Does this mean we now need a Judgement of Clark where he decides if Lois or Cat are the most beautiful resident of the Honeymoon Suite?

I call this judgement rigged!
Favorite? Oh boy. The bed-flip. Chumpy. The conversation between Clark and his parents. Lois and Clark’s conversation about co-habitating? Too many?
Rest and Reproduction by Meredith Knight
That Honeymoon Feeling by Meredith Knight
Strictly Business by Groobie
Don’t You Dare! by me
There are more than those. Aside from the number of stories that just visit Honeymoon.
LOIS: I’m not on a story. I do have a personal life.
LOIS: I don’t need to win all the time.
LOIS: This is perfect. I win. You lose. We’re both happy.
JIMMY: I checked Lois’s apartment, the gym, and the chocolate parlor. All of her usual places. Nothing.
PERRY: You have to admit, the idea of you spending a night just relaxing is a little farfetched.
PERRY: What would you do if you were Lois? GANG: Something impetuous. And headstrong. And dangerous.
CLARK: This _is_ our first night alone together.
LOIS: (warily) So?
CLARK: So, we flip for the bed.
LOIS: How about: I get the bed, I lend you a pillow.
CLARK: How about we alternate nights?
LOIS: How about we don't?
CLARK: It's a really _big_ bed. We could share.
LOIS: How about we alternate nights?
CLARK: Deal.
CLARK: What is that?
LOIS: It's my word.
CLARK: There is no such word as 'chumpy.'
LOIS: Of course there is. Somebody's a chump. Therefore, he's chumpy.
CLARK: Try again.
LOIS: Are you challenging me?
CLARK: You bet your sweet chumpy I am.
Lois has binoculars and a camera in her brown handbag.
Lois has a handheld scanner.
Lois is now able to pick locks and has a set in her handbag.
Perry’s special source: Sore Throat
The black laptop from GGGoH is back. Lois and Clark now also have a fax.
Clark stops himself at the last moment from peeking at Lois in the bedroom
Clark is popping his pillows.
Lex is reading Nietzsche while taking the car.
Clark makes good on Lois’s request to fake a moment of passion the next time they need a cover from IGaCoY when the maid shows up.
Lois and Clark discuss that neither has lived full time with a member of the opposite sex (i.e. not in a dorm). Clark qualifies his answer as “no, not full time”. This indicates that his very-patient-man status wasn’t established in season one.
Lois and Clark discuss that living full time with another person and the shared responsibility is nothing like their present situation in the hotel room. You get the feeling they actually like their togetherness but deny it outright. It maybe that this extends to their partnership.
When Lois was sharing a suite with Clark, she slept in the nude. When she’s relaxing alone, she’s wearing pajamas.
The maid walks in, sees Lois, Clark, and Cat, possibly knows Cat, and decides they need extra towels (as in three persons are staying).
Martha and Jonathan call Clark at the hotel suite and a fun misdirected conversion ensues where Clark fails to convince them he’s just there in the honeymoon suite with Lois in a professional capacity.
