Hi Sara!
From the moment she held him in her arms, her heart knew that he was hers. But given the bizarre day they had, her mind took a little longer to catch up.
Ah, I see, you sure set up expectations rather quickly. Indeed, death by waff rather than laugh.
she doesn’t actually have superpowers (I don’t think...at least not of the Kryptonian variety).
Aww…careful with any lasso-like rope-implements that may have come with the baby blanket.
and a cloth diaper she had already hand-laundered twice.
Is it red? On an unrelated note, in Madame Ex, his red briefs have quite a lot of padding around the leg holes. The whole getup got a bit of a diaper feel going on.
He’d had no clothes, only the deep blue blanket he’d been swaddled in and a cloth diaper she had already hand-laundered twice.
CLARK: Mom! Do you have to tell Lois that story?
LOIS: Super-dookie

If she had to guess, she’d say the little guy was only a few months old.
And 143 light years.
He was a relatively calm baby, too, though her heart twisted at the thought that maybe he’d learned to be silent from being put inside that capsule.
It’s how Kryptonian parents try to get their babies to sleep. Three orbits around Krypton usually do the trick.
and the capsule back to the safety of their home.
Makes you wonder, what about a radio tracker that would surely be built into the capsule.
But he’d been warningly cautious in telling her that they were not to keep the baby—he wasn’t theirs.
Finders, keepers!
That’s not what you say when a couple comes to your home and tells you they're looking for a baby!” Martha fussed.
You never know, them city folk might try to buy one. Best get them out of here quickly.
And she didn’t look like... well, not that I know what a mother who’s lost her baby looks like, but she wasn’t it. She was...she didn’t seem like a mother in distress, but I do know she cared about the man a great deal—that was plain to see.”
She was one of them company women who run around with guns and shoot them foreign spies in their beds.
She’d need to tell Jonathan to get rid of the spacecraft, somewhere no one would find it. And anyone who came searching for a baby now?
Get rid of them, too. Jonathan should hide them where no one would find them.
but the last thing she’d ever do was let anyone hurt her boy. Her boy.
And yet, she allowed Clark to hang out with Lana.
Martha was struck by the sight of her there across the town square, the woman standing next to Clark in the middle of the Smallville Corn Festival
Oh boy.
However they’d managed to get to 1966 that day...well, she’d probably never know. But there was something about all this that was always meant to be. She just knew. The End
That’s a twist

Yes, this was certainly more heartfelt than funny.
