If Clark had not found the globe, or perhaps just if Vatman had been before Foundling, what would Clark have thought? Clone? Twin brother?
There really is a Superman fanclub. They have buttons. (And Lois is a member.)
LOIS: I thought Superman was mine. The fact is, I have no hold on Superman at all.
LOIS: I thought I was the biggest Superman fan in Metropolis. You should join the fanclub. You get a button.
CAT: If you need any snooping, call me. It’s my specialty. Well, one of them.
CLARK: Might have been nice. Someone to talk to. Superman having a brother.
LOIS: We’re talking about companionship for Superman. It’s no problem. I’m available.
First mention of LNN
First mention of the International Edition of the Daily Planet
Clark is walking on the ceiling again. The first time since the Apollo?
It’s Perry’s fiftieth birthday and it triggers his midlife crisis.
Lex tells a lex-ified version of Red Riding Hood where the Wolf and Riding Hood are aligned. Normally, Lex wouldn’t consider an equal partnership. And the moral this story is that it is out with the old, in the with the new. And yet, Lex is the old, too. He’s playing with fire, even though there is some major psychological dependency stuff going on.
MARTHA: I saw this TV show, there was a parallel universe.
That’s before Alt-Universe and Herb. Kind of eerie.
Lex has a photo of Lois in this study.
Lois is making pasta
VATMAN (to Lois): Might is right.
(This could be a hint that Lex is behind it.)
Lois concludes that Vatman is a clone.
At the office of Dr. Leek, there are tons of frogs. Vatman has a limited lifespan due to the process being still in development. This all will become relevant in the ARGH.
