Hey FoLCs!
Here's the first draft of the eligible story list. It is built from the gfic TOC and collects the stories completed in the past year. It is possible that there are stories missing when they have started before Juli 2019. If you wish to add/remove a story, please just post in the thread and I'll collate up here.
What's next?
I will also add the nfic stories and check if there's eligible stories from the Archive. I also hope to do a bit more formatting and add the summaries for each story.
List of eligible storiesCount: 100
Aftershocks by Toomi8
304 kB (55,267 words)
StorySummary: Set during 'House of Luthor,' beginning as the wedding is stopped/interrupted, and Clark escapes the Kryptonite cage, this story takes a different turn.
Anchor: Part 1 - Clark Kent by SuperBek
604 kB (114,782 words)
StorySummary: A tragedy in another universe threatens all life on that universe’s Earth. Can Clark Kent AKA Superman save the world and set things back on the right path while finding a place for himself at the same time? An alternate universe story. Part 1 of 3.
Astrologically Challenged by Anna B the Greek
2 kB (362 words)
StoryAt the Beginning With You Series by KSaraSara and lovetvfan
**The authors have requested that the three short stories written as a triptych be considered eligible as one story.**33 kB (6,381 words)
StorySummary: Lois and Clark have some pretty painful conversations during Barbarians at the Planet. It seems like all they can do is hurt each other, and you can only wonder what’s going on in their heads as they’re taking turns breaking each others’ hearts. And what are they planning to do with all these feelings and all this hurt? This is Lois’ story.
Bad Reputation by Deadly Chakram
12 kB (2,204 words)
StorySummary: Not everyone cares to have a spotless reputation.
Because I Secretly Looked for Your Order by KSaraSara
22 kB (3,999 words)
StorySummary: Lois holds grudges and Clark makes excuses, two indisputable facts. But when the two collide, will they find their way through to the other side? A story spawned from QueenoftheCapes' title generator.
Ficathon: Beyond Closed Doors (for KSaraSara) by bakasi
53 kB (10,203 words)
StoryBorrowed Happiness by Deadly Chakram
12 kB (2,099 words)
StorySummary: Nothing ever seems to last the way it should.
Bowled Over by KSaraSara
7 kB (1,204 words)
StorySummary: Lois always claims that bowling isn't her game, but somehow, she always manages to win when Clark is around. Of course, Clark would probably say the same about himself.
Bro Code by Terry Leatherwood
3 kB (507 words)
StoryThe Card by Jerseygrl
61 kB (11,096 words)
StorySummary: At the end of Tempus Fugitive, right before they return to their time and their memories are wiped, Lois writes herself a note on the back of Perry’s birthday card so she won’t forget that Clark is Superman…
Circus Magic by bakasi
10 kB (1,677 words)
StoryClark Kent is a Dead Man by Queen of the Capes
7 kB (1,195 words)
StoryCoffee With Clark by KSaraSara
15 kB (2,682 words)
StorySummary: What if Lois had second thoughts about slamming the door in Clark’s face...right after she’d done it instead of the following night? Is there any way to un-slam a door? A Lucky Leon episode fix-it scene!
Conned by SuperBek
3 kB (466 words)
StorySummary: Clark can’t ever refuse Lois, even if it means...
Devil in Disguise by Carrie Rene
86 kB (16,174 words)
StorySummary: What if Mindy Church threw a Halloween party and it took place in a known haunted resort?
Drinks After Work by KSaraSara
15 kB (2,528 words)
StorySummary: From the creator of Wherever You Will Go...In a world where Clark has stood her up for the last time...A mysterious phone call. An earth-shaking revelation. Beverages.
Ficathon: Evening of Mishaps (for bakasi) by toomi8
26 kB (4,862 words)
StoryEyes Wide Open by AnnieM
16 kB (2,781 words)
StorySummary: When Superman and Clark team up to keep Lois safe, undermining her current investigation, Lois is equally irritated with both the men in her life. And after a couple glasses of wine and a little time to vent, she's suddenly seeing things much more clearly.
Fade to Black: AKA The Surprise Party by KSaraSara
35 kB (6,189 words)
Story (nFanfic)Fade to Black: Not Just Pheromones by lovetvfan
68 kB (12,601 words)
Story (nFanfic)Summary: Set just after "Pheromone My Lovely", Lois is left wondering just why Clark Kent is not attracted to her. At the same time, she is left having to confront her own feelings for her partner, left behind after the perfume has worn off. After attempting to prove that Clark is attracted to her, Lois gets fed up and goes over to Clark's apartment in the middle of the night...
Fade to Black: Seasons Feelings by lovetvfan
75 kB (14,183 words)
Story (nFanfic)Summary: They said it couldn't be done! Well, sort of. A challenge was issued and accepted. A Fade to Black for the Christmas episode "Seasons Greedings". So here it is! All Lois wants for Christmas is to not be alone. And for Clark to knock on her door...
Fade to Black: Virtually Impatient by lovetvfan
32 kB (5,937 words)
Story (nFanfic)Summary: During the episode "Virtually Destroyed" Lois and Clark get REALLY hot and heavy inside the virtual simulation they are trapped in. They are unfortunately interrupted by having to fight for their lives (very rude!) and thus don't get to finishe what they started. The episode ends with mild banter between them but we all know that if fans had been in charge, we would have seen them pick up where they left off. So here it is.
A Family Tradition by lovetvfan
6 kB (1,111 words)
StorySummary: Set in the future, Lois attempts to untangle Christmas lights for the tree. Clark and the kids offer to help, but Lois is determined. After all, it’s her job to put up the lights. It’s a Lane family tradition.
Federal Disaster by lovetvfan
497 kB (92,876 words)
Story |
Story (nFanfic)Summary: Lois and Clark are about to get married. Things have never been better. Except for one thing...Lois is terrified. All of her past intimate relationships have been, well...Federal Disasters. Before she can voice her fears to Clark, not one, but two of her past disasters come back to haunt her in ways she never could have expected. Throw in a threat against the President of the United States and it's just a typical day for Lois and Clark.
Footprint Hotel by Blueowl
17 kB (3,062 words)
StorySummary: Muddy footprints on a ceiling. In answer to a challenge prompt: footprints on the ceiling.
The Forbidden Necklace by Deadly Chakram
6 kB (1,020 words)
StorySummary: He told her to never wear the necklace.
Frankly My Dear, I Don't Like Pearl Jam by lovetvfan and KSaraSara
107 kB (19,607 words)
StoryHad It by Blueowl
10 kB (1,605 words)
StorySummary: What if, when the assassin tried to get away by disguising himself as a beautiful blond and making a scene, Clark wasn't having it? Somewhat crackfic.
Head Games by Carrie Rene
10 kB (1,772 words)
StorySummary: Lois tries to comfort Clark after Mayson’s death in Lucky Leon. Will he let Lois in on his secret? Or will he push her away even more?
Her Own Path by Toomi
133 kB (24,128 words)
StorySummary: Olivia, the only child of Lois and Clark, forges her own path.
Holiday Baking by Carrie Rene
6 kB (1,081 words)
StorySummary: Lois’ attempt at baking during Season’s Greedings. Ever wonder how Lois was going to make everything for dinner? With one little oven, how did she get everything done in time?
Houdini Unleashed by bakasi
10 kB (1,665 words)
StoryI Ain't Worried by Carrie Rene
8 kB (1,326 words)
StorySummary: Clark takes Lois on a date in late Season 2. She sees it as a competition like usual, but he sees it as having a little fun.
Impulse by Blueowl
131 kB (23,452 words)
StorySummary: A Pheromone, My Lovely what if. What if Superman had been affected by the concentrated spray and Lois hadn't shown much resistance to his advances? Consequences abound. Can this severe misstep be put right or is their relationship over before it really began?
In the Right Now by AnnieM
169 kB (31,865 words)
StoryInside A Fury's Mind by bakasi
23 kB (3,951 words)
StoryInside a Deranged Mind by bakasi
10 kB (1,633 words)
StoryThe Interviewee by Toomi
6 kB (1058 words)
StoryIntoxicated by KSaraSara
286 kB (50,611 words)
Story (nFanfic)Summary: A double-dose of Miranda's pheromone perfume renders Clark just as intoxicated as the rest of the newsroom—intoxicated and deeply in love with Lois Lane. Without their usual inhibitions to hold them back, how far will Lois and Clark take their relationship? And will sobering up derail them...or just make their relationship stronger?
Investigate: Keeper by Blueowl
**The author has requested that this be eligible as one complete story. It was posted in two parts.**441 kB (78,096 words)
Summary: 3rd Act of AU series, Investigate. The world has embraced the Man of Steel, which is good, because the future holds more than he may be able to handle on his own.
Investigate: Keeper - 1st Half by Blueowl
214 kB (38,559 words)
StoryInvestigate: Keeper - 2nd Half by Blueowl
227 kB (39,537 words)
StoryKiss Me by SuperBek
8 kB (1,337 words)
StorySummary: A short revelation story in which Lois doesn’t quite react as expected to Superman’s confession.
Ficathon: Kiss Me (for Carrie Rene) by lovetvfan
106 kB (19,718 words)
StorySummary: Set right after their almost-first date, Lois finds herself in Smallville with Clark. She’s not sure why her partner felt it necessary to drag her there for a small town story about a library. She doesn’t know why it means so much to him. What she does know is that she desperately wants to finish what they started on their almost-first date and will follow him anywhere…even Smallville.
Kryptonite Coffee by Toomi
4 kB (697 words)
StoryLicense to Love by bakasi
257 kB (47,426 words)
Story |
Story (nFanfic)Live To Fight Another Doomsday by SuperBek
7 kB (1,067 words)
StorySummary: When the enemy seems insurmountable, all Clark needs to do is wake up and trust in…himself?
Lois . . . by Blueowl
5 kB (806 words)
StorySummary: What if Clark had slightly different (better) priorities? Alternative ending to ‘And the Answer Is. . . .’
Lost in Paradise by Queen of the Capes
3 kB (424 words)
StoryA Lucky Strike by KSaraSara
7 kB (1,166 words)
StorySummary: As the events in Bowled Over continue, Lois' luck just keeps improving...enough that even she starts to wonder how she's playing so well.
Magical Encounter by bakasi
12 kB (2,096 words)
StoryMagical Hiccups by bakasi
6 kB (1,053 words)
StoryThe Man Over The Congo by Anna B. the Greek
2 kB (186 words)
StoryThe Name of the Wolf by Queen of the Capes
5 kB (833 words)
StoryThe Necklace by Folc4evernaday
4 kB (564 words)
StoryThe Necklace by Queen of the Capes
4 kB (645 words)
StoryThe Necklace Incident by BlindPassenger
3 kB (449 words)
StoryThe New Adventures of Zooperman by SuperBek
7 kB (1,112 words)
StorySummary: Lois and Clark spend an afternoon at the Metropolis Zoo.
New Year's Season 1 by Carrie Rene
7 kB (1,252 words)
StorySummary: What would have been like during New Year’s Eve in Season 1 between our favorite couple before they were a couple?
New Year's Season 2 by Carrie Rene
4 kB (717 words)
StorySummary: How will Lois and Clark celebrate New Year’s Eve after their first Christmas spent together?
New Year's Season 3 by Carrie Rene
9 kB (1,659 words)
StorySummary: How do Lois and Clark spend New Year’s Eve in Season Three?
Not Exactly Hemingway by Queen of the Capes
1 kB (145 words)
StoryNot So Smart by Lynn S.M.
1 kB (89 words)
StoryNot Your Girl by Toomi8
12 kB (1,994 words)
StorySummary: Set after season 2's 'Wall of Sound.' In the episode, Stokes makes the comment that Lois is Superman's 'girl.' Here's one way that ended...
One by Lynn S.M.
2 kB (258 words)
StoryOpen All Night - 2022 Kerth Challenge #4 by lovetvfan
61 kB (11,680 words)
StorySummary: The story leaves off from the scene in the car when Lois tries to confess her feelings for Clark, only in my version, he pretended to be asleep because he was so ashamed over not letting her think he was dead.
Pencil It In by SuperBek
15 kB (2,600 words)
StorySummary: Clark gets Lois a gift, but the gift has some unexpected consequences.
Pheromone, My Love by KSaraSara
39 kB (6,901 words)
StorySummary: Clark may not have been affected by Miranda's spray, but that doesn't stop him from letting his emotions get the best of him.
Playing Pretend by KSaraSara
6 kB (965 words)
StorySummary: Clark witnesses a sweet moment between Lois and their daughter.
Rainfall by Morgana
20 kB (3,355 words)
StorySummary: It has been a terrible week for Lois Lane, everything bad that could happen has happened. What can partner Clark Kent do to cheer her up? This takes place just before Lois starts dating Lex Luthor. Let’s see if Clark’s simple friendly gesture during a storm and great timing keeps that awful misstep from happening.
Ficathon: Repair Job (for Toomi) by Queen of the Capes
10 kB (1,541 words)
StoryRestraint by Blueowl
42 kB (7,467 words)
StorySummary: A 'Pheromone, My Lovely' what if. What if Superman had been affected by the concentrated spray? What will Lois do when he comes to her? Granted, no matter what she does, she'll get a lot more than she bargained for.
Safe In His Arms by SuperBek
18 kB (3,344 words)
Story |
Story (nFanfic)Summary: An event in Lois’s past throws a wrench into Lois and Clark’s wedding night plans.
Savior by SuperBek
342 kB (62,737 words)
StorySummary: As night falls on an old abandoned warehouse just outside Metropolis, Lois finds more than just a front-page story when she helps rescue a man who’s been imprisoned and subjected to unthinkable torture for nearly fifteen years. What will become of him as he’s thrown into a world he hasn’t seen since his too-short childhood? And how will Lois reconcile her complicated feelings for him as their friendship grows?
Sdrawkcab Si Gnihtyreve by Queen of the Capes
3 kB (509 words)
StorySevens by Lynn S.M.
1 kB (84 words)
StorySevens Again by Lynn S.M.
1 kB (68 words)
StoryFicathon: Shake Your Love (for lovetvfan) by Carrie Rene
10 kB (1,716 words)
Story |
Story (nFanfic)Summary: What if the discussion in All Shook Up went a little differently when they arrived at his apartment?
So Far Away by KSaraSara
472 kB (82,877 words)
Story |
Story (nFanfic)Summary: Clark finally made it back from New Krypton, but how can he ever hope to adjust to life back on Earth after everything that happened up there? Can he be the same man Lois fell in love with, be a father to Kallie...be Superman? Or will his own demons defeat him when everything he used to know seems so far away?
The Sound of Silence by Toomi8
5 kB (828 words)
StorySpare A Smile For Me by KSaraSara
7 kB (1,206 words)
StorySummary: Lois thinks this staff trip to the bowling alley is a waste of time, on top of already being in a bad mood. But when Clark delivers a little magic, it might just be enough to cheer her up.
A Striking Revelation by KSaraSara
6 kB (978 words)
StorySummary: It’s been a week since the Daily Planet party at the bowling alley. A private bowling lesson for Lois might just help uncover someone’s secret...
Teacher’s Pet by KSaraSara
4 kB (520 words)
StorySummary: Another sweet kid moment. Lois seems to be failing class. Clark is the teacher's pet. But don't worry, it's all worth it in the end.
Terces is Secret Spelled Backwards - 2022 Kerth Challenge #6 by KSaraSara
9 kB (1,523 words)
StoryThat Thing You Blue by lovetvfan
13 kB (2,326 words)
Story (nFanfic)Summary: Lois has a habit of spying on her husband. Particulary when he wears a certain outfit. Something she REALLY likes to see him wear. It's tight, it's blue and she can't resist him when he wears it. Smut ensues...
There Is No Such Thing As Magic by bakasi
5 kB (809 words)
StoryThere's A Fine, Fine Line - Kerth Challenge #4 by Deadly Chakram
19 kB (3,516 words)
StorySummary: Lois’ inner thoughts after Clark dumps her “for her own good.”
This Is Not A Date by KSaraSara
60 kB (10,525 words)
StorySummary: Celebrating her latest story success, Lois meets a handsome stranger in a bar, a stranger who has come to Metropolis to interview for his dream job. It's not a date...but could it be fate?
Tidings of Cookies and Joy by AnnieM
14 kB (2,408 words)
StoryTime and Tide by Queen of the Capes
6 kB (906 words)
StoryUnexpected Consequences by bakasi
30 kB (5,362 words)
StoryUnexpected Side Effects by bakasi
8 kB (1,368 words)
StoryWhat the Heart Wants by AnnieM and KathyB
**This is one complete story that was posted in two parts—Written in the Stars
and The Magic of Love
.**1,497 kB (277,797 words)
Story |
Story (nFanfic)Summary: When Pulitzer-prize winning reporter Lois Lane is asked to give a speech at a high school journalism convention, she never imagines that the request will change her life. But meeting high school English teacher Clark Kent, who is chaperoning his students at the convention, may just change her mind. Is a long distance relationship impossible to sustain? Or is it written in the stars?
Whisper of Hope by SuperBek
6 kB (1,038 words)
StorySummary: After a rough day at school, Clark Kent overhears a conversation between his parents.
Winter Magic by bakasi
6 kB (954 words)
StoryWish Heard From Afar by SuperBek
6 kB (1,053 words)
StorySummary: In this companion story to Wish Upon A Star, Clark returns from New Krypton on Christmas morning to find an unexpected and precious gift.
Wish Straight From the Heart by SuperBek
5 kB (881 words)
StorySummary: In this companion story to Wish Upon A Star and Wish Heard From Afar, young Jon Kent learns that his Christmas Eve wishes might have had more power than he’d imagined.
Wish Upon A Perseid by Toomi
6 kB (989 words)
StoryWish Upon A Star by SuperBek
7 kB (1,163 words)
StorySummary: Lois and her son Jon make their annual Christmas wish. Will they finally receive the Christmas miracle they’ve been hoping for?
Worth Remembering by Queen of the Capes
17 kB (2,628 words)
StoryYours to Discover (for Queen of the Capes) by KSaraSara
167 kB (29,331 words)
Story |
Story (nFanfic)Summary: Clark drags a reluctant Lois along to Canada for a journalism conference. Before they go, Clark works up the courage to ask Lois out on a first date while in Canada and she says yes! When Lois has a sudden change of heart about attending the conference, Clark assumes it’s because of their date. But what if Lois has a secret of her own?
Updates:2023-01-02: story list based on gfic-TOC
2023-01-02: story titles for lovetvfan
2023-01-03: story list based on gfic-TOC (since June 2019)
2023-01-15: story list based on both gfic-TOC and nfic-TOC
2023-01-15: updated typos and consistency issues (updated TOCs too)
2023-01-21: updated some stories to be considered eligible as one story, per author requests; updated story count accordingly
2023-01-22: updated story length and word count based improved algorithm (line breaks are accounted for in story length and whitespace is used when counting words)
2023-01-22: added summaries based on TOC
2023-01-24: updated list of links to other Kerth posts
2023-03-30: edited to put consolidated TOC for What the Heart Wants
2023-04-01: reformatted What the Heart Wants
Other 2023 Kerth posts…Kerth Announcement Post / IndexEligible stories listOfficial Kickoff Post (Schedule and Categories)Eligible Fanart and Opt-In OpportunityTake the Poll: Ceremony Dates and TimesOfficial Nominees for 2023 Nominations Closed and THANK YOU!Call for VolunteersVoting Has Started2023 Ceremony Information — Where and HowVoting Has Closed OFFICIAL CEREMONY TIME AND SCHEDULE The Winners! That’s a Wrap!Activities25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Writer’s Year in Review25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Reader’s Year in Review25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Kerth ChallengesYour friendly neighborhood story bot

PS: For those of you interested in the technical details, the list is aggregated using a little tool I'm creating. You can check it out here on our Github site:
https://github.com/LCFanfic. Tooling will grow over the next couple of weeks to add more features.