Hi Blueowl!
: ‘Trust Me, I’m a Reporter’ by Yvonne.
I’m pretty sure I read that oxymoron. Clark must have been tortured.
Cold water splashed onto her face, disturbing the haze of unnatural sleep that was wrapped around her before an even more intense cluster of droplets landed and threatened to enter her nose.
Torture? Or, rather loisnapped, chloroformed, and now woken up to get the hidden story notes from her?
Why was she holding a gun!? Oh no! Was this the gun Arianna had?
/eyes rewatch/ Oh, was it already that many weeks ago?
bleeding heavily from a hole - A HOLE?! - in his left shoulder. He was pressing his hand against it, but it didn't seem to be doing much to stop the flow.
Invulnerable blood flow. Not even Superman can stop it.
Her brain tried to process what she was seeing. How?! How could he be hurt?! He was Superman! He was invulnerable!
So, *that’s* how you cross GGGoH with Madame Ex.
Which reminds me, what if Madame Ex was actually Lex’s Madame and used her used her manipulative psychology to procure willing women for Lex in exchange for a finder's fee.
She had seen injured people before, even people who’d been shot, but never like this. Never someone she knew
/Psst/ Lex was shot in front of her and because of her during Fly Hard. They even hit the same spot. Which means another bunny! Lois could treat Superman with the citrus chewing gum concoction.
‘Out’? As in, she had to somehow get it out? The bullet? How could she do that?
She could try the snake bite approach.
She was no doctor, and even if she was, how would she be able to extract a bullet outside of a hospital?
They did it on the West Coast all the time. Half the gun slingers even survived the procedure. And for some of those, even the infection that came after.
His heart was hammering frighteningly fast. She could feel it humming, humming, under her palm.
He’s a bird!
Superman released a cry she never imagined he was even capable of as he arched his back
You could leak such great surveillance videos from it. “Reporter stabs Superman”.
An ominous green glow seeped through flesh before she saw the crystal surface. Relief flooded her. It was the bullet!
Or the power cell of his pacemaker.
She quickly wiped it clean to fully see, hoping it was whole. It was.
Great catch!
”You’ve never. . . .” She paused, uncertain, but then she decided to plow ahead. “Seen your own blood before, have you?”
Oh that’s good

No. I have. I once got a paper cut," he said, still staring at his bloody fingertips.
Really, Clark?
I was exposed to kryptonite and lost my powers for a bit last year," he explained, closing his eyes.
*Really*, Clark?
so I could call Clark and have him meet us there in a car."
Better call Jimmy. He’s better at the whole ‘car procurement ' thingy.
Lois, Superman!" he gasped, rushing out of the car. "What happened?!"
Considering the events leading up to this, she can consider herself lucky that he didn't ask if she shot Superman.
She was suddenly grateful Jimmy hadn't gotten the correct size, even though before she had been quite annoyed upon learning these undercover clothes were far too big on her to be convincing.
JIMMY: She was eating chocolate bars by the box. I figured 'better safe than sorry’.
. I’ll stay here with Superman and call Henderson at some point. Arianna did kidnap me, and I’ll need to make a statement.”
LOIS: Hey, Henderson. Yes, it’s me. Yes, I need another form 2/46B. You finally got those pre-printed ones? Great. What? No, no property damage files this time.
But, no offense, I don’t really count a paper cut as an injury,” she pointed out with a tentative smile.
Superman: But it hurt! A lot.
"It's an odd pain. It's almost like . . . I feel silly for even saying it, but it's almost as if my stomach was beat up and spun around?"
Almost like when he imagined Lois and lex on their honeymoon?

No, not that bad. Maybe a burp instead of projectile vomiting?
And then she realized. It wasn’t possible. Unless. . . .
It’s what you call self-sabotage?
There was no way. Just no way.
She could just go with: “Clark? Where do you keep your sugar?”
. . . Discovered your secret. . . . Realized what I could have lost. . . . Reconfirmed what I have known for a while — I love you.
his eyebrows raising the way they always did when he was trying to keep up with her on stories or figure out how to dissuade her from doing something reckless.
She’s adorable!
“You look just as baffled as you did when I told you to put your paper cut in your mouth.”
His quiet, broken laughter halted instantly, and he stared at her for a long moment. “You–?” he breathed.
Oh, he’s awake enough to notice.
“I have pen and paper on the desk in my room if you want to begin making a list of questions. Just be careful,” he warned. “Paper cuts hurt.”
Adorable . Simply adorable!
