Hi Barbara!
Now, her curiosity was definitely piqued. She felt a strange rush of excitement. Maybe he had some lead that he needed her help with?

she was still wrapping up her latest story on the series of arsons. The police had no leads, but she felt there was some connection to a criminal organization that controlled the Southside.
Nah, that’s just a smokescreen.
But this was the second time already that she saw Clark use the stairs. Though it wasn't a big deal, somehow it added to the mystery that was Clark Kent.
It’s why he can eat what he does and so look like he does.
Lois heard a dog whimpering in the distance. There was a male voice grunting and uttering a string of curses. Lois craned her neck to see where the noises were coming from. Could it be Clark? Was he having another bout of migraine?
No, he doesn’t curse.
As he wrapped it around himself, Lois thought she saw angry red blisters covering his forearms and hands.
Oh dear. The arsonist got to him.
He clenched his hands into fists. "There is a group called “ The Toasters.” I believe they are involved with the Metro Gang. But I can't prove it."
No no, they’re working against the Metros and are being controlled by the Metros’ leader’s kid sister.

CLARK: Okay, fine. You could say they’re involved.
. "Why don't we go undercover at the Metro Club and see what we can find out?" "We?" Clark asked, surprised. "Of course, we. It's your lead." Lois replied.

LOIS: No, you doofus. I’m just trying to keep him from hogging the story.
But a quiet voice in the back of her mind insisted it wasn't the only reason.
Storage closet nookie?
LOIS: Maybe?
He should tell the people his version of what happened at the fire."
“My eyes started to burn and I lit some juggling balls in fire and the next thing I know, the whole Southside was ablaze.”
But the dog didn’t stop, wagged his tail and barked as if he was trying to tell his master something. It was an odd sight.
HOUDINI: Classic case of ‘wag the dog’ if there ever was.
Houdini gave a small whimper as Clark darted off
HOUDINI: That’s gonna be another litter if puppies come summer…
Then he slowly approached Lois and pressed his nose into her hand, his eyes begging her to stroke him. He wagged his tail happily when she scratched him behind his ear. It was hard to believe the setter had threatened her just moments ago
Awww, just like Lois.
What was going to be the next one?
Yes. Good question. /checks calendar/ Two more days…
