Till then I'll claim Holiday Special.

So this is it, my last story for Ficlet Friday (in 2022). Don't worry. MagiKalwill return.
Movie teaser: MagiKal will return in 2023!
But he never performed in a confined space like in the subway train, where a slip in his control might well have disastrous consequences.
Did you watch “The Boys” because this reminds me of the last episode in season one, where the plane highjacking rescue doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Houdini’s heartbeat alone was something he could latch onto and pull himself back.
Already mentioned this last time,… boy, will he get a shock when he switches to the strong stuff.
"She's so beautiful," he said wistfully. "And when she touched me…"
…He got all tingly and warm and all superpowers shut down except hearing, smell, and x-ray vision?
He really wished he could shake himself like Houdini and rid himself of such ideas.
Just find an asteroid. They work great for helping you forget.
and an aerialist He smiled
/Psst/ there’s a period missing.
No matter how hard he’d tried to get rid of his companion, the dog had refused to leave.
Aww… Clark has a Clark!
LOIS: Is he comparing me to MagiKal?
“Houdini!” he shouted again. “Now’s not the time to chase after some beautiful lady. Get back here, buddy.”
Maybe he's chasing after Lois?
The dogs greeted each other, started sniffing at their respective rear ends and quickly became a wad of fur.
Next story: MagiKal’s litter of magical puppies.
Another man had juggled burning torches, catching them fearlessly. Almost as if his hands were invulnerable. Trapezists had seemed to fly through the air. And as he stared, amazed, awed and completely mesmerized, a crazy idea had formed in Clark's mind.
Run away with the circus?
Time to let our readers experience some circus magic?"

double speak!
Another fun one
