The Whole Truth by Sue S.
And Nothing But The Truth by Sue S.
Favorite scene:
Hmm…I think the bathroom sniping by Lois and Linda and Lois scrubbing her grout and Lois catching Clark and Perry in flagrante are probably the funniest bits that also give story material
PERRY: Lois, Clark, shake some tail.
PERRY: What in the Sam Hill am I supposed to tell my publisher.
LOIS: You will not be picking me up. I’ll meet you there at seven.
LOIS: Did I say ‘me’? I meant ‘us’,
LOIS (about the Elevator accident being staged): Do you know what this means? I can scoop Linda!
LINDA: Speaking of bodies, your partner has a great one. Talk about buns of steel..
Linda sends her story live to the rewrite desk via mobile phone. Question though: It’s a newspaper, it doesn’t matter if the story comes in an hour earlier or later (unless it’s the printing deadline).
The Fudge Castle is mentioned by Lois.
Daily Planet Board cuts expense accounts to save money.
Lois and Linda snipe at each other in the ladies’ room.
Perry once put his fist through the conference room wall.

/closes own WIP about The Rival after updating some minor details/